
Please support Shari Freidenrich for Orange County treasurer

With Congr. Mike Pence at OC reception

Great news! You can get 2 free trips to Vegas, if you are willing to walk the pricincts for Sharron Angle and Dr. Joe Heck!!!

This is great. We have buses for 2 weekends Oct 15-17 and Oct 22-24. I will be there the second weekend. Bus transportation from So CA, hotel (double occupancy) and meals will be provided. NV repub party will provide the barbecue dinner and some entertainment. We will walk the precincts and lobby for Sharron Angle […]

Bombard the Dems in battleground states with personal visits and phone calls, demand answers to eligibility question. Make Obama’s WH tenure so radiactive, that the Dems will demand his immediate resignation to save their own skins!!!

Dear Orly : Thank you for your continued support of WorldNetDaily.com. WND occasionally sends emails like this one to introduce major advertisers to our loyal readers and valued customers. Please take a few moments to consider their message. Thank you again, from the team at WorldNetDaily.com!   “I can’t spend all of my time with […]

What do you think about a caravan of cars and busses to NV to support Sharon Angle?

Do we have a group of Tea Party patriots and CRA members, who would be interested in going to Vegas one weekend and campaigning for Sharon Angle. Sharon is tied with Harry Reid. She is a teacher, a mother, an ordinary American, who is running on a tiny budget to bring about change in Senate. […]

According to the media “Sarah Palin is pandering to Orly Taitz crowd” when she says that more questions are asked about Christine O’Donnell and her teenage and college years than anybody bothered to ask about Barack Hussein Obama

Please, you have to attack pro Obama lackeys in the media: don’t let this media scum attack you and call you names. Hold all o0f the officials accountable and demand answers from all of them.  You need to attack them with questions 1. why don’t you show journalistic integrity? 2. why are you committing journalistic […]

Black Obama supporters are now turning away from Obama and expressing their deep disappointment

Michael Norris Questioner To Obama: “I’m Exhausted Of Defending You”https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=155789811117473 Questioner To Obama: “I’m Exhausted Of Defending You” CNBC Town Hall Questioner To Obama: “I’m Exhausted Of Defending You” www.realclearpolitics.com “I’m one of your middle class Americans. And quite frankly, I’m exhausted. Exhausted of defending you, defending your administration, defending the mantle of change that […]

On Yom Kipur a 70 year old civil rights attorney Richard Fine was suddenly released from jail. Thank god, and thank you -courageous reporter Leslie Dutton from Full Disclosure network and Dr. Zernick and many others who fought this flagrant violation of civil rights under Obama regime.

Thomas Submitted on 2010/09/18 at 7:48am This is about another situation(read Below ) an article I read Today on Yahoo.com ———————————————- A 70-year-old lawyer who was sentenced to jail “indefinitely” on contempt-of-court charges was abruptly released Friday evening after spending a year and a half behind bars. Richard Fine was released from Los Angeles County […]

from South Dakota congressional candidate Steve Hickey

Orly Taitz isn’t crazy – what’s insane is that so few care Orly Taitz isn’t crazy. To be honest, I’ve wondered, but after hearing her speak last night here in Sioux Falls on the issue of Obama’s eligibility, I can report she’s not a loon. To me what’s insane is that so few seem bothered […]

ideas for Jon Stewart October 30, National Mall Wash. DC rally

John Stuart does not like picture of Obama with Hitler moustache. Please, people, let’s be thoughtful! Please, make some signs and banners of Obama with Stalin moustache!!! Hey, we are reasonable, we are making changes and adjustments.

Jon Stewart is organizing a rally against Birther Queen Orly Taitz and Raging Cajun James Carville to restore peace and sanity. I think we should join his rally with a slogan “after Obama shows his CT Soc. Sec application and his long form birth Certificate we will restore sanity in the country”. Please, call me 949-683-5411, if you can help make the signs and banners for this rally and for AZ rally.

Jon Stewart Announces DC ‘Rally to Restore Sanity’ 46 Comments By Marc Schneider  Posted Sep 17th 2010 06:34AM Print this page|EmailShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on DiggShare on Lifestream ‘Daily Show’ host Jon Stewart announced Thursday that he’ll lead a rally on Washington that aims to encourage angry citizens on both sides of the isle […]

Is there one man with guts to stand up to this dirty Chicago mafia?

I am sick and tired of Obama operatives harassing and intimidating everyone, who dares to stand up to them. Yesterday a leading Constitutional Scholar in the country Professor Ron Rotunda has e-mailed me. He signed up as my friend on my new facebook page and a number of his friends, distinquished attorneys and scholars followed him and […]

I got several e-mails where some individuals questioned, whether I am telling the truth about Constitutional Scholar Ron Rotunda supporting me and voting for me in the Republican primary for CA secretary of state against Damon Dunn. Here is one of the e-mails. I am telling the truth.

This e-mail was sent after Mr. Rotunda already signed up as my friend on my new face book page and I asked if he can recommend an elections law attorney to help with my cases, specifically with my legal action against Damon Dunn, who committed fraud by not providing a mandatory disclosure of the fact […]

here is the actual invitation from Senate Majority leader Harry Reid

 Clear flag A Very Special Event with President Obama: September 22 Monday, September 13, 2010 11:36 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Sen. Harry Reid” <info@dscc.org> Add sender to Contacts To: Dr_Taitz@yahoo.com Dear Orly, I would be honored if you would join me for a very special reception with President Barack Obama on Wednesday, […]

Nazi regime arrests a man for “Impeach Obama” sign. Please make a hundred “Remove Kenyan born usurper Obama” signs. That will teach them a lesson to arrest people for free speech.

rom: wolfgang gielisch Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 9:29 AM Subject: This will make you sick. More proof Obama and libs are NAZI      I do believe we have freedom of speech ( aparrantly not )     Another example of government control  —  What next ??     This is almost a ten minute video. Subject:     […]

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