
Now the left calls me the mouthpiece for Lamar Smith and “Numbers USA”. This interview was done by a far left reporter and, as she admits in her e-mail, was changed.

 As you can see by the e-mail below, this interview was changed and manipulated. In her e-mail the reporter warns me, that the interview might not be what I remembered it to be. She inserted parts and she removed parts. For example, I do not recall her mentioning in the interview Alberto Gonzales and Dick […]

from FOX news


more pictures from Beverly Hills rally. Seated next to me is a Presidential candidate Congressman McCotter, on other pictures standing next to me is Pat Boone

                 Orly Taitz      Orly Taitz        Pat Boone – American    

Obama’s tax returns with CT SSN 042-68-4425 and Obama’s failed e-verify were hand delivered to the syndicated talk show host Dennis Prager, his show can be heard nation-wide on over 100 stations

At the Republican convention, as I talked to Dennis Prager, he asked “Are you Orly/You have to meet my wife, you are her hero”. I met his wife, Sue, a very beautiful and very intelligent woman, who told me that she follows my cases and considers me a person with a lot of strength, more […]

Update on Joseph Farah and his promotion of Gary Kreep, who together with Philip Berg is harassing me with the most despicable law suit

I got an e-mail from JosephFarah, editor of World Net Daily,  where he is saying   “I’m just going to say one more thing here: Gary Kreep bought his way onto the cruise – just as you could have done” this is absolutely not true. Joseph Farah, editor of World Net Daily knows full well, that […]

My motion for rconsideration filed with judge Lamberth was docketed

Taitz v Astrue Motion for reconsideration, Draft 3 Activity in Case 1:11-cv-00​402-RCL TAITZ v. ASTRUE Motion for Reconsider​ation        Reply   | DCD_ECFNotice@dcd.uscourts.gov show details 8:31 AM (44 minutes ago)   This is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this e-mail because the mail box is […]

What is wrong with Oregon and other “mail in” vote states

Florence Stone Submitted on 2011/09/06 at 12:12am There are no machines in Oregon. Every registered voter is mailed their ballot ahead of voting day. In the privacy of your home, you fill out your ballot, place it in a privacy envelope (included), insert it in the return envelope, which must be signed by you on […]

Update, motion to compel producion of Obama’s original BC was postponed to November 21, 9:30 am

Today at 5:15 pm PST we had a hearing with the District Judge Susan Oke Mollway. She supervises magistrate  judge Puglisi. She gave me ECF privileges to file electronically. Deputy atorney General of Hawaii Jill Nagamine and assistant Attorey General Rebecca Quinn were there and demanded to dismiss the case and the hearing in light of […]

“Legal times” write, that Lamberth dismissed the case, but do not discuss any evidence. It has a link to the decision by Lamberth

August 30, 2011 Judge Dismisses Suit from Birther TaitzSeveral weeks after U.S. District Chief Judge Royce Lamberth issued a rebuke to birther activist, attorney and dentist Orly Taitz over her handling of a Freedom of Information Act request for social security information, Lamberth issued an order Tuesday morning dismissing the case. Taitz, who lists a […]

Romney owns Clear Channel communications, which was criminally complicit in ObamaForgeryGate

Carl Manning Submitted on 2011/08/22 at 8:06pm When I was getting ready to respond to this article, my first thoughts were why on Earth wouldn’t they contact someone with a big , big audience like Rush Limbaugh with this charity offer, but then I remembered reading on here that one caller tried to bring up […]

from North East intelligence network. 3 hours interview on “The Roth” nationally syndicated show

Northeast Intelligence Network Investigating threats to our homeland Home About Us Staff Audio & Video Resources Endorsements August 20, 2011 Exclusive, explosive interview with Orly TaitzAugust 20, 2011 By Director Right click on lick, choose “Save” or “Save link as” to download to your computer or MP3 player. Hour Hour 2 Hour 3 Filed Under: […]

Information on motion hearing on September 14, USDC Honolulu, HI

U.S. District Court District of Hawaii (Hawaii) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:11-mc-00158-SOM -RLP Taitz v. Astrue Assigned to: JUDGE SUSAN OKI MOLLWAY Referred to: JUDGE RICHARD L. PUGLISI Date Filed: 08/08/2011 Plaintiff Dr. Orly Taitz represented by Orly Taitz 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100 Santa Margarita, CA 92688 (949) 683-5411 Fax: (949) 766-7603 PRO […]

A few good men and women needed in HI on Sept 14th

Taitz v Astrue proof of service on Fuddy, Astrue I am asking my supporters to come to my “Motion to compel” hearing against Loretta Fuddy, director of Health, State of HI. The hearing will be on September 14, 10 am in the courtroom of judge Puglisi, US District Court, District of HI, Honolulu, HI. At […]

Taitz v Ruemmler (White House Counsel Kathy Ruemmler) was assigned to Chief Judge Lamberth and docketted in DC minutes ago. It is 6am in HI, too early for news or updates. I was up since 2 am, please do not call or text me.

Activity in Case 1:11-cv-01​421-RCL TAITZ v. RUEMMLER Complaint X InboxX  Reply |DCD_ECFNotice@dcd.uscourts.gov show details 6:21 AM (2 minutes ago) This is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this e-mail because the mail box is unattended. ***NOTE TO PUBLIC ACCESS USERS*** Judicial Conference of the United States policy […]

From tea Party Nation: “let the Congressmen know, we will kick you out of Congress, if you will vote for this terrible deal”

A message to all members of Tea Party Nation If we thought the Boehner Bill was bad, he and Mitch McConnell have taken the White Flag of Surrender to new heights. Everyone must wear their Congressmen out to stop this bill. Here are the low lights: First it contains a massive $2.4 trillion dollar increase in the debt ceiling. […]

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