
5 reasons, why I represent the biggest threat to Obama regime

Why the big mean machine of Obama regime goes after me with such viciousness? 1. While there were over 100 legal actionsfiled, and at least 15 different attorneys worked on them,  I am the only attorney, who brought forward the issue of Social Security fraud, which is the most explosive and can lead to serious criminal indictments 2. […]

You have to read this report from Protective Intelligence analyst Lyle Rapacki

SENTINEL INTELLIGENCE SERVICES, LLC LYLE J. RAPACKI, Ph.D. __________   CONSULTANT AT:                                                                                         Protective Intelligence and Assessment Behavioral Analysis and Threat Assessment Independent Intelligence Analyst                                                                                Lyle@SentinelIntelligenceServices.com __________                                                                                                                 __________ Thursday – July the 8th, 2010 1100Hrs; m.s.t. (Arizona)     BRIEFING CLASSIFICATION:       NOT CLASSIFIED – Public Domain Content SUBJECT OF BRIEFING:                 Severe Health Concerns are coming across […]

It took more than one person to win the war of Independence, more than one person to build a statue of Liberty

Dear Fellow Patriots,   For over two years some of us have heard of Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. and her efforts to seek truth and justice in the case of Mr. Obama’s birth certificate and now the election fraud of Damon Dunn in the race for CA Sect. of State.    Two years of self-funding […]

Is it FL 2000 all over again?

How many of you remember FL in year 2,000? What happened there? Deadline came and they simply stopped counting. On the website of the Secretary of state of Ca there is an area, which is called “County Reporting Status”. It has a total number of registered votes and the total number of ballots cast in […]

Like water cascading onto rock, eventually the rock is worn away.

Danny Vestal Submitted on 2010/06/21 at 2:56pm Congratulations Orly, you are doing a great job! Like water cascading onto rock, eventually the rock is worn away. I am seeing our nice gains recently. Thank you, Danny I have now 476,885 votes, getting very close to half a million! Who is the fringe now??? 0 #

from Lyle Rapacki, member of FBI infraguard association of intelligence officers

From: Lyle Rapacki Lyle@SentinelIntelligenceServices.com Subject: New Hampshire passes resolutuion – Must read To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Cc: lyle@sentinelintelligenceservices.com Date: Saturday, June 19, 2010, 3:45 PM                               SENTINEL INTELLIGENCE SERVICES, LLC.                                                           ______________   Saturday – June the 19th, 2010 1540Hrs; m.s.t. (Arizona)                                                              Email Briefing Bulletin: __________   Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.                 IN RE:  New Hampshire […]

A question from a reader of the blog: “How do you impeach a federal judge?”

Judith Bailey Submitted on 2010/06/19 at 11:13am I never realized before that this country has so many corrupt judges. Just how can we get them out of office. Can the people impeach a corrupt judge and what evidence do they have to have in order to impeach him. How many votes. Answer: Now I have […]

Orly, don’t give up! Honest, hard working citizens all over this country who, like myself, love America and it’s freedom need you!

Debi Submitted on 2010/06/10 at 6:59am Rigged? I should say, smells of ACORN to me. How many times did one person actually vote? How many dead people had to be resurrected? Given previous maneuvers, Damon Dunn and his supporters are not above doing whatever it takes. Either that or Calif. has lived up to it’s […]

A sad day for America and CA

BruceWho ezyoyo@aol.com Submitted on 2010/06/09 at 10:49pm Early in the election the Republican leaders were giving Mr. Dunn support and radio announcers, such as Brian Sussman, expressed the view that he was the GOP choosen one with promise. And even this morning Brian Sussman reinforced this view of Mr. Dunn without giving any rational […]

I need all the patriots of this country to help me fight this enormous voter fraud, associated with vote counting machines run on trade secret protected software, which does not allow public oversight. Our economy and our constitutional rights were bought for $16 mln dollars coming from the Communist tyranny of Venezuela. If you are a voter and want to be part of a class action legal action, please e-mail me at orly.taitz@gmail.com

  https://www.votetrustusa.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=199&Itemid=50 CEO of Vote-Counting Company Refused Entry into the U.S.        PDF         By John gideon and Ellen Theisen, VotersUnite.org and VoteTrustUSA   October 17, 2005 On October 14, 2005, Antonio Mujica, CEO of Smartmatic, was refused entry into the United States. His Visa was revoked by the U.S. Embassy in Venezuela. See (https://www.vcrisis.com/index.php?content=letters/200510160629)   Ten months […]

In 2004 Sequoia software, that does ballot counting, was purchased by Venezuela, run by the Communist Dictator Hugo Chaves. Do you remember the name of the Communist who was elected as a senator from IL in 2004? Here is a hint. It is the same communist, who sits in the White House and destroys U.S. economy. Any questions?

Ro Submitted on 2010/06/09 at 4:54pm We need to protect our votes this november. Remember, a year ago, the voting machines were being contracted out to a S. american company. what does that tell you. PPL have forgotten about that. We must insist on paper votes for every election this year and in 2012. We […]

Dr. Taitz gets 85% in High Desert Tea Party Movement, North San Bernardino County Voter poll

 Flag this message High Desert Tea Party Voter Poll Monday, June 7, 2010 9:57 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Bill Jensen” Add sender to Contacts To: orly.taitz@gmail.com Cc: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Hello Dr. Taitz, Just a note to say thank you for taking the time to come to the High Desert Tea Party Movement in […]

National Writers Syndicate endorsed Dr. Orly Taitz for CA Secretary of State

Sunday Jun 06th Home News Latest Do You Want A Politician To Trust? Do You Want A Politician To Trust? Written by Administrator    by Barry WeinsteinNational Writers Syndicate Endorses Orly Taitz For The Office Of Secretary Of State for California in the June 8, Republican Primary. Taitz is clear-headed … … intelligent, utterly reliable […]

I am so proud of people standing strong and taking the reigns of the country

Trish Submitted on 2010/06/06 at 4:26am I am so proud of the people you included standing strong in their convictions and taking the reins of this country by running for office, kudos Orly! I am so proud of the people you included standing strong in their convictions and taking the reins of this country by […]

Eventually truth and justice will reign

CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU, DR. ORLY for the Independent Caucus, iCaucus 79% vote endorsement, for Brigadier General Charles E.Jones endorsement,  letter of support from Bob Basso-”Thomas Paine”, soul of the tea party movement, Basso: “she (Taitz) is the genuine article…a patriot of the highest order who thinks and acts like a stateswoman, never a politician”.   Christian […]

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