
See how the truth was twisted, don’t let them get away with it.

Bob Submitted on 2009/10/30 at 1:13am One other misleading statement the Judge makes : “While the original complaint in this matter was filed on January 20, 2009, Defendants were not properly served until August 25, 2009. Taitz successfully served Defendants only after the Court intervened on several occasions and requested that defense counsel make significant […]

If Barnet v Obama had an open airing for 30 minutes, Obama would be gone within 48 hours

Jack Submitted on 2009/10/28 at 6:21am Do you realize that if Captain Barnett’s points had an open and fair airing on Fox — for say a 60 minute (maybe 30 minute) program — in all likelihood Obama would be gone or “essentially” gone from the Whitehouse within 48 hours!?!  

Please contact USA today and demand that they provide the readers with info about January 26 trial. If they refuse, report them to FCC, as defrauding the public in connection to elections

 Flag this message USA TODAY – Editorial Department (KMM7235355V15159L0KM) Monday, October 26, 2009 8:46 PM From: “Letters to the Editor” <editor@usatoday.com> Add sender to Contacts To: newsletter@orlytaitzesq.com Dear USA TODAY Reader: On behalf of the Editorial Board of USA TODAY,  thank you for the letter to the editor you submitted. Your opinion is important to […]

The tide is turning against corrupt banks that bankrupt this economy and American people.

Decent judges are rising. Federal District court in Id came with a very favorable decision. What it means, is that if the bank sold a note to your house, they cannot collect mortgage from you and they cannot foreclose on your house. Currently I am handling  cases dealing with 3 major banks. Please, demand to see […]

When will you rise and demand removal of Anita Dunn from her position as White House Communications Director? Do you want these Nutcase Maoists pulling a cultural revolution in this country? Rounding you up in camps for re-education?


Hello Orly, Thank you again for speaking at our Costa Mesa Republican Assembly meeting on Thursday.  You go girl!   You are in my prayers and I will send you a small donation.  Be careful out there! Sincerely,   Wendy Leece Mayor Pro Tem City of Costa Mesa   (Also, for the record, I am […]

Could citizens be sent to FEMA camps today? How do we organize resistance to Obama fraudulent regime sending citizens to FEMA camps?

 Flag this message EXECUTIVE ORDER # 11921 NOW IN USE !!!!! Saturday, October 24, 2009 3:35 PM From: “Retmilarm92@aol.com” <Retmilarm92@aol.com> View contact details To: szconn@yahoo.com There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are […]

From Lupe Moreno, President of Latino Americans for immigration reform

Pictures from Thursdays meeting Saturday, October 24, 2009 11:29 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Lupe Moreno” Add sender to Contacts To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Message contains attachments 5 Files (4974KB) | Download All VID00514.AVI VID00515.AVI VID00520.AVI VID00519.AVI VID00521.AVI No virus threat detected File: VID00521.AVIDownload File here is the pictures I took. I was trying to […]

Chief of FOX Roger Ailes and other media are starting to feel what I felt for a while: iron grip of dictator Obama and his ilk Anit (Mao) Dunn, Rahm (Beria) Emanuel, David (Goebbels) Axelrod

  Barack Obama Continues to “Wag The Fox” Gets Bitch Slapped Instead SLAM!! The White House got a major league bitch slap today as it tried to escalate its censorship of Fox News but received no cooperation from the other networks. On today’s special report host Bret Bair told the story of Obama’s foolishness (see […]

Obama in Russia

FW: Maobama in Russia – – Priceless !!!!!! Thursday, October 22, 2009 7:48 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Mike Frankson”View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Message contains attachments 1 File (3377KB) ObamaHandshakeSnubbed.wmv No virus threat detected File: ObamaHandshakeSnubbed.wmvDownload File Subject: Obama in Russia – Priceless          Watch this 10-second video, where […]

Should the Citizen Grand Jurys investigate the Judges?

Monday, September 14, 2009 Judges: Operational Details Unveiled by Janet Phelan as published in the *Bernandino County Sentinel Several years ago, all of the county’s probate and conservatorship cases were moved to Redlands Courthouse and most of these cases were subsequently heard by Judge Welch. Recent documents obtained by the Sentinel point to suspicious financial […]

Everyone should watch Camp FEMA

 Flag this message Constitution Party Puts Weight Behind Camp FEMA Wednesday, October 21, 2009 6:55 AM From: “FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:” <alerts@restoretherepublic.com> Add sender to Contacts To: “orly taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Constitution Party Puts Weight Behind Camp FEMA New Documentary Film to Premier at National Party Conference as Canadians Storm Camp FEMA at Toronto […]

from the editor of NWS. Interesting article, does criminal syndicate sound familiar?

Summary of Editorials from the Hebrew Press – (Israel Government Press Office) Wednesday, October 21, 2009 1:10 AM From: “Yikes@tyrannicidepress.com” Yikes@TyrannicidePress.comYikes@TyrannicidePress.com The Jerusalem Post discusses the recent assassination of an Iranian Revolutionary Guard deputy commander and some 40 others in eastern Iran, and states that what matters most at this stage is that “Sunday’s attack […]

From TimeForAction. I hope the whole Nations rises, I hope every citizen becomes a plaintiff and protests against this communist Chicago mafia taking over the country by fraud

Fw: Seemingly Corrupt Dist. Court Judge Clay Land called Dr.Taitz’s suit frivilous! Tuesday, October 20, 2009 7:51 AM From: “take-a-stand@togetherworks.com” <take-a-stand@togetherworks.com> Add sender to Contacts To: TimeForAction@togetherworks.com   Is this judge be committing Criminal Acts of: “CONSPIRACY TO DEFRAUD”, “FRAUD” and/or “TREASON”?    Will the American people stand up for their right to know the […]

Ready to revolt: Oathkeepers pledge to prevent dictatorship in US

READY TO REVOLT: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States   Group asks police and military to lay down arms in response to orders deemed unlawful     – Thanks – Jared Law on 9.12 Project   By ALAN MAIMON Las Vegas Review-Journal   Depending on your perspective, the Oath Keepers are either […]

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