
from South Dakota congressional candidate Steve Hickey

Orly Taitz isn’t crazy – what’s insane is that so few care Orly Taitz isn’t crazy. To be honest, I’ve wondered, but after hearing her speak last night here in Sioux Falls on the issue of Obama’s eligibility, I can report she’s not a loon. To me what’s insane is that so few seem bothered […]

Gingrich calls our elite “arrogantly dishonest”. Who is our elite: Obama, his administration, most of Congress, judges and media

 Clear flag Cordoba House Sunday, September 12, 2010 12:08 AM From: “Miriam Brenner” View contact details To: This is the most clearly stated, sensible, and historically accurate  statement that I’ve read on this issue (and I’ve read a lot of them).Mosques shouldn’t be in any western Country!!!! They do not belong there….Muslims should move back […]

2 Pastors in TN burned the koran today. So far 3 Americans burned the Koran in protest

Veritas Submitted on 2010/09/11 at 6:43pm Drudge is reporting more in Tennessee 2 Local Men Burn Quran Despite Protest – Nashville News Story – . .. Despite multiple pleas to reconsider, two local religious leaders held a private Quran burning in a … https://www.wsmv.com/news/24972042/detail.html?ref=nf

There might need to be a second American revolution before we can get rid of BHO and his Commie Czars

Elizabeth Submitted on 2010/09/05 at 10:37am “There may need to bea 2nd American Revolution before we are rid of BHO and his Commie CZARS” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As long as there are corruptible judges in high places, as long as the SCOTUS is oblivious~~ as long as Congress is blinded by the long-winded subversive representatives, and cases […]

Sheriff of San Francisco instituted a sanctuary city, aiding and abetting Mexican violent criminals and endangering the lifes and rights of US citizens. We need help and protection of US military, minutemen and organized militia in protecting US citizens in S. Fr. county and prosecuting S. Fr. Sheriff Michael Hennessey for treason against US Constitution and treason against US citizens

Jim Kouri Law Enforcement Examiner SubscribeSponsor an Examiner View all of Jim’s articles 2 comments Print Sheriff takes “Sanctuary City” policy to the extreme, say critics September 5th, 2010 8:38 am ET Some call Hennessey the “anti-Arpaio.” He’s a fellow-traveler of Speaker Pelosi and Barack Obama.Photo: SF Weekly The top cop for a major California county may prove […]

Words of wisdom from my client and co-plaintiff in Cook v Good, Lt.Col Dr. David Earl-Graef. If Obama will be found guilty of high crimes and treason, one could argue that judge Lind is guilty of aiding and abetting those crimes.

 Clear flag Support Saturday, September 4, 2010 1:02 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “David Earl-Graef” View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Dear Orly, Just a quick note to let you know that I am still your avid supporter and follow your blog and events very closely to include the actions in the Lt Col […]

I simply cannot grasp, I cannot even imagine, how someone can support a fraudulent puppet with no paper trail, using a Photoshop COLB and fraudulent Social Security number, sitting in the White House with his feet on the desk while he dismantles America forever

Alec Submitted on 2010/09/01 at 6:47am I usually ignore Obots as I have a policy to not argue with idiots. I think I will briefly violate my policy. To those Obots out there who dare to call LTC Lakin a coward, or Dr Taitz a coward or crazy, I want you to try, fire up […]

UN to review US judicial system for Human Rights abuses and retaliations against attorneys like me

Hi Orly: Don’t build up expectations from Alito…  They are all the same. I would be grateful for any help in gaining more is signatures on the petition to the UN regarding review of the US justice system in November 2010. Please notice that retaliation against attorneys is listed as one of the hallmarks of […]

Letter of Support

Hello Dr. Taitz I just came across your email address and felt compelled to let you know that I back you all the way on your quest to get Obama to admit he wasn’t born here. And I’m sure you don’t need to hear about the epic corruption in California’s judicial system, be careful, Dr […]

from reader Michael

Michael Submitted on 2010/07/27 at 4:49pm Every public official in the United States takes the same oath, to support and defend the U.S. Constitution. From the local level on up. They all have a legal and moral duty to do so. It has been said, “ignorance of the law is no excuse.” If the Constitution […]

More on Natural Born Citizen and dumbing down of America

Jim Submitted on 2010/07/24 at 1:45am “Perhaps you are just worried he will point out the things you state as fact are nowhere to be found in the Constitution, like having Citizen parents, or other that if if he were Muslim that this would not make him ineligible. ” ————— Sigh!!!! Just more evidence of […]

Can someone trace this IP? These are exactly the threats, I’ve been getting: “I’ll burn your body”, and our corrupt dep of Injustice under Eric Holder did absolutely nothing for over a year, in spite of numerous complaints

  God Bless You, Orly and surround you and all those you love and respect with all the protection you need when you need it! JudyCheck out the IP address noted below…..it is from Washington State and am wondering if it matches any that have harrassed you!….The burning car seems to be a pattern…….JWTuesday, July 20, […]

Letter from a 12 year old Democrat from IL to Obama, asking him to unseal his original Birth Certificate or resign if he has nothing to show

From: Dawn Spangler <emily.spangler redacted To: Dr. Orly Taitz <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Sent: Sun, July 18, 2010 11:02:03 PM Subject: Email(: Hi, it’s Emily Spangler…here’s the letter! By the way, you can call me Em if you want. Sorry it says from ‘Dawn Spangler’ that’s my mom’s name, and I don’t know how to get it off!   […]

from reader (name redacted per request of the reader)

Dear Dr. Taitz, You do not know me, but I read the latest article on your trial in the OC Register and this fellow American wanted to offer encouragement. I admire your courage and believe that the history books will judge you to be this generation’s the premier defender of the constitution and of capitalism. […]

Clarence Thomas cannot be accused of being a racist, if he has the courage to issue a stay and limited rule 11 discovery of Obama’s status

Chito Papa commented on your status: “I hope Justice Clarence Thomas takes the lead in taking the issue of Obama’s eligibility. Other justices could be accused of being racist, but a black justice would render that accusation ridiculous. A black justice can bravely insist with honor that “no one is above the law, not even […]

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