
Important, Notice of January 25 hearing and motion to move to the District of Columbia

Motions 8:09-cv-00082-DOC-AN Captain Pamela Barnett, et al v. Barack Hussein Obama, et al CASE CLOSED on 10/29/2009 (ANx), APPEAL, CLOSED, DISCOVERY, MANADR   UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered by Taitz, Orly on 12/24/2009 at 11:16 AM PST and filed on 12/24/2009 Case Name: […]

Judge Carter hearing, Central District of CA


I listened to your concerns, and I came to the interview with an observer, who is a prominent attorney and a business community leader in New York, to make sure there will be record of the interview,  and make sure the truth was not bent out of shape. I believe the producers Kate Henson and Payal […]

I can only play the cards I am dealt, but we are working on building our own network using IP TV. Let me know if you want to be involved in building IP TV network, what can you do, how you can contribute

Jerry Brown Submitted on 2009/12/13 at 12:05pm I cannot help but think of Congressman Larry McDonald (Georgia) and flight 007 shot down over Korea. He was unstoppable in his efforts to expose the conspirators and their deeds… well until flight 007. Please announce and post your travel plans – then travel some other way in […]

Speaking engagement

Thank you for accepting Freedom Law School’s Speaking Invitation InboxX  Reply |Clerk to dr_taitz, me show details 10:45 AM (20 hours ago) Hello Dr. Taitz,   My name is Joshua, and I am Peymon’s assistant here at Freedom Law School. First, thank you for accepting our invitation to speak at Freedom Law School’s 2010 Health […]

2-4 million people marched on DC this year. I believe it will be at least double that number August 28 and Sept 11 next year. We need to preserve all our Constitutional rights until then.

 Flag this message PLANNED AMTRAK TRIP FROM E. COAST FL TO DC -BECK EVENT AUGUST, TEA PARTY SEPT Monday, December 7, 2009 12:50 AM From: “act1fla@att.net” <act1fla@att.net>Add sender to Contacts To: ACT1FLA@COMCAST.NET AMTRAK TRAIN TRANSPORTATION TO DC FOR 28 Aug & 11 Sept 2010 Events  1. There are two events in DC planned in 2010: […]

from ca senatorial candidate, former hp ceo Carly fiorina

Friday, December 4, 2009 1:03 PM From: “Carly Fiorina” <carly@carlyforcalifornia.com> Add sender to Contacts To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Hold Barbara Boxer Accountable I can defeat Boxer with your support. Please join my campaign today. Dear Fellow Californian, Why is Barbara Boxer afraid? Because in the less than a month since I’ve announced my candidacy for the U.S. […]

What’s next?

Judge Carter’s shameless 180 degrees turn from his assurances  at July 13 and September 8 hearings that his court has jurisdiction is not the end, it is only a temporary impediment and fighting it is only one of the first steps in reclaiming America and cleaning up all of this massive corruption and treason. Here are some […]

Tampering with docket-Important

this letter was sent to Judge Carter by a concerned citizen on 10.26.09. It showed how a party, believed to be an attorney from a large prestigious law firm has doctored the docket of my case in front of judge Carter in order to poison the public opinion and poison the jury pool. I cannot […]

new contract with America

I believe it is time for a New Contract with America for Congress and Senate We will kick out of office every elected and appointed official who: 1. does not raise the issue of Obama’s illegitimacy for presidency with the appropriate judicial committee or a court of law 2. every one who doesn’t stop this idiocy […]

Support Navy seals, join talk show host Marni Delano at a rally in Norfolk, VA Dec 7

  As most of you already know, some of our military’s most elite, the Navy SEALs are under fire from the US Government for none other than bloodying the lip of one of the most wanted terrorists in Irag – the alleged mastermind of the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in […]

Reports from the Continental Congress. My speech was yesterday at 1:45pm. I don’t have a clip yet.

About CC2009 CC2009 Livestream California Blog Video Chronology 2009 Welcome     Continental Congress 2009     Across this nation, the American people have attended Tea Parties, and Town Hall meetings. They have called, e-mailed, faxed, written letters and walked into the local offices of their elected officials to express grievances. They have staged protest rallies in their local communities […]

It’s too late to vote

CCW On-Target! Originally Inspired by Northpoint Tactical Teams (NPT)              IT IS WAY TOO LATE TO VOTE OR EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH Carl F. Worden November 11, 2009   I realize I could get arrested for this or be “disappeared”, but somebody needs to write these words and get it over with:  It […]

First pictures and report from O’Reilly protest. Videos and you-tube clips will be available shortly

 Clear flag Fwd: Invitation to view Lonnie’s Picasa Web Album – 2009 Fox News Rally, NY City Wednesday, November 11, 2009 6:26 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Sarah Brooks” <ameriplan.trueteam@gmail.com> View contact details To: “Orly Taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com>   You are invited to view Lonnie’s photo album: 2009 Fox News Rally, NY City 2009 […]

Important! Motion for reconsideration in Barnett v Obama filed. Hearing on Motion for reconsideration has been requested for November 20th.

Motions 8:09-cv-00082-DOC-AN Captain Pamela Barnett, et al v. Barack Hussein Obama, et al CASE CLOSED on 10/29/2009 (ANx), CLOSED, DISCOVERY, MANADR   UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered by Taitz, Orly on 11/9/2009 at 4:29 PM PST and filed on 11/9/2009 Case Name: Captain […]

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