
More on Obama’s records: the problem is not in lack of evidence…

Now Obama’s cronies are coming with a new story, claiming that there was a typo in his application for his Social Security number. They are saying that he has a CT Social security number because of a typo.  It is hard to believe that there was a typo, but even if you were to give […]

From reader Phil

Phil Submitted on 2010/11/18 at 3:58am Also, Orly:…a donation is “on it’s way!” Come on, Patriots, don’t forget to offer Orly help with all of her expenses! PLEASE donate what you can, to be there “for her!” She is tackling a “Herculean” task here! And she is having to go through lots of stress and […]

More clarification on Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number from CT. He used it as recently as this year to file his 2009 tax returns. When we’ll have one judge with a drop of shame and integrity and honesty to care about the fact, that we have a president, committing social security fraud and identity theft? One judge? Anywhere?

Jim Submitted on 2010/11/16 at 7:08pm 1. There is not an identity of the person the number was issued to ( that was the reason for the attempt to get the SS5 form issued to that number ), just that it was issued to someone born in 1890. 2. It is the number he used […]

Why Royce Lamberth, chief judge of the District of Columbia, and others are ignoring the evidence of Social Security fraud committed by Obama?

Jim Submitted on 2010/11/16 at 7:40am What is not credible about the SS number issue? There was proof submitted to the court in the form of an official government record that he actually used that number. That number was issued in 1977 to someone born in 1890 ( and before you say that is ludicrous […]

Obama, you are next to be fired!

 Sign in New Smyrna Beach., FL Monday, November 15, 2010 3:41 PM From: “srm3”   This is great – should be one in EVERY STATE!      

Looks like my supporters notified the incoming Speaker of the House John Boehner of my case in the Supreme Court. Obama is supposed to respond by Thanksgiving (the original case was Rhodes v MacDonald, et al, since Thomas MacDonald was the commander of Fort Benning from where Dr. Capt Connie Rhodes was supposed to be shipped to Iraq, when I demanded proof of Obama’s eligibility on Connie’s behalf

 Flag this message Fw: Dr. Orly Taitz / Obama Eligibility law suit reaches SCOTUS Thursday, November 11, 2010 9:56 AM From: “tony palmieri” <tony232@earthlink.net> View contact details To: “Congressman John Boehner” <AsktheLeader@mail.house.gov> Cc: “Dr. Orly Taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com>   https://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/10-541.htm https://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/10-541.htm   Tony Palmieri

This post is not related to eligibility, but it highlights what tyranny does to people and why it is so important to fight the tyranny of completely illegal and illegitimate obama regime, which tramples on our constitutional freedoms and destroys U.S. economy

 Flag this message Lithuanian Embassy in Washington: Jewish Life Photo Exhibit, Tuesday, Nov. 16 2010, 5:00 pm Thursday, November 11, 2010 4:32 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Philip Shapiro” <philshapiro608@gmail.com> View contact details To: philshapiro608@gmail.com ———- Forwarded message ———- From: Leonas Garbacauskas [mailto:leonas.garbacauskas@ltembassyus.org] Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 12:49 PM To: Leonas Garbacauskas […]

Please, urge each and every state rep and senator in AZ and in every other state to vote for Presidential eligibility bill. Demand every congressman to vote yes on HB 1503 by Bill Posey R-FL, verification of Presidential eligibility

WORLD NET DAILY: New Birth Certificate Billboard In Kingman and WILL ARIZONA BE THE 1ST STATE TO IMPOSE REQUIREMENTS ON PRESIDENTIAL ELIGIBILITY? YES ! InboxX  Reply |Jeff LICHTER to 53merc, Al, arizunc, arnieberkowitz, Art, Barbara, Barry, Ben, Ben, Betty, bgtberry, Bill, Bill, Brad, Britney, Bruce, Bruce, bstreet6, burges, clairelichter, cnintruth, crossroadswith., cweady3, Cy, Cynthia, dabige55 […]

Please, forward this letter to each and every Congressman and Senator, demand an emergency hearing and investigation of king Obama and Michelle-Antuanetta. If there is embezzlement of funds, demand restitution and replenishment to the National treasury. Demand investigation of eligibility, to see, if he is even Constitutionally eligible to sit there without a valid SS number and spend our money.

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESq 29839 Santa Margarita PKWY, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 ph 949-683-5411, fax 949-766-7603 11.03.10 Via Certified mail, Return receipt Attn: Representative Lamar Smith Republican Ranking member of the House of Representatives  Judiciary Committee (incoming Chairman of the Judiciary Committee) 2409 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515 Dear Congressman […]

Tea Party Nation officially takes on eligibility debate. Read a letter from the founder Judson Phillips

Tea Party movement consists of 3 large groups: Tea Party Nation,-founder Judson Phillips, Tea Party Express-founder Dick Army and FreedomWorks and Tea Party Patriots: a loose confederation of thousands of  local Tea Party Groups. One of the main organizers is Mark Meckler.   The statement below came from the founder of the Tea Party nation Judson Phillips. There […]

Article in World Net Daily about my Petition for Writ of certiorari filed with the Supreme Court

From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Ann Moorman” <View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com https://www.wnd.com/?pageId=221373     BORN IN THE USA? Lawyer: ‘Environment is more favorable for judges to decide on the merits without fear’ Posted: October 30, 2010 1:00 am Eastern By Brian Fitzpatrick © 2010 WorldNetDaily Orly Tait   California attorney Orly Taitz says the changing […]

Update regarding Lt. Col Lakin

thanks for helping col lakin.             Inbox   X                    Reply   | alex rynkiewicz  to me show details 4:37 PM (2 minutes ago)   ms taitz     i went to wash dc bergs rally but only 50 people there— i cancelled my membership […]

When will Bill O’Reilly and the rest of our corrupt main stream media stop spinning and stop defrauding American Citizens? Please, write to Inspector General and FCC and demand criminal prosecution of ones in the media, who are aiding and abetting in ObamaFraudGate

 Flag this message wnd: FAILure TO READ? Monday, October 25, 2010 1:22 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Michael Angelus” View contact details To: “Joseph Farah” <jfarah@wnd.com>, “Bob UNRUH” runruh@wnd.com ) SCOTUS 10-21-10-Taitz-USSC-Pet-for-Writ-of-Cert.pdf Hey Joseph Will you be publishing the attached brief filed with SCOTUS this week? As usual…WND is the “news source” for […]

From Lt. Col Dr. David Earl- Graef

Thank you Friday, October 8, 2010 4:57 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “David Earl-Graef” View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com As a Military officer I was required to read and understand the teachings of Sun Tsu. He taught a fundamental principle … know your enemy BETTER than you know yourself. So who are we […]

Joint FBI and IRS investigation of corrupt judges

Michelle Submitted on 2010/09/21 at 4:25am Dear Dr. Orly-same corruption, different state, in case anyone needs this case for reference. This is one of the many reasons Cook County is called the cesspool of corruption from whence Obama sprang. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Greylord Operation Greylord was an investigation conducted jointly by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the […]

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