
Gingrich calls our elite “arrogantly dishonest”. Who is our elite: Obama, his administration, most of Congress, judges and media

 Clear flag Cordoba House Sunday, September 12, 2010 12:08 AM From: “Miriam Brenner” View contact details To: This is the most clearly stated, sensible, and historically accurate  statement that I’ve read on this issue (and I’ve read a lot of them).Mosques shouldn’t be in any western Country!!!! They do not belong there….Muslims should move back […]

French are fighting back with “Pork and wine” parties and rallies and fighting Muslim , sharia invasion of France. Please, email me at orly.taitz@gmail.com or call at 949-683-5411 if you can help stage “Pork and Wine” party by this mega mosque at ground zero

Why liberal media protects burning of American flag as a protected free speech, but not burning od Koran?

Ed Submitted on 2010/09/12 at 4:07am The first American with COURAGE to stand against ISLAM and their BARBARIC RELIGIN….it is too bad it has to come to this but they( ISLAM) are reaping what they have sown…AMERICA will not be silent much longer…get ready to as we used to say back in the day “TO […]

2 Pastors in TN burned the koran today. So far 3 Americans burned the Koran in protest

Veritas Submitted on 2010/09/11 at 6:43pm Drudge is reporting more in Tennessee 2 Local Men Burn Quran Despite Protest – Nashville News Story – . .. Despite multiple pleas to reconsider, two local religious leaders held a private Quran burning in a … https://www.wsmv.com/news/24972042/detail.html?ref=nf

Tomorrow I will do a radio interview with a former prosecuter and a talk show host Randolph Siple

The show is most popular on 1290 AM Santa Barbara, it can be heard all along the coast.  Interview tomorrow Wednesday, September 8, 2010 2:44 PM From: “R.Siple”View contact details To: “‘Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ’” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com>   The Rooster Crows  AM 1290 Tuesday 2:00 & 10:00 PM; Sat. at 5:00 pm.   On the Web @ […]

Why do I recommend to vote for Republicans in November.

Magnus Johansson Submitted on 2010/09/04 at 12:06am The Republicans have long since missed their chance of being honest and trustworthy. When restoring a house, you shall not try to repair a log rotten to the core, you instead replace that with a new and fresh one. What can you do now? 0 # Answer from […]

update on 4 legal actions and collections

From August 9 I got $6,281 of the $20,000 judicial extortion to keep me and all of you as silent slaves about illegitimacy of the Kenyan usurper. I need to collect $13,719. It appears the military has no intention of upholding the Constitution against all enemies: foreign and domestic, it was reported that at today’s […]

How do you create an “umph” or current political layout analysis

Currently there are 57 Dem Senators, 41 Repubs and 2 Independents. Independents: Sanders and Liberman typically vote with Dems, so repubs need 9 more seats to tie and 10 more seats to take the Senate. Keep in mind that only a third of the senate seats are due for re-election -33. About 40% of them […]

UN to review US judicial system for Human Rights abuses and retaliations against attorneys like me

Hi Orly: Don’t build up expectations from Alito…  They are all the same. I would be grateful for any help in gaining more is signatures on the petition to the UN regarding review of the US justice system in November 2010. Please notice that retaliation against attorneys is listed as one of the hallmarks of […]

Update on AZ and the Supreme Court

https://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_arizona_immigration   PHOENIX – A federal judge on Wednesday blocked the most controversial parts of Arizona’s immigration law from taking effect, delivering a last-minute victory to opponents of the crackdown. The overall law will still take effect Thursday, but without the provisions that angered opponents — including sections that required officers to check a person’s […]

Supreme court clerks are at it again and are not docketing my resubmission to justice Alito

you can reach the Supreme Court at 202-479-3000 202-479-3472 and demand an answer, why didn’t they docket resubmission brief, which was confirmed as received by the clerk’s office. In my resubmission to Alito, just like in the original to Thomas (whose signature is missing on the order to deny) I am asking to stay the […]

this is an offer to do a debate, but I am not sure if I should?

Re: Joint radio show appearance with Mr. Scott Tepper Thursday, July 22, 2010 9:00 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Reality Check” <realitycheck1776@gmail.com> View contact details To: “Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Dr. Taitz I don’t think I need to tell you my personal information. It is irrelevant to the issues. I am not […]

State Representative from OK Dr. Mike Ritz supports my legal actions, challenging Obama’s legitimacy to US presidency and he recorded a radio show in Tulsa with me

Justice Clarence Thomas at Congressional committee hearing is stating that the Supreme Court is evading the Eligibility issue

I gave this interview to the senatorial candidate and talk show host J.D. Hayworth

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