
7 PM prime time news magazine

לונדון את קירשנבאום 11.08.09 צבי יחזקאלי מסכם את ועידת פתח  This is an hour news magazine. As with all the other networks, my interview is shown towards the end, a lot of anticipation and buzz from the audience

I will be doing an exclusive TV interview in Israel today 8 pm

I will be doing an exclusive TV interview today in Israel in prime time 8 pm. It is 1 EST, 10 PST. Chief correspondent Ilan Goren and correspondent Yael Vissner-Levy channel 10. The interview will be available for download on Internet  at  nana10.co.IL    

Motion for rogatory discovery to authenticate Kenyan Birth Certificate of Barack Hussein Obama

8:09-cv-00082-DOC-AN Ambassador Alan Keyes PhD, et al v. Barack Hussein Obama, et al (ANx), DISCOVERY, MANADR UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered by Taitz, Orly on 8/1/2009 at 10:08 PM PDT and filed on 8/1/2009 Case Name: Ambassador Alan Keyes PhD, et al v. […]

Steven Colbert show

Orly;   Here’s the link to the YouTube site with your interview with Colbert.  Please add it to your comments on the blogspot.   https://www.YouTube.com/IroquoisChief   Thanks.   Neil  

85% of Americans believe Obama needs to be vetted, we are the majority, Obama’s brown shirts are the fringe.

Orly, The following members of Congress are your Facebook friends: 1. W. Todd Akin (Missouri, 2nd) 2. Mary Bono (California, 45th) 3. Eric Cantor(Virginia, 7th) 4. Jason Chaffetz (Utah, 3rd) 5. Virginia Foxx (North Carolina, 5th) 6. Thaddeus McCotter(Michigan, 11th) 7. RonPaul Channel –don’t know if this is Ron Paul‘s only Facebook presence, or if […]

Recording of Colbert show

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 11:33 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “mark westmann” View contact details To: “Orly Taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Orly here you are! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBa_xayTF0g   

Hearing in Major Cook case is set for July 16th, 9:30 in the morning, Federal District Judge Clay D. Land

U.S. District Court [LIVE AREA] Georgia Middle District Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered on 7/10/2009 at 2:52 PM EDT and filed on 7/10/2009 Case Name: Cook v. Good et al Case Number: 4:09-cv-82 Filer:   Document Number: No document attached Docket Text: This is a text only entry; no document issued.ORDER. […]

Interesting statistics

 As you know, somebody tampered with my previous two blogs, which necessitated building this new blog. There is a company ://URLFan, which checkes how popular is your blog. After less then two months of existance this blog is among top, most frequented   6%  of  all 3,783,554 blogs in the cyber world.  The number of readers is […]

Night Lights TV show with James Lambert

 Flag this message James Lambert (Night Lights TV) w/ Orly Taitz, Esq. Wednesday, June 10, 2009 11:29 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Neil Turner” View contact details To: “‘jll4@adephia.net’” <jll4@adelphia.net> Cc: “‘Orly Taitz’” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> James;   Here it is.  Just go to https://www.youtube.com/IroquoisChief, and it is the featured video and playlist.   If […]

threats and car problems

I was very reluctant to talk about this matter, since it is very unsettling for my children, my husband and probably most difficult for my mom and dad, but since someone has posted my e-mail on rense.com, I guess I will need to talk about it. Indeed, I got a number of threatening messages. One person […]

MEDIA ALERT: Nashville area screening of “Homegrown Jihad” May 12th

Please note: forwarded message attached From: Laurie Cardoza-Moore To: Subject: MEDIA ALERT: Nashville area screening of “Homegrown Jihad” May 12th Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 10:30:50 -0400 (EDT)

Utah Tea party

Utah Tea Party CALL TO ACTION! Saturday, May 9, 2009 11:02 PM From: “Utah Tea Party” saltlaketeaparty@gmail.com To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com CALL TO ACTION! TEA PARTY RALLY WEDNESDAY 20 MAY 2009–12:00 NOON–UTAH STATE CAPITOL–WEST STAIRS (INSIDE, 2nd FLOOR) Many of us in the Tea Party Movement (and MANY other groups) have spent countless hours speaking to our […]

Will you join us in Atlanta on Wednesday?

Fellow Patriots,  Just in…. 4/5/09       For Your Widest Possible Distribution!    “The letter below was verified last night when Carl Swensson spoke directly with Cmdr.  Walter Fitzpatrick.  We now have a green light to spread as far and as fast as we can.    The very special significance of this is in the outcome of the complaint… Only two […]

Do you want to be on a TV show?

If you are one of my plaintiffs and would like to be on a TV show, dedicated to Obama’s lack of eligibility, that is seen via regular TV and satellite in this country, by 90 million viewers in Europe and on you-Tube, please let me know. You can call me 949-683-5411 or e-mail dr_taitz@yahoo.com

Video from the Studio City, CA tea party, sent by Alex

Submitted on 2009/04/22 at 10:31pm Orly, I wonder if you have seen this wonderful video of the Studio City Tea Party. You are in it! What a pleasure to see patriotic Americans saving our country, up close and in person! Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCTR1Gzu62A&feature=player_embedded If you’d like to find out more about the person who […]

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