
More on Siddharth Velamoor, Obama defense attorney, who was planted as an attorney-law clerk for judge Carter to defame me and derail my case. No answer from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on my appeal and demand to reverse Carter decision due to clear bias, lack of impartiality and improper influence by the White House

Siddharth Velamoor on the editorial board (in 2008) of a law journal ? show details 1:22 AM (6 hours ago) Something doesn’t make any sense. Someone graduates a 3rd rate law school (Comenius University in Slovakia) in 2008 and is ALREADY serving (in 2008) on the damn editorial board of a prestigious law journal ??? […]

What are the remedies when the Constitutional violations are wide spread?

Alec Submitted on 2010/12/05 at 6:49am Well, it is obvious that we no longer live under the constitution anyway. We have an individual who is ineligible occupying the office of president. He says that he was born a British subject, and as a child he was an Indonesian citizen according to his school records. Presidents […]

More on “Bring back American jobs to Americans”

chum lee Submitted on 2010/12/05 at 7:09am Several points. Due to the 21st Amendment states have a lot of authority over alcohol that does not reach other goods. Also, if a state or country for that matter adds a tax or waiting period that is actually just a cover for a de facto tariff, the […]

You can download the REN-TV European program quickly by going to Google, Orly Taitz, REN-TV option video

REN TV fast Friday, December 3, 2010 10:18 AM From: “lioudmila dyer” View contact details To: “Orly Taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Message contains attachments 1 File (293KB) VOENNAYAtayna.docxДорогая Мисс Орли. Я нескоко  раз пыталась открыть ЛИНК который Вы дали, чтобы посмотреть ВОЕННУЮ ТАЙНУ. Это очень долго и безрезультатно для меня по крайней мере. Тогда я набрала Вас […]

This is the link to Russian language interview. The file is 360 megabites, it takes about an hour to download, it is easier to watch it on MAC

  Russians are more informed than most of U.S. media They end this program by saying, why doesn’t Obama resolve all the questions by releasing all the documents. They are talking about: 1. multiple SS numbers in the databases and the fact that Obama is using a stolen SS number from CT 2. the fact […]

Theodor Frank, grad of U of Chicago law school and McCain legal advisor provided false information to McCain regarding Obama’s eligibility

  States pursuing constitutional eligibility: Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Texas. Let’s work for 50 of 50! Click here to read the story. McCain 2008 lawyer is the culprit in Wikipedia Lakin deletion   CLICK HERE FOR FULL INFORMATION ABOUT FORT MEADE AND ATTENDING THE COURT MARTIAL   Action Week Summary & Challenge: Read Now   SUPPORT TERRY’S […]

Please, help LTC Lakin, an american hero, a decorated flight surgeon will be rotting in jail because Obama is refusing to show his original long form birth Certificate

pb_realestate@comcast.net to  me show details 8:44 PM (9 hours ago) https://www.safeguardourconstitution.com/tlawsummary.html It’s the 14-15 of Dec. Let’s go!!  We can hold signs outside before and after the trial exposing obama’s fraud crimes! Why don’t you post on your website and see how many people we can get to go?? It’s time to take off the […]

A number of my supporters asked Anderson Cooper to invite me on his show and talk about eligibility, but he does not invite me, because he knows that I will take him and his lies apart

 Flag this message Talking of OUTRAGE !! Tuesday, November 30, 2010 12:50 PM From: “nsankey View contact details To: “Shhh!” Ladies and Gentlemen, I know that virtually nobody watches CNN these days, but of the few that do, I am surprised not to see more  (or even some) outrage over how Anderson Cooper treated Texas […]

Why am I channelling Ayn Rand?

HuffPostComments Adam616 Comments (513) | Friends (106) Networker Superuser Moderator Commented on: Supreme Court Rejects Another Challenge To Obama’s Citizenship Read More: Charles Kerchner, Supreme Court Birther Challenge, Supreme Court Birther Appeal, Supreme Court Obama Citizenship, Barack Obama, Supreme Court Obama Citizenship Appeal, Supreme Court, Supreme Court Obama Citizenship Challenge, Birthers, Politics News Adam616: Orly […]

from reader Birdy on SCOTUS decision not to grant petition for a writ of certiorari in Kerchner et al v Obama et al

Birdy Submitted on 2010/11/29 at 1:53pm The Obama administration didn’t respond to the Kirchner case either. They don’t need to. They have the Supreme Court in their back pocket – bought and paid for. The Obama appointees, Kagan and Sotomayor, didn’t even recuse themselves from participating in the discussion and decision to deny the Writ […]

A comment from commander Kerchner, lead plaintiff in Kerchner et al v Obama et al, brought by Mario Apuzzo

hitler.jpg Comment from lead Plaintiff Commander Charles Kerchner; The “Roberts Court” of the U.S. Supreme Court imo will be known in history as the Neville Chamberlain supreme court, the great Obama appeaser court. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neville_Chamberlain Appeasement due to fear that some immediate small amount of veiled and threatened violence from the far left Saul Alinsky goons […]

Here is an interesting thread as to why we follow Vattel theory of natural born citizen and not British “Common Law” theory of “Natural born subject” of the crown

Have a chuckle at Politijab InboxX  Reply |Michael to Mario, Charles, me show details 11:20 PM (6 hours ago) To join-in the forum you will need to register, but I think you can read it as a guest.   https://www.thefogbow.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=4898&p=189071#p189071   gentrfam wrote:English Common Law (See The English Common Law (Calvin’s Case, or the Case […]

from BirtherReport.com

-Home- -Posts RSS- -Comments RSS- -Chat Room- -Message Board- Saturday, October 23, 2010 Attorney Taitz files Petition for Writ of Certiorari in the U.S. Supreme Court for Captain Rhodes/Taitz v. Colonel MacDonald/Obama, et al.. ObamaRelease YourRecords on 11:55 AM This Petition is regarding the sanctions ordered by federal judge Clay D. Land in the United […]

From Slate magazine, an article by David Weigel and a response to Ben Crair of “The Daily Beast” , why my work is important and why I cannot be compared to Alvin Greene

…”But let’s suspend the rule and spend a couple more minutes on Taitz/Greene to suss out just how lazy Crair’s criticism is. Why are Orly Taitz and Alvin Greene comparable at all? Taitz is not really a politician. She’s a judicial activist who has traveled the country to raise awareness of the Obama birth certificate […]

More discussion on why CA is broke

John Submitted on 2010/11/23 at 2:16am Yes, why don’t all those medical, social and educational professionals work for minimum wage with no benefits or pension, the way you do? Why can’t we go back to the 19th century, where you could work employees 16 hours a day, 7 days a week with no benefits at […]

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