
Dr. Orly Taitz was endorsed by the Independent Caucus with 79% of the vote

Taitz received over 79% of the affirmative votes and is good for endorsement. Please see attached results. — Thank you, Dale Bruhl Independence Caucus National Director of Vetting & Endorsement I want to thank all of the members of the Independent Caucus for your votes, support and encouragement. Last 2 years were extremely hard for […]

A letter of endorsement for Dr. Orly Taitz from Brigadier General Charles E.Jones

 Flag this message Fw: Quick Note — Campaign indorsement. Saturday, June 5, 2010 5:20 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Charles Jones III” <cejb66@yahoo.com> View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Message contains attachments 1 File (15KB) I am Charles Jones, Brigadier General , USAF retired and——I whole heartily and strongly endorse Dr Orly Taitz to […]

Newsletter 06.05.10. Latest Rasmussen poll: Steve Poizner (R) is only 1% away from Dem Jerry Brown. Are there new matters hurting Jerry Brown?

California Governor race latest Rasmussen polling: Brown 43%, Poizner 42% Democratic State Attorney General Jerry Brown’s post-convention bounce appears to be over, and he now posts narrow leads over both his Republican challengers in California’s gubernatorial race. [more] In the same poll Meg Whitman polled 41% to 45% for Jerry Brown 4% difference. Keep in […]

A letter of support from Bob Basso-“Thomas Paine”, soul of the tea party movement. Basso: “she (Taitz) is the genuine article…a patriot of the highest order who thinks and acts like a stateswoman, never a politician”


What is the bottom line: Do you want to see Obama on the ballot in 2012?

June 3, 2010 We have only 5 days left to June 8 Republican primary. what does it boil down to? Do you want to see the name Barack Hussein Obama on CA ballot in 2012? If you do, vote for Damon Dunn, an ex-football player,  a life long Democrat who suddenly became a Republican last year, […]

KABC radio interview

I just finished radio interview with KABC Los Angeles radio  program with John Phillips. It was a good interview and it will be available  in archives. I provided information about my qualification for the position and stated that in this race I have the best background on the issue of voting and voting law, clearly […]

Conservative web site Uncoverage.net endorsed Orly Taitz

  My Ballot for California GOP Primary 2010       For what it’s worth, here is how I voted.   Discuss.       Governor: Steve Poizner   The most viable conservative in the race.  Toughest on immigration and taxes. As state insurance commissioner, only one with Sacramento experience. Endorsed by Cong. Tom McClintock, 72% approval of CA […]

Following organizations participated in Grassroots Constitutional Conservatives survey and by margin 2:1 (30 points difference) ranked Dr. Orly Taitz first, Damon Dunn second in a contest for CA Secretary of State

Tea Party PatriotsCampaign for Liberty   Campaignforliberty.com Our mission is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a non interventionist foreign policy, by means of educational and political activity. The 912 Projects   The912project.com This is a non-political movement. The 9-12 Project is designed […]

By margin 2:1 Grassroots Constitutional Conservatives rank Dr. Orly Taitz first, Damon Dunn second for the position of the CA Sec of State

  Grassroots Constitutional Conservatives   Search this site Home Project Definition Organizations List of Candidates Candidate Debates Governor Debates U.S. Senate Debate Survey Results 6days until Statewide Direct Primary Election   Survey Results

Weed out liars and agitators among us:aka Roger Hedgecock, Steve Frank, Damon Dunn. Talk show hosts, who sold out and are aiding and abetting voter fraud, should be criminally prosecuted. You can report them to your local District Attorney, file a criminal complaint for aiding and abetting voter fraud and demand immediate investigation and prosecution of these talk show hosts for aiding and abetting voter fraud. e-mail to me a copy of your complaint.

Spaulding Submitted on 2010/05/31 at 5:13pm Unfortunately, Roger Hedgecock, an influential and often informative, usually conservative former mayor of San Diego has run interference for Dunn at least twice on his syndicated radio show. During his show on 28 May in Modesto he interviewed many candidates for the California primary, but not Dr. Taitz. He […]

Interview with senior citizens, who supposedly nominated Damon Dunn, but swear they never did it


A letter of support of Dr. Taitz as well as warning about Damon Dunn was sent by CRA board member to the rest of CRA board. Letters from concerned Republicans were sent to talk show host Steve Frank with a demand for retraction of his slanderous statements. When members of the media are hiding the truth from the public, from the voters, they are guilty of aiding and abetting voter fraud. If we will have a strong attorney general come November, hopefully all of these members of the media will be criminally prosecuted for aiding and abetting voter fraud in relation to obama election, as well as candidacy of Damon Dunn. We need strong AJ and Sec of State in each and every state.

This is a bit long read but very important. InboxX  Reply |Zonya townsend to Desare, Gina, Rick, Jaclyn show details 1:13 AM (5 hours ago) Damon says the same thing over & over,  being born illegitimate to a teen mother, all his siblings living in small quarters, he overcame all obsticles, the whole sob story, […]

Read, who Marxist Liberal Democrats are endorsing. Did you notice who are they afraid of? Who do they call “genuinely terrifying person”?

« Abortion lecture posted California Primary EndorsementsPublished by Hugo Schwyzer on May 29, 2010 in Endorsements. I’m offering my endorsements for the California primary election on June 8. I endorse candidates from both major parties. Often these endorsements are offered less in enthusiasm than in a sense of supporting the “least-worst option”. State and Federal […]

Letter to talk show host Stephen Frank re upcoming court hearing in Barnett v Dunn, Bowen and Brown.

Rebuttal letter sent to talk show host  and political commentator Steve Frank stephenfrank@sbcglobal.net  Mr. Frank, you are slandering me and defrauding the public again and again. The fact that my opponent lifelong Democrat Damon Dunn, running in Republican primary, defrauded the public, was not known to you before. I did not bring this issue before, […]

Newsletter 05.29.10 Good news

Newsletter 05.29.10. This was a remarkable week. I travelled hundreds of miles all over the State and met over a 1,000 voters. Yesterday 34 leaders of different Tea Party Patriots groups, 9/12 Patriots groups and Campaign for Liberty groups conducted a conference call and were able to achieve a consensus in support of several candidacies.  My was […]

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