
WH spokesman Robert Gibbs is asked about Obama’s fraudulent use of Ct SS number. Gibbs did not provide an intelligent answer and recently resigned

I think we are getting closer

from what I can see the dates for application and receipt for the SS numbers for deceased Thomas Wood 042-68-4424 and for the number 042-68-4425, which was originally given to the elderly resident of CT, born in 1890 and later assumed by Obama, can now be narrowed down judging by the other numbers it is […]

I need your help in reaching relatives of deceased Thomas Wood. They can give us a copy of his SS application or they can order it fro the SSA. CT number that was given to a person born in 1890 and later assumed by Obama is only 1 number after Thomas Wood’s number. It pinpoints the date of the application and location

Connecticut Death Index, 1949-2001 about Thomas L Wood Name: Thomas L Wood Father’s Surname: Wood Death Date: 14 Jul 1981 Death Place: Windham , Connecticut Age: 19 Years Birth Place: Connecticut Birth Date: 15 Jul 1962 Marital Status: Never Married (Single) State File #: 14814 Occupation: STUDENT Industry: SCHOOL Residence : Newington , Connecticut Address: […]

Yes, Warren Buffett has been advocating the same thing that I was advocating and pounding on the pages of this blog day in and day out:”balanced trade model”. So far not one single Presidential candidate stepped up to the plate to support this idea. Both Warren Buffett and Donald Trump are saying exactly the same things that I am saying.

Hugh Campbel Submitted on 2011/01/05 at 6:44pm An America Lost in Squanderville The United States’ trade gap is the proverbial “leak-in the-dike” with its de-simulative effect on our recovery. In November 2003, Warren Buffett in his Fortune, Squanderville versus Thriftville article recommended that America adopt a balanced trade model. The fact that advice advocating balance […]

former Airforce deputy chief of staff Lt. General Tom McInerney demands FBI investigation into murder of James Wheeler

Lt. Gen McInerney appeared on FOX today demanding FBI investigation of  the murder of the special advisor to the secretary of the Airforce James Wheeler. Comment from Orly: I am not a military expert, but here are my thoughts. Wheeler had a top clearance and specialized in 3 areas: Chemical warfare, bi-warfare and cyber-warfare. 1. Today […]

Please, check the rules of the Supreme Court, which are available on line, if you are writing an amicus Brief for my case, scheduled to be heard by the Supreme Court on January 7.

Chum Lee Submitted on 2011/01/02 at 10:13am Not sure if my message went through. Have Orly direct you to the Supreme Court rules, and follow all of the instructions shuch as: brief length (for an amicus you have a max of 6000 words), when it is to be filed (within 30 days after docketing), and […]

Report from the inauguration of the radical Socialist Dilma Rousseff as the new President of Brazil

newstip: Clinton with Chavez: HILLARY CHAMBERLAIN? InboxX  Reply |jose Barrera to me, Dr show details 3:40 PM (8 minutes ago) Despite a simmering diplomatic row https://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.99e856a0fb5a9fea7bf35be7ef15b71d.e61&show_article=1 President Hugo Chavez and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were seen having a brief, friendly chat Saturday at the inauguration of Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff. “They talked and […]

Here we go! Act one: 14 states will unveil a bill, which will inerpret 14th amendment, as relating to children of citizens only. No more U.S. citizenship for children of illegal immigrants. Children will follow the status of their parents. Child of a tourist, is a tourist, child of an illegal is an illegal, even if born on U.S. soil. States have to protect themselves or go bankrupt. States are fighting back against the globalist cartel, which is robbing this nation blind

This first bill will deal with the citizenship in general, not presidency. More bills to follow. Please, get of the couch and lobby hard your legislature and US Congress to extend this bill to all 50 states and to add the Vattel “Natural born status definition for eligibility to Presidency and vice-presidency. It is very […]

I uploaded a few pictures to one of my face book accounts. “Salon” “War room” edition nearly started a WW3 Democrat draft because of just one picture.

Tuesday, Dec 28, 2010 08:36 ET Eric Cantor palling around with Birthers The incoming House majority leader rubs elbows with leading Birther conspiracy theorist Orly Taitz By Justin Elliott Incoming House Majority Leader Eric Cantor poses for a picture with Orly Taitz in an image uploaded to Taitz’s Facebook page (UPDATED) Orly Taitz, the dentist-cum-lawyer-cum-Birther […]

I don’t know who is the author, but we have now the music and the lyrics for the play “American POW in America”

“The Guardian” a leading newspaper from United Kingdom publishes a new article about eligibility. They are already writing about my article, posted yesterday “New play -American POW in America”. Within hours it is being promoted on the other side of the globe.

Barack Obama detractors, the’birthers’, face challenge from Hawaii governor Conspiracy theorists’ claim that president is an alien interloper and not a US citizen to be challenged by Neil Abercrombie   Share   Comments (8) Ed Pilkington in New York guardian.co.uk, Sunday 26 December 2010 17.15 GMT Article history Barack Obama’s citizenship is a target for the […]

January 1, 2011 call every radio station and newspaper and demand coverage of the the Lakin story. Main talking point: Decorated war hero, American POW is rotting in jail because the fraud in the WH wouldn’t explain his CT SS number and his lack of long form BC

Orly Taitz’s Photos – Orly’s Photo 12 of 16   Back to Album · Orly’s Photos · Orly’s Profile Previous Next Click on people’s faces in the photo to tag them.   with talk show host John Rothman

NY Times writes about new gov of HI trying to aid in cover up for his spiritual godson Obama. He talks about disrespect to the President, what about disrespect to every American citizen and the Constitution. Are we governed by the law or by the mafia, which makes up laws as they go

Hawaii’s Governor Takes On ‘Birthers’ By SHERYL GAY STOLBERG HONOLULU — Gov. Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii, who befriended President Obama’s parents when they were university students here, has been in office for less than three weeks. But he is so incensed over “birthers” — the conspiracy theorists who assert that Mr. Obama was born in […]

From former Scotland Yard detective and licensed investigator Neil Sankey

Major General Karl Horst                                                     December 24, 2010   Sir, I would like to draw your attention to the situation relative to the Military’s treatment of Lt. Col. Terrence L. Lakin. I am a 65 year old American Citizen. I spent the first twenty plus years of my life in the British Police Force, as I […]

Will Abercrombie aid and abett Obama in creating a cover up? We need judiciary committee of Congress to investigate. i will be happy to work with them. As a doctor and a lawyer I know all the documents we need to look for

Jim Submitted on 2010/12/25 at 3:14am Oh, they will probably show SOME paper, now that he has his own man in and records can be changed. If they do, the question that needs to be asked is why are they showing them now ? The only way they can be shown is with Obamas consent. […]

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