
Please, forward this letter to each and every Congressman and Senator, demand an emergency hearing and investigation of king Obama and Michelle-Antuanetta. If there is embezzlement of funds, demand restitution and replenishment to the National treasury. Demand investigation of eligibility, to see, if he is even Constitutionally eligible to sit there without a valid SS number and spend our money.

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESq 29839 Santa Margarita PKWY, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 ph 949-683-5411, fax 949-766-7603 11.03.10 Via Certified mail, Return receipt Attn: Representative Lamar Smith Republican Ranking member of the House of Representatives  Judiciary Committee (incoming Chairman of the Judiciary Committee) 2409 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515 Dear Congressman […]

According to Judge Glass, if election fraud was committed by Dunn, there will be a special election for secretary of state. First hearing in this case will be January 10, it will go to trial in summer of 2011. We can do it before redistricting and before the 2012 election. This is a secons chance for Repub party to get control over 55 CA electoral votes. I need a campaign manager to help me raise funds for this case and for the special election

Chito Papa shared a link on your Wall… InboxX  Reply |Facebook to me show details 6:39 AM (10 hours ago) Chito Papa shared a link on your Wall. Damon Dunn lost. But he still has a big sword dangling over him, for committing election fraud.  Will there be a special election if he’s found guilty? […]

Yap, it was a blood bath, as I predicted. Republicans added 60 seats in the house, 6 in Senate and 2 more: WA and CO are too close to call and will go to recount. Republicans can still take both chambers of the Congress

Here is my analysis, and what we can and should do. as I was saying all along, it was a bloodbath in the house, Republicans won 60 seats and easily took the House. Tea Party candidate Paul Lepage won the governorship of ME Congressman Nathan Deal, who mailed a letter to Obama and demanded from Obama to […]

Tea Party Nation officially takes on eligibility debate. Read a letter from the founder Judson Phillips

Tea Party movement consists of 3 large groups: Tea Party Nation,-founder Judson Phillips, Tea Party Express-founder Dick Army and FreedomWorks and Tea Party Patriots: a loose confederation of thousands of  local Tea Party Groups. One of the main organizers is Mark Meckler.   The statement below came from the founder of the Tea Party nation Judson Phillips. There […]

Egregious elections fraud

The BRAD BLOG : Federal Judge Rules in Favor of NC GOP in Touch … VIDEO: ‘Orly Taitz‘ Andy Self-Destructs on MSNBC • Breitbart is a Criminal, According to Breitbart’s Logic • ACORN Defund Bill ‘Unconstitutional’ After GOP … www.bradblog.com/?p=8162 – 3624 1 hour ago Comment from Orly: If yopu recall, right after the primary […]

Article in World Net Daily about my Petition for Writ of certiorari filed with the Supreme Court

From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Ann Moorman” <View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com https://www.wnd.com/?pageId=221373     BORN IN THE USA? Lawyer: ‘Environment is more favorable for judges to decide on the merits without fear’ Posted: October 30, 2010 1:00 am Eastern By Brian Fitzpatrick © 2010 WorldNetDaily Orly Tait   California attorney Orly Taitz says the changing […]

Tea Party movement around the World is growing. It is opposing the “New World Order”, GATT, NAFTA, EU, NAU, which are de-facto looting citizens of developed countries, destroying sovereignty and National security of individual countries. Here is an article about the Tea Party movement in Israel

https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/tea-party-brews-israel-prompted-concerns Tea Party Brews in Israel, Prompted by Concerns About Obama Thursday, October 28, 2010 By Patrick Goodenough   Logo of Israel’s nascent Tea Party. The text reads “At the Likud’s Tea Party, we say ‘no’ to Obama.” (CNSNews.com) – Stand by for the kosher tea party. Inspired by the movement that is roiling politics […]

for some reason Huf Post is running again this hit piece. They are saying:”What’s on next week George? A split screen debate between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Orly Taitz?” My answer: No problem, I have more knowledge of foreign relations and speak more foreign languages than Hillary Clinton. I am not afraid of any debate with her and I know I will win.

Joseph A. Palermo Author/Associate Professor of History BIO Become a Fan Get Email Alerts Bloggers’ Index More Orly Taitz! digg facebook Twitter stumble reddit del.ico.us Read More: Abc, Alan Greenspan, Alan Keyes, Andrea Mitchell, Anne Coulter, Bernie Goldberg, Bill O’Reilly, Birther Movement, Birthers, Dick Morris, Far Right, Frank Gaffney, Geithner ABC This Week, George Stephanopoulos, […]

Very interesting math, it can be a blood bath of 107 Democrats being thrown out of the House of Representatives

I decided to do some very interesting math. According to the most respected polster Scott Rasmussen, out of 19 senatorial seats, currently held by Democrats, which are due for vote in 2010, Republicans are poised to take over 8-10. I took the lowest number of 8 and converted it into procentage and applied to the number […]

Update regarding Lt. Col Lakin

thanks for helping col lakin.             Inbox   X                    Reply   | alex rynkiewicz  to me show details 4:37 PM (2 minutes ago)   ms taitz     i went to wash dc bergs rally but only 50 people there— i cancelled my membership […]

More interesting developments

FOX reported today, that the Republican party Big Wigs are planning a meeting with the Republican candidate for Governor of CO-Maese, in order to persuade him to drop out from the race, in order not to split the vote with a former Republican congressman Tom Tancredo, who is running on a Constitution party ticket. Currently […]

Please, report human rights violations in U.S. under Obama regime. Please, don’t forget Lt. Col Lakin and actions of Judge Lind, Clay Land in Ga and David Carter in CA

Zena Denise Crenshaw sent a message to the members of NFOJA on Facebook.   Zena Denise CrenshawOctober 17, 2010 at 7:14pm Subject: Please Join OAK’s Sign-On Letter to the U.N. Please visit NFOJA’s Meet Up message board for details. It links you to a letter to be emailed on October 28, 2010 to various U.N. […]

Amazing! “Birther” Tom Tancredo jumped 24% in his run for governor of Colorado, he is only 4% behind his opponent! Support Tom Tancredo for governor of Colorado!!!

October 16, 2010 Tancredo Surges in Colorado A new Rasmussen survey in Colorado shows John Hickenlooper (D) now barely leading Tom Tancredo (C) in the race for governor, 42% to 38%, with Dan Maes (R) way back at just 12%. Tancredo’s support has surged from 14% in late August, while Maes’ support has dropped from […]

Report on my latest eligibility lecture in AZ, published in “Sonoran News”, AZ

VOL. 16 ISSUE NO. 41   |  OCTOBER 13 – 19, 2010 BY LINDA BENTLEY | OCTOBER 13, 2010 Pursuing the chink in Obama’s armor ‘When Barack Obama started on the campaign trail … it was like listening to the same Communist apparatchik’ Share SURPRISE – Despite the cancelation of the event that originally would […]

Contact Steve Pearce, Republican N.M. If he signs a pledge to bring Obama’s illegitimacy to presidency to the House judicial committee, we will support his candidacy and we will deliver donations and votes for him

At the Sept. 30 event in Los Lunas, New Mexico, a woman stood up and asked Pearce if he would “be agreeable to subpoenaing and making him show a birth certificate.” “Because if he is not eligible, because of everything he signed, every bill he signed, every executive order, his czars, our whole government, everything […]

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