
a TV program about my legal challenges to Obama’s eligibility aired today at 1 Moscow time to REN market of 120 million people. A link and a WIKI article about REN-TV network is below

Will be aired this Saturday InboxX  Reply |Alexander Gofen to me show details Nov 24 (3 days ago)        Dear Orly,        I have just gotten a word from Svetlana, that the show will be aired this Saturday November 27 at 13:00 Moscow time, REN TV rubric “Voiennaia taina”. Svetlana promised to record a video […]

Europeans asked for videos with major Cook, so I am posting it

An overview of the case, as given to Russian TV. A radio interview in Hebrew for New York large Hebrew Sopeaking community will be done on Wed. at 8EST/5PST. Talk show host Avner Meir

Black Obama supporters are now turning away from Obama and expressing their deep disappointment

Michael Norris Questioner To Obama: “I’m Exhausted Of Defending You”https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=155789811117473 Questioner To Obama: “I’m Exhausted Of Defending You” CNBC Town Hall Questioner To Obama: “I’m Exhausted Of Defending You” www.realclearpolitics.com “I’m one of your middle class Americans. And quite frankly, I’m exhausted. Exhausted of defending you, defending your administration, defending the mantle of change that […]

The most important clip you’ll ever need to watch. It’s time! The whole nation is on the verge of financial slavery and economic collapse.

For the last two years I was very hesitant to speak up about one of the biggest tabus. I was hesitant to bring this last holly cow to slaughter, but things are so out of hand, that it became imperative. The genie is out of the bottle and it’s time to tackle the issue of  […]

watch this video! We don’t want this barbaric Muslim culture and Sharia law in US.

Cheryl Espy-Dalton was tagged in a video. Stoning of a MUSLIM Woman!! Please watch and see how women are treated in Islamic Countries. We must fight together to END this! Women are treated terrible under Islamic Laws and if we do noting, this will continue. Length: 1:25

My speech at CA Republican Assembly

This was recorded by Democast TV two days before the primary

Explosive new TV interview “On Second Thought” with William Wagener

BREAKING NEWS! – Is Barack Obama Really A Saudi / Muslim “Plant” in the White House?

Tom Tancredo, 5 times elected US congressman calls for impeachment of Obama

Here is the video of me addressing Justice Roberts on 03.13.2009, when he promised to review the matter

Penny Johnson Submitted on 2010/07/21 at 12:01pm Just a question. Shouldn’t this request first go to Justice Thomas since he has jurisdiction over the 11 Circuit? If he denies it then you can send it to another justice. I think you are in uncharted waters here. My guess is that the Supreme Court has never […]

Democrat documentary directory gigi gaston is talking about the massive elections fraud by Obama

Gigi Gaston is an amazing woman, she helped me with my first video clips of my presentations. As you can see it is not a strictly party issue. It is an issue of decent people staning up to massive fraud, to Chicago mafia rule, to disrespect of our voting rights.

Obama Bumper Sticker (BS) removal kit

Neidner show

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