
My yesterday’s presentation to CCIR and update on article2SuperPAC-Larry Klayman $25,000 fundraising for non-existent law suit affair

Article2superpac $25000 solicitation for Larry Klayman Screen shot $25,000 solicitation for Larry Klayman lawsuits, February 10, 2012 Yesterday I gave a 2hour presentation of my platform as a candidate for the US Senate. The presentationwas given to some 100 CA voters  in the Women’s club of  Garden Grove.  I was told, that a representative of […]

Update Indiana hearing

Deckard, Trent TDeckard@iec.in.gov to me show details 10:23 AM (25 minutes ago) Ms. Taitz, My name is spelled Deckard.  I am Co-Director of the Indiana Election Division, one of two officials appointed by the Governor to administer elections for the State of Indiana.  We will see you at the meeting of the Indiana Election Commission […]

A $1,000 challenge from a donor for others to match it, so I can fly to different states and challenge Obama. We will win sooner or later. He has to win 50 times, I have to win only once to move him from the WH to the Big House!

Donation Details Total amount: $1,000.00 USD Currency: U.S. Dollars Confirmation number: redacted Purpose: defend our freedoms foundation Contributor: redacted Message: Orly, God Bless You for your tireless efforts. I wish I personally had the time to assist you, but since I don’t, I will pledge some of my money to help you. The severity of […]

Submitted to Indiana election commission by FedEx

Orly Taitz orly.taitz@gmail.com to “King, Brad” <bking@iec.in.gov>, Orly Taitz <orly.taitz@gmail.com> cc oig.hotline@usdoj.gov, “Bonnet, Jerry (SOS)” <jbonnet@sos.in.gov>, Charles White <SecretaryWhite@gmail.com> date Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 1:50 PM subject Re: Urgent regarding election fraud complaint mailed-by gmail.com hide details 1:50 PM (0 minutes ago) Mr. King, please find attached 1. filed out a sworn notarized CAN-1 […]

Demand written response from the Sec of State and Elections board in Indiana

Election challenge Secretary of State Indiana Farrar corrected proposed summary of law and fact Farrar et al v Obama First amended complaint Farrar v Obama Transcript of the 01.26.2012 hearing Farrar v Obama Exhibits in case file Urgent regarding election fraud complaint X InboxX Reply |Orly Taitz to elections, Charles, jerbonnet, oig.hotline show details 5:32 […]

Yesterday I addressed Gingrich and demanded answers, why a person, who is not eligible to pick tomatoes and clean toilets, is still sitting in the WH?

Redd Yesterday I was invited by some TeaPac leaders to attend a meeting with Newt Gingrich. I actually missed picture taking and the beginning of the speech, as I was busy making sure the Superior court in GA has all the documents for the appeal and I actually had to work with my patients prior to […]

Update on challenges around the country

a couple of my supporters filed challenges in MA and PA. So far the Secretaries of State are non-responsive. Will keep you updated. so far I filed challenges in NH, HI, GA, IN, LA, MS, there are ongoing cases in CA and DC. In AL Mr. Hendershott asked me to represent him. I submitted pro […]

Great news!!! According to the FBI Hussein Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro/Bounnel (or whatever he is) can be arrested as a domestic terrorist: he is using fake IDs, committing white-collar crimes and holding illegal courts. Call Robert Mueller, director of the FBI, demand immediate arrest of Obama on all of the above charges

Domestic Terrorism The Sovereign Citizen Movement 04/13/10 Some examples of illegal license plates used by so-called sovereign citizens. Domestic terrorism—Americans attacking Americans because of U.S.-based extremist ideologies—comes in many forms in our post 9/11 world. To help educate the public, we’ve previously outlined two separate domestic terror threats—eco-terrorists/animal rights extremists and lone offenders. Today, we […]

Do not despair, we will break free

Jordan Submitted on 2012/02/05 at 5:52am I am beginning to believe we may never know who may be behind these Judicial decisions, not to mention the direction of the country itself. It just seems that no matter what, Democrat or Republican, we just keep going down hill. I do not believe there is any stupidity involved […]

Judge Malihi gave me a leave of court to petition the Superior court for Letters Rogatory to the Circuit Court of HI seeking local subpoena for Obama’s original birth certificate in lieu of the alleged copy attached to 01.25.2012 letter from Jablonski

Farrar v Obama Emergency Request for Leave of Court to petition Superior Court for Letter Rogatory X InboxX Orly TaitzDear Ms. Beal, please forward to Honorable judge Malihi this emergency reques… 7:58 AM (23 hours ago) Orly TaitzLoading…7:58 AM (23 hours ago) Reply |Orly Taitz to Kim, michael.jablon. show details 7:58 AM (23 hours ago) […]

Press conference after Obama eligibility trial in Atlanta Part 2

Part of the press conference, that I gave to all the major networks after the trial in GA

Obama to courts:”states can’t touch me”. Response from Orly: “we’ll see about that”


A small part from my NBC interview

WXIA-TV Atlanta Submitted on 2012/01/22 at 1:26pm Obama Birth Certificate Case https://www.11alive.com/video/1408072959001/50317397001/Obama-Birth-Certificate-Case Obama Birth Certificate Case https://www.11alive.com/video/1408072959001/50317397001/Obama-Birth-Certificate-Case noemail@aol.com WXIA-TV Atlanta PS. this is just a small part of the interview, they will be running another one today or tomorrow. The reporter was wrong in his assemptions, that the state courts have no jurisdiction over Obama, […]

Ledger-Enquirer is reporting on the case


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