
This is the link to Russian language interview. The file is 360 megabites, it takes about an hour to download, it is easier to watch it on MAC

  Russians are more informed than most of U.S. media They end this program by saying, why doesn’t Obama resolve all the questions by releasing all the documents. They are talking about: 1. multiple SS numbers in the databases and the fact that Obama is using a stolen SS number from CT 2. the fact […]

More stonewalling from the Social Security administration. I was supposed to get information by November 8th. They sent a letter on Nov 18 and mailed it Nov 29th.

I requested more information on Obama’s CT social security number and numbers of other individuals, who were born around 1890-1896, got their SS number around 1977 and passed away since. I paid for five  FOIA  requests on October 4th. no info yet. Stonewalling all around. Luckily, being a dentist, I have plenty of teeth to […]

Please, help LTC Lakin, an american hero, a decorated flight surgeon will be rotting in jail because Obama is refusing to show his original long form birth Certificate

pb_realestate@comcast.net to  me show details 8:44 PM (9 hours ago) https://www.safeguardourconstitution.com/tlawsummary.html It’s the 14-15 of Dec. Let’s go!!  We can hold signs outside before and after the trial exposing obama’s fraud crimes! Why don’t you post on your website and see how many people we can get to go?? It’s time to take off the […]

this was received from the Solicitor General. Obama was supposed to respond by 11.24.10. On that day he waived his right to respond. The Supreme Court is supposed to schedule the conference on my case based on my pleadings

My yesterday’s meeting with the author of the”Creature from Jekyll Island” G. Edward Grffin

the inscription says “Orly, I totally support all that you do” G. Edward Griffin. This book is a must in understanding the banking industry of modern times and the creation of the Federal Reserve after the infamous trip of President Wilson and several prominent bankers to the Jekyll Island, GA. Mr. Griffin ia a big […]

a TV program about my legal challenges to Obama’s eligibility aired today at 1 Moscow time to REN market of 120 million people. A link and a WIKI article about REN-TV network is below

Will be aired this Saturday InboxX  Reply |Alexander Gofen to me show details Nov 24 (3 days ago)        Dear Orly,        I have just gotten a word from Svetlana, that the show will be aired this Saturday November 27 at 13:00 Moscow time, REN TV rubric “Voiennaia taina”. Svetlana promised to record a video […]

Somali man plotted car-bombing at a busy Christmas celebration in Oregon and our Troika of Rocket scientists: Obama, Holder, Incompetano still refuse to profile and insist on searching American 3 year olds and 90 year old nuns. Only hearing on the merits of eligibility issue in SCOTUS or in the Congressional hearing will put an end to this regime

Feds: Somali-born teen plotted car-bombing in Ore. Print AP – This image provided by the Mauthnomah County Sheriff’s Office shows Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, arrested … By WILLIAM McCALL, Associated Press William Mccall, Associated Press – 28 mins ago PORTLAND, Ore. – Federal agents in a sting operation arrested a Somali-born teenager just as he tried blowing up a van […]


November 30 declared Buy Israeli Goods day in US By JTA  11/24/2010 14:50   SAN FRANCISCO – Pro-Israel groups on Wednesday asked supporters to buy Israeli goods on November 30 to counter a boycott on the same day. In response to the planned boycott against Ricky’s, a New York store that carries West Bank-made Ahava […]

If FCC takes over the air waves, demand immediate position paper from every Congressman in support of January Congressional hearing on criminal prosecution of the FCC management for Unconstitutional Junta style taking of the American air waves, for aiding and abetting massive fraud of American citizens and for treason against the U.S. Constituion and U.S. citizens

SENTINEL INTELLIGENCE SERVICES, LLC                    LYLE J. RAPACKI, Ph.D.                                     ____________   Wednesday – November the 24th, 2010 0925Hrs; m.s.t. (Arizona) ____________________ Email Briefing Bulletin:     The below announcement being released this morning demonstrates what many are beginning to realize; the U.S. Congress is quickly fading into the background becoming a mere parilamentary body, […]

If you are a resident of NV, COP, WA, WV or Ca and want file a contest of 2010 senatorial elections, please contact me. If you are in the district of Renee Elmers in NC, contact me 949-683-5411

The results of 2010 elections are very interesting. Some of them are very suspect.  Officially Republicans gained 6 seats in the Senate, current brakedown is 51 Democrats, 47 Republicans and 2 Independents, however there are 5 Democrat held  seats, where the results are very suspect and differ greatly from the multiple polls and exit polls. among them: 1. Michael […]

This post is not related to eligibility, but it highlights what tyranny does to people and why it is so important to fight the tyranny of completely illegal and illegitimate obama regime, which tramples on our constitutional freedoms and destroys U.S. economy

 Flag this message Lithuanian Embassy in Washington: Jewish Life Photo Exhibit, Tuesday, Nov. 16 2010, 5:00 pm Thursday, November 11, 2010 4:32 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Philip Shapiro” <philshapiro608@gmail.com> View contact details To: philshapiro608@gmail.com ———- Forwarded message ———- From: Leonas Garbacauskas [mailto:leonas.garbacauskas@ltembassyus.org] Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 12:49 PM To: Leonas Garbacauskas […]

Please, urge each and every state rep and senator in AZ and in every other state to vote for Presidential eligibility bill. Demand every congressman to vote yes on HB 1503 by Bill Posey R-FL, verification of Presidential eligibility

WORLD NET DAILY: New Birth Certificate Billboard In Kingman and WILL ARIZONA BE THE 1ST STATE TO IMPOSE REQUIREMENTS ON PRESIDENTIAL ELIGIBILITY? YES ! InboxX  Reply |Jeff LICHTER to 53merc, Al, arizunc, arnieberkowitz, Art, Barbara, Barry, Ben, Ben, Betty, bgtberry, Bill, Bill, Brad, Britney, Bruce, Bruce, bstreet6, burges, clairelichter, cnintruth, crossroadswith., cweady3, Cy, Cynthia, dabige55 […]

Please, do everything you can to help an American hero Dr. Lt.Col Lakin. He is facing 4 years of hard labor for asking to see Obama’s sealed vital records. We need to end this tyranny. Eligibility has to be resolved in the court of law.

FW: Dr. Greg Lakin, LTC Lakin’s older brother- INTERVIEW InboxX  Reply |Margaret Hemenway “Ducky” show details 8:16 AM (6 hours ago) Link to interview on Peter Boyles website (Denver KHOW)– (Dr. Lakin is a physician practicing in Wichita, KS- he was a former prosecuting attorney- practiced in the State of Hawaii- and a former police […]

Update on legal actions for 12.06.10- 104 days since my 60 B motion was filed with judge Royce Lamberth, no answer yet

My 60 B motion for reconsideration in Taitz v Obama was filed in the U.S. District court for the District of Columbia on August 26. It has been 92 days, no answer from the Chief Justice for the District of Columbia Royce Lamberth yet. Petition for Writ of Certiorari on Rhodes v  MacDonald, Obama et al was […]

Please, contact Carl Swennson, real patriot and the foremen of the first citizen grand jury, for which I did video presentation of the Obama eligibility case.

Carl Swensson riseupforamerica.com prevere@riseupforamerica.com Submitted on 2010/11/08 at 11:52am Dear Orly, Violence is not being advocated for such a march but that does not mean they won’t try. Don’t just dismiss this because of the corruption since that is the very reason people would and should attend. Some of us are looking into a mass […]

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