
Indeed, top FOX anchors: Glen Beck, Sean Hannity, Mike Huckabee and Gretchen Carlson signed up as my friends on Facebook

Veritas Submitted on 2009/11/30 at 8:15pm The addition of Mr Huckabee to your FACEBOOK along with Fox commentators, Gretchen Carlson and Sean Hannity, is a bit of justice after enduring Bill and Shep call “birthers” “loony” and “on the fringe.” I wonder if there is an internal debate at FOX as to whether to report […]

From reader Pat Plowman

RE: eligibility story ranked #6 in UK Sunday, November 29, 2009 2:56 PM From: “Pat Plowman” Add sender to Contacts To: “Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Thank you, Dr. Taitz!  Only God knows all this costs you…and how He is using it for His glory. God loves you, Pat

from reader Alexander Gofen

 Flag this message Ultimatum and boycott of all parties Saturday, November 28, 2009 8:19 PM From: “Alexander Gofen” <galex@ski.org> Add sender to Contacts To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com RE: Ken B. (Fort Mill, SC) is OK, but my Ultimatum to the parties is more pointed… Dear Dr. Taitz, I have sent you this ultimatum below several times, yet […]

What addition of sarah Palin means

RJ Submitted on 009/11/27 at 4:55pm Sarah Palin is a private citizen; no different from you and me, and as such she/we has/have no ’standing’ to prove she/we was/were individually hurt by Obama’s ‘emaculation’ — to use a Rush Limbaugh phrase. There is no reason to pick on Sarah Palin when there are 40 Republican […]

From reader Rosemary Cafarelli

Rosemary Submitted on 2009/11/28 at 10:36am Dr Orly needs money. If we all donated more she could maybe then afford to hire someone at least for a couple of afternoons a week to manage the website. Good idea? my fbi request 5 #

every citizen should confront his congressman and senators with signs: “investigate Obamagate or get out of office”

Fwd by Dr Garber   Subject: GOP Congressman Agrees That Obama Should Produce Birth Certificate GOP Congressman Agrees That Obama Should Produce Birth Certificate   Video at: https://washingtonindependent.com/68298/gop-rep-garrett-i-agree-that-obama-should-produce-birth-certificate AP Ref: https://worth-reading-blog.blogspot.com/2009/10/kenyan-born-obama-all-set-for-us-senate.html AP Ref: https://www.modernghana.com/news2/189461/1/americans-decide-today-go-obama.html   It’s been a little while since a good confrontation between a birther and a member of Congress, but here’s one […]

Silence equates treason. Every governmental official who refuses to deal with eligibility issue is committing treason to this nation and its citizens

Ken B. (Fort Mill, SC) Submitted on 2009/11/27 at 1:34pm Sarah Palin is no different from all of the other politicians. She has not demonstrated the guts to speak the truth about what’s happening to this GREAT country of ours. This country is being controlled by a USURPER. This is a SERIOUS matter. A matter […]

Telegraph News Great Britain

Former British policeman backs Barack Obama ‘birthers’ conspiracy theory A former British policeman is using his Scotland Yard training to help the Birthers, a group of conspiracy theorists, in trying to unseat President Barack Obama.   Published: 11:00AM GMT 23 Nov 2009 Conspiracy theorists claim Barack Obama is not eligible to be US President Photo: […]


flysheet you used to have… Wednesday, November 25, 2009 7:25 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Rick Reamer” Add sender to Contacts To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Message contains attachments 1 File (54KB) Facts1.doc hello Ms. Taitz, Sorry if you have seen this email – but wanted to make sure you received the attached “flysheet” you had […]

Framers of the Constitution used Vatel’s definition of the Natural Born Citizen “One born in the country to two citizen parents”

Thomas Submitted on 2009/11/24 at 11:14pm A lot more on the subject ( Below ) ———————————————- Vattel’s Influence on the term a Natural Born Citizen What is a natural born citizen? Where did the framers come up with this term? Where was it used before? So many questions, and the answers are right there if […]

From reader Judy Whelan

 Flag this message Procedure to Court Martial Barack Hussein Obama Thursday, November 19, 2009 7:47 PM From: “judylwhelan Add sender to Contacts To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com From Lame Cherry Blog….don’t know how far outside the box this is but thought it worth forwarding to you.JW  Thursday, November 19, 2009   The following is the Constitutional Authority for […]

Mr. Alec Knight has provided OC Register and Huffington post with my pleadings. Let’s see if they will show a grain of honest and integrity and publish the truthful info.

 Flag this message SUGGEST REPORT Thursday, November 19, 2009 11:11 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Alec Knight” Add sender to Contacts To: scoop@huffingtonpost.com, letters@ocregister.com Cc: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Message contains attachments 2 Files (432KB) | Download All KEYES-MOTION-FOR-RECONSIDERATION-1.pdf 22341057-KEYES-BARNETT-v-OBAMA-90-1-Exhibit-Declaration-of-Orly-Taitz-Gov-uscourts-cacd-435591-90-1.pdf I ask that you take a few minutes to read these attached current court pleadings.  I […]

Ledger Inquirer article

MinutemanCDC_SC Submitted on 2009/11/16 at 6:58am https://www.ledger-enquirer.com/news/story/910053.html ALAN RIQUELMY – ariquelmy@ledger- enquirer.com I found the online report to be straightforward and not opinionated one way or the other. It has two links for more info: one to OrlyTaitzEsq.com , and one to the Orly Taitz profile on OC Weekly.Fair enough… just the facts… actually, Mr. […]

You found your voice

Mike Hunt Submitted on 2009/11/16 at 8:34am Dr. Orly – This was one of the best motions you have written. It was succinct, included all the important facts, and was powerful. Your writing style is only getting better. Something happened to your style starting in July, but you have made a roaring comeback with brilliant […]

I don’t know if it is true, I need more research from supporters to confirm or deny facts below

 Clear flag Orly…please see before they scrub this from the web Sunday, November 15, 2009 12:23 AM From: “Laura Newton” View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Is this more proof of crimes against Obama?   https://sentinelradio.wordpress.com/2009/11/08/joseph-moshe-h1n1-ukraine-plague-warning/

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