
From reader Lori I.

Lori I Submitted on 2009/12/24 at 11:11pm Best present for America this Christmas 2009!! Best present for America this Christmas 2009!!  Important, Notice of January 25 hearing and motion to move to the District of Columbia

From a fellow attorney with over 30 years of experience

Orly,   I just read your Motion to Transfer 12.24.09 filing with the court.   What a brilliant move.   What law can the judge, staff, or attorneys present to contradict your facts?   HANG IN THERE!!!!!   D.B.

stand fast

Davey Submitted on 2009/12/24 at 4:45am Patriots:…let us NOT speak in terms of giving up! Let us speak in terms of WINNING! To give you an example of the type of totally positive attitude we should all have:…WE SHOULD NEVER EVER BELIEVE IN A (”NO-WIN”) SCENARIO!!!! The Founding Fathers didn’t have all of our modern […]

Cook is one appelling appeal

P.J. Trollinger Submitted on 2009/12/09 at 11:26pm You raise some very sticky issues in your briefs. The Obot lawyers may have been able to steamroll a district court judge, but this is one very appealing appeal. Obama is going to be cooked by Cook it seems. Appellant brief in Major Cook’s case was received by […]

Thank you for your patriotism! There are many people that talk about doing something, but you are doing it. When you are given a gift, it is very easy to overlook the value of it, but when you have to fight for something, I think it gives you a deeper appreciation for it.  Of course […]

Answer to a supporter, US citizen abroad: “what can we do to help?”

thank you. Please spread the word. I need help from US and international community in both logistics, fudraising to cover the costs of litigation and in protests in front of Federal buildings and embassies demanding transparency from Obama and his administration. If 50 Americans residing in Phillipins will demonstrate in front of the US embassy […]

Can someone contact police and FBI in Reston VA. We reported numerous death threats coming from Reston VA, and Everett, Shohomish Co., Renton, Seattle WA. Zero action from FBI and police so far.

 Clear flag Traced the IP Address for you Saturday, December 5, 2009 12:37 AM From: “Steven Add sender to Contacts To: “Orly Taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> I saw on your page a death threath. I see the poster leaves an IP address. I found this info in tracking the IP address. You may be able to use […]

Our elected officials will be rudely awakened

Veritas Submitted on 2009/12/04 at 8:31am The posters are correct, Dr Orly; in your quest to show that Obama is not eligible and incorrectly, albeit unconstitutionally, occupies the People’s House, you become an American Heroine in the mode of Paul Revere, Patrick Henry, and countless others! Many of our elected “representatives” to whom we have […]

To: “Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> hi Orly, Wish it could be more.  I am VERY thankful for all your hard work and courage to save this great Nation. You are one of my Heros!!  You are making a huge difference. God Bless you. Sincerely, Randy Jenkins

Info on one of the people making death threats. WA police tells me to go to my local police and FBI. My local police and FBI do nothing.

 Clear flag Information on your Everett antagonist Wednesday, December 2, 2009 9:42 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Shawn Reed” <shawny_sweets@yahoo.com>Add sender to Contacts To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com   If the address posted on your website is accurate, the following information will help.  Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom for his picture […]

Ed Submitted on 2009/12/03 at 8:12am Dr. Taitz, You are truely sent to us from God and heaven above. During these trying times remember the words of the Great Freedom Fighter MAHATMA GANDHI; “When in despair, I remember that all through History the way of TRUTH and Love has always won.There have been tyrants and […]

People didn’t want to see the truth when they were sent to the concentration camps

Veritas Submitted on 2009/12/03 at 12:35am US Rep Bill Posey, (R-FL) is introducing legislation to make all future candidates for presidency show documentation that they are “eligible.” He recently wrote to constituents and supporters:””I wrote to you not long ago asking that you stand behind me in defending our nation’s constitution. … My bill (H.R. […]

Peggy Submitted on 2009/12/03 at 1:20am Dear Orly, SINCE WHEN can can an Asst. States Atty. stick their nose into a presentment by the PEOPLE?? The purpose of a presentment is to get the government OUT of the issue, isn’t it? Sounds like intimidation of our rights to me! Also, it sounds like Carter doesn’t […]

from US air force Brig. general Charles e Jones

Dear Dr Taitz,   I completely agree. You are the catalyst that keeps this outrage of the people and the treason to the Constitution in the forefront. Your selfless efforts for the people and the Republic have been and are absolutely Superior. Keep up the fight because the people are more than entitled to be assured […]

Thank you

Perry Apism Submitted on 2009/12/01 at 11:04pm Nothing happens by coincidence. Take, for example, Obama’s announced Afghanistan policy tonight. Had it not been for the pressure of your Barnett lawsuit, and your brilliant motion for reconsideration, Dr. Orly, Obama would have pulled out of Afghanistan. You can take single-handed credit for this policy in our […]

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