
from TampaBay.com


Emergency FOIA request was sent to Secretary of State Clinton. If Sec of State will be non-responsive, the next case in federal court will be filed against Clinton

DR. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ President Defend our freedoms foundation 29839 SANTA MARGARITA STE 100 RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA CA 92688 ph 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603  orly.taitz@gmail.com 10.16.2011 via certified mail returned receipt  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton U.S. Department of State 2201 C Street NW Washington, DC 20520 Re. EMERGENCY FOIA REQUEST Dear Secretary of State Clinton, […]

Update: Next court hearing on subpoena in Hawaii in Orly Taitz v Loretta Fuddy, director of Health, is November 21

Obama e-verify and tax returns If an emergency hearing is granted, it will be earlier, otherwise the next hearing will be November 21st in Orly Taitz v Loretta Fuddy, subpoena to allow expert inspection of Obama’s allegedly genuine 1961 long form birth certificate, which was found to be a forgery by 20 experts and which […]

New twist, now the Attorney General of HI states, that they verify forged documents by a yes or no answer from the official, who provided the forgery in the first place. Case goes to the intermediate court of appeals, new subpoenas to be served shortly

   October 12, 2011 – 4:10 PM Search KHON2.comSearch VideoSearch the Web       Home : News : Local Woman denied request to see Obama’s birth certificate Reported by: Jai Cunningham Email: jcunningham@khon2.com         Print Story Published: 11:11 am Share Updated: 11:12 am Images A woman who has been seeking to […]

Latest pleadings in Taitz v Ruemmler (White House Counsel) sent to DC court

DR. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ ATTORNEY PRO SE 29839 SANTA MARGARITA PARKWAY, STE 100 RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA CA 92688 TEL: (949) 683-5411; FAX (949) 766-7603  E-MAIL: ORLY.TAITZ@GMAIL.COM UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE  DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Dr. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ, PRO SE                        §                              Plaintiff,                         § Freedom of information violation                                                                    §             5USC §552                         […]

Update! My hearing in HI, in Taitz v Fuddy, Onaka is in 5 days, October 12th, 8:30 am

If you are a resident of Honolulu or if you are visiting Honolulu on October 12th and you are a supporter of mine, please, come to the hearing to support me. First circuit court of HI, Judge Rhonda Nishimura, 777 Punchbowl str., Honolulu, HI, October 12th 8:30 am. This case was filed against the registrar Alvin […]

Please help me spread the word on some 25 social networks

I now have accounts on some 28 social networks. I need your help in spreading the word, going to those networks and signing up as my friends, writing recommendations, posting pictures,  articles and information about my legal actions and run for Senate, asking constitutionalists and patriots to assist me by helping with the campaign and […]

I got a call back from Rhonda Pascual, office of the Sec of State of CA

I got a call back from Rhonda Pascual, office of the Secretary of state, voter pamphlet program. She apologised and said that she was out of the office and could not call me back earlier. She will send me the forms to place the statement. The fees are very high. I will need to pay $25 […]

I need help in getting through stonewalling in Sacramento

I repeatedly called the office of the Secretary of State of CA and stated, that I am interested in paying for a statement by a candidate for the US Senate to be posted in the elections brochure.  They are stonewalling, not calling back, hoping that I will go away. I need a couple of major […]

from Major General Paul Vallely, “CEO of Stand up America”, please, forward to all of your contacts. I attached General Vallely’s bio from WIKI

Paul E. Vallely From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article is about the American military analyst. For the British journalist, see Paul Vallely. Vallely Paul E. Vallely is a retired US Army Major General and senior military analyst for Fox News. He served in Vietnam during the Vietnam War and retired […]

Download these documents go to every townhall meeting, confront every elected official, every candidate in front of TV camers with this evidence and demand immediate criminal prosecution of Obama for Social Security fraud, for use of a stolen Social Security number

this article about my meetings in DC is marked as highly cited in Google

Highly Cited: Top GOP staffers huddle with Birther activist‎ Salon please, check different House and Senate committees and their schedules I need your help in putting together a list of  house and senate committees names of chairs and ranking members and dates of hearings

This recently retired officer is going to DC unarmed, I hope that the secret service will not be shooting at him

First, of all I don’t agree with everything this man is saying. Some of his talk is very inflammatory, but one thing is clear: just as Commander Walter FitzPatrick, officer Daryn Moran is exasperated with the unprecedented level of lawlessness and corruption in the White House, in Congress and in the Judiciary. The fact that for […]

a response was sent to Ben Smith from Politico

September 26, 2011 Categories: Congress No birther embrace from Rubio Justin Elliott reported today that California lawyer/dentist Orly Taitz, whose theories about Barack Obama’s birth are rather loopy even by the standards of the fever swamps, got meetings with aides to Steve King, Allen West, Jim Inhofe and — perhaps more surprisingly — Marco Rubio.  […]

Letter from Linda Jordan to Obama, demanding to explain mismatch in his Social Security number. Please, add your name in the thread to this post. I am adding mine

Letter from Linda Jordan to Obama I concur with Ms. Linda Jordan. Mr. Obama owes the whole nation some answers, why is he  using in his recent tax returns and his selective service certificate a Social Security number 042-68-4425, which was issued in the state, where he was never a resident and which according to […]

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