
Cosa Nostra of the New World Order! Time for a legislation banning all members and attendees of secret groups, like Bilderberg, Davos and so on from holding any elected or appointed positions in the federal or state governments or be allowed to give any campaign contributions to any elected or appointed officials of the federal or state government. It is time to end this targeted destruction of our lives by the world oligarchy and their puppets in the government and academia

~ The Whose Who At Bilderberg! InternetPaulRevere 6:45 AM (22 minutes ago) to dans2little2 Tuesday – June 4, 2013 – 5:00 AM – PDTHi All You Anti-Bilderberg Patriots: On this date in History, Henry Ford’s First Car rolled off the assembly line in 1896! Also today – another date in Infamy –  will be marked by the […]

As you can see, the left, Obama’s operatives, are using the Cold Case Posse to attack the strongest evidence against Obama. They are grabbing at straws and repeating the CCP manufactured nonsense that Obama’s use of Bounel’s Social security number in his tax returns, Selective Service certificate and other docs is not a crime, because he did not use the name Bounel. Not only Arpaio and Zullo did not file a criminal complaint, they tampered with my witness in IN and now they are aiding and abetting Obama by attacking the strongest evidence against Obama. All the controlled opposition web sites are working with Arpaio and Zulllo

Birther Fight: Orly Taitz vs The Cold Case Posse – Democrats … www.city-data.com › … › Politics and Other Controversies‎ 9 hours ago – in a surprise move (imo) an investigator for the maricopa county cold case posse publicly debunked one of orly taitz’s hallmark claims, that obama is. @Doc C – Zullo tries to pull off a fast one on sheriffs … […]

2 days left for Sheriff Arpaio and Investigator Zullo to file a criminal complaint against Obama for his use a 100% forged birth certificate as a basis for his identity applying to run for the U.S. President in AZ. If criminal complaint is not filed by Monday June the 3rd, donors will start demanding a refund of all of the donations obtained Arpaio, Zullo and CCP under false pretenses

Yesterday Carl Gallops had on his show someone by name Don Jeffreys. Nobody knows who this Don Jeffreys is, if this is even his real name and what is his qualification to report on Obama’s Social Security number investigation. Shockingly this man claimed that Obama did not commit any crime by using a stolen Social […]

Zullo, Arpaio, Carl Gallups, Richard Garruth from ORYR, new guy Jeffrey have been proven to be a part of the controlled opposition. Arpaio and Zullo and Jeffrey never filed the criminal complaint and they are trying to cover up the most explosive evidence, Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number of Harrison J. Bounel certified by Obama’s signature in Obama’s tax returns and his Selective service registration. Only the most corrupt judges would deny this evidence and would not put Obama in prison. If judges cover this up, these judges need to be prosecuted as well

Paula Hoehn 95 approved Submitted on 2013/05/31 at 8:48 pm Dear Orly, I was astonished and dumbfounded when I heard Gallups and Zullo saying Obama committed no crime in using that SSN, (which neither one of them had the guts to quote the number). And they tried to deflect by saying Obama used lots of SSN’s. […]

FOIA request sent to the Inspector General of the USPS in regards to a complaint of Obama’s use of a forged US Postal stamp in his SSS registration, which was submitted to the USPS a year ago with no response a of yet. Maybe we should demand to fire the whole office of the Inspector General of the USPS and stop wasting taxpayer money on salaries for this whole department. They are clearly not doing their jobs.

Law Offices of Orly Taitz 29839 Santa margarita, ste 100 Rancho santa Margarita, CA 92688 ph.949-683-5411 Fax 949-766-7603 orly.taitz@gmail.com   05.30.2013   OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL US POSTAL SERVICE 1735 N LYNN ST STE 10000 ARLINGTON VA 22209 Fax: 703-248-4626 e-mail: foia@uspsoig.gov   REQUEST FOR INFORMATION UNDER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 5 U.S.552   Attn Chief FOIA […]

I need help. This is obstruction of justice by the court itself. US District court for the District of Columbia is not docketing my motion for reconsideration and 6 Requests for judicial notice of Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number. Please, call the Chief Judge Royce Lamberth. Both Lamberth and the clerk got the pleadings by FedEx in the morning of 04.24.2013 and the pleadings and documents were not docketed for 6 days.

U.S. District Court District of Columbia (Washington, DC) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:11-cv-00402-RCL TAITZ v. ASTRUE Assigned to: Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth  Cases: 1:10-cv-00151-RCL 1:11-cv-01421-RCL Case in other court:  USCA, 11-05304 Cause: 05:552 Freedom of Information Act Date Filed: 02/16/2011 Date Terminated: 08/30/2011 Jury Demand: None Nature of Suit: 895 Freedom of Information Act Jurisdiction: U.S. […]

Please, write to Roger Ailes and FOX staff, tell them to show real courage and invite me to appear on FOX and provide the nation with the official records of the U.S. government, sworn expert testimony showing Obama using a stolen Social Security number and laughable forgeries as birth certificates

Roger Ailes’ letter to Fox employees Published May 23, 2013 FoxNews.com Dear colleagues, The recent news about the FBI’s seizure of the phone and email records of Fox News employees, including James Rosen, calls into question whether the federal government is meeting its constitutional obligation to preserve and protect a free press in the United States.  We […]

Read the facts below: Massive targeted looting of America and Americans, particularly young Americans. The only solution short of a revolt: remove the criminal with forged and stolen IDs from the WH, stop mega amnesty -job robbing of Americans, rescind NAFTA and WTO-GATT, clean elections, bring traceable paper ballots and local office counting, remove from office all corrupt politicians and bureaucrats acting as puppets of the Bilderberg-world oligarchy criminal enterprise, which refuses to rescind (do away with) NAFTA, WTO-GATT, Mega Amnesty . There will be no improvement if the same rotten and corrupt politicians are allowed to stay in office.

blacklistednews.com 40 Statistics About The Fall Of The U.S. Economy That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe May 27, 2013   Source: Michael Snyder, BLN Contributing Writer   If you know someone that actually believes that the U.S. economy is in good shape, just show them the statistics in this article. When you step back and […]

There are 7 days left for Sheriff Arpaio and CCP Director Zullo to file a criminal complaint against Barack Obama based on Zullo’s recent statements that they proved that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a 100% forgery. If they do not file the criminal complaint, the donors will start demanding a refund of all the donations solicited and received by Arpaio, Zullo and CCP for over 2 years under false pretenses, when they stated that they need donations for the criminal investigation of Barack Obama for his use of forged IDs as a basis of his eligibility when he ran for the U.S. President in Maricopa county Arizona and elsewhere. A

Re: Sheriff Arpaio Refund Earl C 7:58 PM (3 hours ago) to me People made these donations with credit cards.  Tell people to first request the refund from Arpaio or whoever they paid, and if they do not get their money back (of course they won’t) have them contact their credit card issuer and tell them that they were misled […]

Is Obama regime using this Federal judge to intimidate Arpaio and pressure him not to file a criminal complaint against Obama? Tell Arpaio: Attorney Taitz was not intimidated by $20,000 sanctions issued by a corrupt Obama lackey Federal judge, you should not be intimidated as well. 9 days left for Arpaio and Zullo to file a criminal complaint against Obama for his use of a 100% forged birth certificate. If they do not file a criminal complaint, donors will start demanding a refund of all of their donations solicited under false pretenses!

Judge: Ariz. sheriff’s office profiles Latinos PHOENIX (AP) — A federal judge has ruled that the office of America’s self-proclaimed toughest sheriff systematically singled out Latinos in its trademark immigration patrols, marking the first finding by a court that the agency racially profiles people. Associated Press

Please, thank 5 GOP senators on the judiciary committee who voted against the mega amnesty, on the other hand stage a protest and demand an immediate resignation of 3 corrupt RINOs: Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake and Orrin Hatch, who joined with 9 corrupt Deomcrats and voted to pass through the Judiciary committee the mega amnesty which will rob as much as 42 million americans of their jobs, will rob millions of welfare benefits and will bankrupt the nation. Contact Rand Paul, Mike Lee,Ted Cruz, demand they filibuster this anti American amnesty

Immigration bill heads to full Senate AP – 6 hrs ago  If you recall, I sent letters to 4 of the 5 GOP senators, who voted against the mega amnesty. Please, keep pushing, demand filibuster, demand they disclose the fact that Obama is using forged IDs and a stolen SSN, show that he failed E-Verify. Congress cannot enforce […]

Request FOR A JUDICIAL NOTICE FILED IN Conjunction with AN EMERGENCY MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION Petitioner Orly Taitz requests a judicial notice of the Official E-Verify report showing that that Barack Obama failed E-Verify in conjunction with the Social Security number 042-68-4425, which he used in his 2009 tax returns posted on the official White House web site Whitehouse.gov.

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway, STE 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Tel: (949) 683-5411; Fax (949) 766-7603  E-Mail: dr_taitz@yahoo.com, orly.taitz@gmail.com   UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE  DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA   Dr. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ, PRO SE                     §                              Plaintiff,                        §                                                                    §                           v.                                             §    EMERGENCY                                                                        §    […]

Jay Carney talks about Obama’s birth certificate, when asked about Benghazi and IRS. Can someone help me get a pass to the WH press conference, let me ask some questions, so at least Obama’s spokesperson gives answers to correct questions. I assure you, after a few questions and displaying a few docs, there will be no more press conferences, Obama will be moving from the WH to the Big House!!!

Jay Carney Brings Up Birtherism In Response To Questions On … www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/…/jay-carney-birther_n_3314452.ht…‎ 18 mins ago – The theory hinges on the false claim that his birth certificate is fake. Birther queen Orly Taitz (a lawyer and dentist from California) continues to lead the march, …

I am filing with Judge Royce Lamberth this motion for Judicial Notice of Obama’s use of a stolen SSN of Harrison Bounel in his 2009 tax returns

Yet again I am in front of Judge Royce C. Lamberth. What joy, am I a lucky girl or what? (not)   Feel just like a Dulcinea (for people in the know, Lamberth is the judge who in 2010-2012 covered up Obama’s forged ID that I provided him, claiming that he is not going to […]

Open letter sent to General Paul Vallely and cc-ed to other high ranking generals

Dear General Paul Vallely, I see that you are spreading around a WND article about Arpaio. Please, read the articles I posted on  https://www.orlytaitzesq.com/ Arpaio spent nearly 3 years soliciting donations for his criminal investigation of Obama,he kept telling the public that he is conducting a criminal investigation, that it is a criminal case, asked people to […]

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