
How stoned are “Rolling Stones” if they believe that “moderate” status quo candidates would tackle the WTO-GATT agreements, bring jobs, energy and water to CA and end corruption in the government?

  California’s Push for More Moderate Candidates Totally Backfires RollingStone.com (blog)‎ – 2 hours ago California’s Push for More Moderate Candidates Totally  Backfires POSTED: June 5, 12:04 PM ET | By Jillian Rayfield   Orly Taitz stands on the steps  of the Federal Courthouse in Columbus, Georgia. AP Photo/The Columbus, Ga.  Ledger-Enquirer, Robin Trimarchi In […]

Google Politics and Elections:Birther Queen Orly Taitz’s Big Comeback on California Senate Ballot and 28 related articles

Google Politics & Elections   www.google.com/elections/ed/us/home?q=%22national…limit… You +1’d this publicly. Undo 21 minutes ago – Orly Taitz, the mastermind behind the conspiracy theory that Obama wasn’t born in the United States, could finish in the top two in California’s Senate primary … Daily Beast Birther Queen Orly Taitz’s Big Comeback on California Senate Ballot Daily […]

We expect 10% less turnout, more efect for my supporters, who are more motivated than others

Mail ballots indicate low-turnout election June 1st, 2012, 1:22 pm by Martin Wisckol, Politics reporter Neal Kelley with mail ballots in 2008. Mail ballots arriving at the Orange County elections office indicate a low-turnout for Tuesday’s primary, with voting on pace to see less than 30 percent of registered voters casting ballots in the county. […]

When Obama mouth piece attacks Romney for associating himself with birthers, it means that Romney is doing the right thing

Birther Madness: Trump and Romney Partnership Means Win for Obama Gather.com Donald Trump is a birther, and aside from Orly Taitz, he’s the loudest of the conspiracy racists..erhm..theorists. Donald also isn’t showing any signs of …

Joseph Farah and Jerome Corsi from WND stick a knife in my back for the second time! Demand a drop of integrity from them! Demand to stop promoting my competitor, who laughs at eligibility, and promote my candidacy for the US Senate!

Yesterday Joseph Farah of WND ran an article by Jerome Corsi, where they state that the Secretary of State of AZ advised the government of HI that without verification of Obama’s eligibity  he will not place Obama’s name on the ballot. Keep in mind: all of it might be a lot of hot air. We have only a […]

With KABC syndicated talk show host Larry Elder at yesterday’s rally in Palmdale with congressmen Buck McKeon and Alan West

Rick Amato show interview is now everywhere

Already a member? Login here Home About Rick Live Member Login Amato For Liberty RightSideWire Listen Live Podcasts Advertise Contact F.A.Q. Exclusive: Orly Taitz Discusses Obama’s Fraudulent SS# w: Rick Amato

Guess what Senator Diane Feinstein publishes on her “Diane 2012 ” News page?

et updates April 9, 2012 Feinstein’s Fight Desert Outlook – One of the top issues in the busy 2012 political year is shaping up to be the effort to repeal DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act. And leading the repeal fight is California’s senior U.S. Senator, Dianne Feinstein March 27, 2012 She may be candidate […]

126,000 people saw this video by William Wagener from the US District Court hearing on ObamaForgeryGate

Reminder, May 26 I will be a speaker at the Constitutional elections summit in Dallas TX. Ver 300 people already RSVPed to be in the audience

Again, I want to extend our gratitude for speaking at the May 26th Constitutional Elections Summit at Fair Park Bible Fellowship church. Pastor Broden will be performing the Master of Ceremonies (MC) of our Constitutional Elections Summit on May 26th. https://www.icareabouttheconstitution.com In order for Pastor Broden to be as familiar with the speakers as possible […]

good news from Europe, people are rising there against the Bielderberg, CFR, Trilateral Commission mafia and their puppets in the positions of power

 Corruption in Europe Antonio Bassi 11:35 PM (5 hours ago) Dear Orly, I will be short because I have to run to work but I had to say this. Even if Obama will be re-elected (and he most likely will be), don’t give up your cause because sooner or later you will prevail. Here in […]

Thug-ocracy regime of the usurper Obama is celebrating 1 year anniversary of the release of BC forgery. How many corrupt and dirty judges, US attorneys, AGs and congressmen were invited to the party? How many of them will ultimately go to prison?

  Obama’s lap dog media, such as Daily Kos is celebrating 1 year anniversary of Obama’s posting on line of the computer forgery, which he claims to be a copy of his BC. They attack decent Americans, who demand removal  of Obama from office and his criminal prosecution for use of forged documents. But what […]

Interview given by US Senate candidate Dr. Orly Taitz during CA CRA convention. Interview highlights new racketeering causes of action filed against Obama, Pelosi, Obama for America, Fuddy, Onaka, Astrue and others

An open letter to a reader, answers regaring Larry Kleyman, WND and ORYR

An open letter to a reader, answers regaring Larry Kleyman, WND and ORYR On February 10 there was a written solicitation to raise $25,000 for attorney Larry Kleyman and there was a written announcement that within a week, which would be by February 17, Kleyman is filing legal actions in FL and CA. A couple […]

Please, distribute my fliers “Orly Taitz for US Senate 2012” to your mailing list, your neighbors, friends, coworkers, in your schools, libraries and supermarkets

Orly Taitz for US Senate 2012 Please, see attached my 3 page campaign flier. I spoke to the 9/12 Orange county Tea Party yesterday and got a standing ovation. People are waking up. We can make it, we can win. Toay I am speaking to the Republican Women Federated of Los Alamitos, California Republican Assembly […]

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