
From Licensed investigator Susan Daniels to judge Carter

 Clear flag Fwd: CA Judge Sunday, November 1, 2009 8:03 AM From: “susandanielspi@aol.com” <susandanielspi@aol.com> View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Orly, This letter is going out in tomorrows mail. Susan    The Honorable Judge David O. Carter  Ronald Reagan Federal Building and U. S. Courthouse  411 West 4th Street  Santa Ana, CA 92701-4516    Dear Judge […]

I hope every member of US military reads this while pondering on decisions of Judge Carter, Judge Land GA, Judge Richard Lazarra FL, Judge Xavier Rodriquez TX

UNBELIEVABLE USURPER PRESIDENT HERE IS HIS RESPONSE WHEN HE BACKED OFF FROM HIS DECISION TO LET THE MILITARY PAY FOR THEIR WAR INJURIES. WHAT AN EMPTY HEADED PERSON HE MUST BE…. Bad press, including major mockery of the plan by comedian Jon Stewart, led to President Obama abandoning his proposal to require veterans carry private […]

From a talk show host and a former Marine Rick Biesada

    Fwd: Semper Fi, To The Few ! Sunday, November 1, 2009 6:30 PM From:   View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com     Happy Birthday United States Marine Corps. This November 10th, we will be celebrating 234 years of honorable, tenacious, service, to the United States of America, but in this Socialist climate, I’m hoping […]

I am very angry…

Submitted on 2009/10/30 at 8:15pm Then you mean to tell me that Judge Carter does not care that he is eligible. We have had presidents ousted before and lived through it. It is going to be much harder to live through the kings reign than to elect another president. I think that if a judge […]

From: “Peder Anderson”  To: Orly/Charles,   I find the decision disappointing but there is something good to take from it.  That is the conclusion that the Plaintiff candidates were harmed.  I think the justiciability prong can be turned around since Carter created a false premise to justify his lack of justiciability.  We all know he […]

Is there a connection?

 Need help with research. This clerk ctarted working for judge Carter on Oct 1. Before he worked for Perkins Coie, a firm handling Obama’s defense in eligibility cases. Why do his resumes show 2 different law schools: Columbia and a school in Bratislava, Slovakia. Is there a connection to the fact that nobody remembers Obama at Columbia and he […]

I guess there is God in heaven

Joe Submitted on 2009/10/26 at 2:22pm Anita Dunn is already supposed to leave in December. It was stated when she accepted the post in March, that it was only temporary.   When will you rise and demand removal of Anita Dunn from her position as White House Communications Director? Do you want these Nutcase Maoists […]

I am starting to get responses to 20,000 mailers to the media. Many want to know the truth. Some are completely brainwashed by the Obama regime propaganda. We have to get discovery, to show the truth to reporters like one below

From: “Simonsis, Yolanda” <Yolanda.Simonsis@penton.com> View contact details To: “newsletter@orlytaitzesq.com” <newsletter@orlytaitzesq.com> Get a life and stop wasting our tax dollars on ridiculous lawsuits. Maybe the country should sue you.\   Dear Yolanda Simonsis from penton.com I am fighting, so pinheads like you will have a freedom of speech and a freedom of information and a real […]

Don Preston Submitted on 2009/10/25 at 11:55pm Well, I see that he say’s he will not attend the Copenhagen meeting but, he also lies. I don’t think he will attend but would you trust him to watch your gold fish over the weekend? I thought so. Judge Carter right now is a very powerful judge. […]

From reader Madeleine Dickerson re Renee L. Abema Obama

A blogger on CitizenWells shares this about Renee L. Abena Obama  (note the “L” in the name)   You asked about Renee Lee Abena Obama, well, a long time ago I read the Three Stooges Go To Washington by Don Nicoloff. This is what he wrote over a year ago about this child – Renee […]

Mrs. L Submitted on 2009/10/23 at 10:58am Like you say on your website- “World’s Leading Obama Eligibility Challenge Web Site” Google #’s show this is true. Look what you have done Dr. Orly!!! I think it won’t be long before the tv news media turns on ob! It will be like a feeding frenzy. People […]

From a Navy aviator Jerry Wilson

  TO ALL AMERICANS: A WARNING From Naval Aviator, Commander Jerry Wilson We lived in California during the winters of 2007 and 2008. We became addicted to Fox News and watched O’Reilly and Hannity and Colmes every night. When we got back home, we upgraded our cable to get Fox. I watched the Presidential campaign […]

To this list I have to add that Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden worked as a lobbyist, making 1.8 million a year. Orly

WHO, who, is willing to take responsibility for putting THESE thieves in office? Wed, October 21, 2009 11:31:57 PM From: “Johngranath To: AllJohnsFriends@aol.com     What a den of thieves! Somebody spent a lot of time putting this together….. .                         Pretty good summary of what is known – how much more is hidden? $34,000: […]

Stupid is as Stupid Does

I have to state that this article relates only to Muslim extremists, I am sure there are a lot of decent Muslim people, I hope readers don’t associate this article from a Spanish reporter with all the Muslims Orly From: Marilynn Sent: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 16:40:40 Pacific Daylight Time To: Subject: Wake up America […]

Martin Pinsky Submitted on 2009/10/21 at 12:59pm They are just absolutely gorgious like their classy aunt–who is one of those exquisite cultured russian beauties that slay accomplished American men who become smitten with their irresistable qualities of beauty, culture, education and supreme femininity–something lost here lately in feminist PC land. Their motto: I am woman!! […]

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