
Great news Judge Wingate in the US District Court in MS is prepared to hear my case. It will be either on Septemeber 24 or 26. I would appreciate donations and frequent flier miles to travel to MS

  Taitz v. Democratic Party of MS; et al;  3:12cv280HTW-LRA Twana_Summers@mssd.uscourts.gov 12:36 PM (23 minutes ago) to me, sbegley1, scottjtepper, hpizz, jmath To all parties: Judge Wingate is prepared to hear oral argument on the motions pending before this Court in the above styled case.  We are available September 24 and 26.  Please advise whether […]

A very powerful article from the founder of the Tea Party Nation attorney Judson Philips.

Scaring the left – Tea Party Nation www.teapartynation.com/forum/topics/scaring-the-leftShare Shared on Google+. View the post. You +1’d this publicly. Undo 19 hours ago – The left claims that birthers are a joke and they like to point to people like Orly Taitz, the attorney who will file a law suit over the issue anywhere she can […]

Appointee of H.W. Bush in the Northern District of TX to rule on a case and motion for injunction against the ObamaTax filed by CA attorney Orly Taitz

Press Release Law offices of Dr. Orly Taitz 08.24.2012     H.W. Bush appointee Honorable Jorge A. Solis in Northern District of Texas is to rule on the case Taitz v Sebelius 3-12-cv-3251  and on motion to stay/ for preliminary injunction of ObamaTax brought by California attorney Orly Taitz. This case originated in the Central […]

from a retired military pilot Neil Turner. Thank you Mr. Turner

Orly;   I just watched your excellent interview with DemocastTV yesterday at the Beverly Hills Tea Party meeting (with Pat Boone in attendance, no less), and was most impressed. The Obots who post on his site are once-again at a complete loss for any kind of intelligent response. Crime of the century: gov’t obstructions against […]

ObamaForgeryGate for dummies (explanation of SSN fraud, Columbia records fraud,SSS fraud, BC fraud)

Orly Taitz- How will the forged birth-certificate & stolen SocSec # be … www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-Fs9Tbn220Share 17 hours ago – https://democast.com Pursuing criminal prosecution of Barack H. Obama. 175146.

Examiner.com story on legal actions by attorney Taitz on elections fraud

Great news in Indiana, Judge Reid reverses her prior ruling and allows me to proceed on 3 out of 4 causes of action against the Sec of State and Elections Commission: Fraud, Breach of Fiduciary duty and Negligence for allowing Obama on the ballot with forged IDs

Small note before I provide  the hearing report. It looks like one of 4 members of the elections commission, Sarah Steel Reardon, resigned from the commission. This was a hectic day, but things are looking up! I got up at 4 am yesterday and drove to LA and flew to Phoenix and from there to […]

Court signed and stamped subpoena for Detective Zullo to appear and testify in Taitz et al v Elections Commission, Secretary of State in Indiana. Please, call and write to Mr. Zullo and urge him to show up in court. I will pay for his transportation and lodging in Indianapolis. This is extremely important

Indiana Rule 60 Motion for Relief from June 25, 2012 Order IN Petition for a Writ of Mandamus 7.23.12

In-depth brief on Bill Clinton’s communist ties, send far and wide before Clinton’s keynote address at the DNC Obama-nominating convention

Just Me 0 approved Submitted on 2012/08/03 at 7:42 pm WILL ANY OF THIS HELP? The following is an excerpt from Des Griffin, a gifted writer and prolific researcher of facts [March, 1998]: “In the final analysis, the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal is a sideshow – a relatively minor distraction. Its salacious nature serves to draw away […]

This statistics will surprise you

This statistics will surprise you by Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ A lot is said about Chinese accomplishments during Olympics, but the results need to be put in perspective, mainly one has to look at the per capita numbers, per capita accomplishments. China has population of 1.3 billion. 34 medals received by Chinese athletes mean that […]

tell candidtes and organizations: not a cent for your campaigns until you demand pcriminal investigation and prosecution of Obama for use of a stolen CT SSN 042-68-4425 and for use of a forged BC and Selective service ID. Prosecute all of his accomplices in high places. Hit them where it hurts, in their pockets!

ken 76 approved Submitted on 2012/08/02 at 9:48 pm I think we all know it is not about the economy.. This is what it is about.. I relayed that to M Bachmann’s camp yesterday when they called me for support… I did mention I am supporting Orly Taitz when I can and that they should […]

Obama’s campaign called Romney a felon. Time to speak up the truth: Obama is a thief, who stole the U.S. Presidency with forged and fraudulently obtained IDs. Challenge to Obama: sue me for defamation if you are not a thief and if your BC, SSN and SS certificate are not forged!

Boston Globe Publishes False Bain Story, Obama Campaign Calls Romney  a Felon, Vindicated Romney Campaign Demands Apology In a conference call with reporters this morning, the Obama campaign focused  on this morning’s Boston Globe story arguing that Mitt Romney remained at Bain  through 2002. The Romney campaign has called the story “not accurate.” “Either Mitt […]

Russian TV report on ObamaForgeryGate with English subtitles

Investigative Report On Russian Military TV Regarding Obama … www.frequency.com/video/investigative-report…/54686475Share Shared on Google+. View the post. You +1’d this publicly. Undo 17 hours ago – Orly Taitz, investigative report on Russian Military TV regarding Obama’s use of a fraudulently obtained SSN and a forged birth certificate. This site may contain …

Just as media reports that Holmes has a CA issued SS number, they need to report that Chicago thug Barack Hussein Obama is using a CT SS number 042-68-4425, issued to a resident of CT born in 1890. Write to every media outlet and every judge and bureaucrat, demand that they stop this usurpation of the US Presidency, end this crime of the century and treason

From: https://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/07/20/Exclusive-Dark-Knight-Shooting-Suspect-James-Holmes-Registered-Democrat?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+BreitbartFeed+%28Breitbart+Feed%29&utm_content=Google+Reader The James Holmes for whom Breitbart News has obtained documentation is 25 years old (the suspect has been reported as 24 years old). He has links to addresses in both Colorado and San Diego, where his mother has been reported to be from, according to news reports. He was issued a traffic citation […]

65% of Republicans question Obama’s story and his alleged papers, while OC register flagrantly lies about experts finding Obama’s papers valid. All the experts find Obama’s SS card, BC and SS registration to be flagrant forgeries, for which he and corrupt judges and officials aiding and abetting him, should go to prison

« Previous Post All Posts O.C. poll: 65% of GOP question Obama citizenship July 20th, 2012, 11:43 am · · posted by Martin Wisckol, Politics reporter inShare1 Obama at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2010. Two-thirds of county Republicans polled say Barack Obama might not be a natural-born citizen – and 20 percent of those are […]

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