
Quite an awakening for Chris Matthews. Please, call him and see if he will allow me to talk about Obama’s constitutional illegitimacy to U.S. presidency and how it ties in withillegal immigration and anchor babies

 Flag this message Chris Matthews: “I Don’t Think Democrats Want To Stop” Illegal Immigration Wednesday, December 29, 2010 5:09 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Bud Chris Matthews: “I Don’t Think Democrats Want To Stop” Illegal Immigration https://www.mediaite.com/tv/chris-matthews-i-dont-think-democrats-want-to-stop-illegal-immigration/ » 56 comments by Matt Schneider | 5:49 pm, December 28th, 2010 Video What’s gotten into […]

Chris Mathews from MSNBC is arguing for birthers. I am finishing work with my patients and going for a glass of wine. Look at the clip below, you’ll be in total shock and will ask for a bottle of vodka.

Corn on “Hardball”: Can the Birthers Ever Be Convinced? | Mother Jones Dec 27, 2010 … Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid invites Orly Taitz to have her photo snapped with the president. She can’t wait to ask him, “Where’s the … motherjones.com/…/neil-abercrombie-obama-birth-certificate?… – 87 1 minute ago Hawaii Governor Will Try To End Birther Debate […]

Jihad Bells from the Palestinian authority

“The Guardian” a leading newspaper from United Kingdom publishes a new article about eligibility. They are already writing about my article, posted yesterday “New play -American POW in America”. Within hours it is being promoted on the other side of the globe.

Barack Obama detractors, the’birthers’, face challenge from Hawaii governor Conspiracy theorists’ claim that president is an alien interloper and not a US citizen to be challenged by Neil Abercrombie   Share   Comments (8) Ed Pilkington in New York guardian.co.uk, Sunday 26 December 2010 17.15 GMT Article history Barack Obama’s citizenship is a target for the […]

Former Governor of NM Bill Richardson “Obama is an immigrant” (hence illegitimate for presidency)

Lee Benedict   Richardson revelation-Obama is an immigrant www.youtube.com Disclosure by Gov. Bill Richardson at the Democratic National Convention in Denver Colorado on Sept. 1st 2008 “Barack Obama is an immigrant…he is one of us…”

Bring it home in the form of the art. Let’s bring the story of de facto crucifixion of Lakin to every playhouse and theatre near you

I truly believe in collective intelligence and a team work. One of my supporters Alexander Gofen came up with a great idea of  making a play and reenacting citizen grand jury trial held in Harlem. I thought about it and feel that it might be even better to reenact Lakin’s life and trial and bring […]

Watch the clip from Great Britain in the link below. It shows what happens when the braindead liberals tie the hands of the police and military and allow the Muslim thugs to invade the country, run rampant and take over it

https://www.theblogofrecord.com/2009/01/13/muslim-rioters-give-london-police-a-good-chase   Send this to your reader lists because the US media will not report this kind of Islamic terror tactics as they occur in Europe

African-American Pastor James Manning, a political dissident against illegitimate Obama regime, was illegally arrested, detained for 3 hours at Fort Meade, interrogated and pressured to sign a statement without an attorney present

Alexander Gofen to me show details 10:52 PM (6 hours ago) (Not for posting)        Dear Orly,        I guess you are well informed about that unlawful arrest of Pastor Manning and his team: https://atlahmedianetwork.org/?p=11907

Congressman Alan West is thought to be a future candidate for the position of secretary of defense or possibly at some point a Republican candidate for President or Vice President

As the queen of the birthers I am delighted to welcome comedian Jay Leno in my kingdom

Nearly 2 million articles appear in 30 seconds on Google under the title Orly Taitz, which shows interest of the public at large in anticipation of decision on my cases by the Supreme Court on January 7 and by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Visit to U.N. and recent European documentary increased the traffic and public interest in general

Google orly taitz × Advanced search Language tools Instant is onInstant is offInstant is off (slow connection) ▼ Google Instant is off due to connection speed. Learn more. › On (type to search)› Off (press Enter to search) More about Google Instant Google Instant is unavailable. Press Enter to search. Learn more Google Instant is off […]

Did Cointelpro target me as a dissident against Obama regime?

Please, watch this clip carefully. Was I a target of Cointelpro? A group of 4 convicted felons, document forgers and thieves was used to forge my signature, divert donations from my foundation, slander and defame me, file nuissance law suits and use the legal system to harass me with multimillion doillar frivolous law suits, there was […]

A link to European eligibility interview and TV special, that went to 120 million people in AVI format, it should be easier to copy

Богачева Светлана to me show details 5:43 AM (1 hour ago) Орли! Вот ссылка на скачивание файла в Avi https://ifolder.ru/20649283 Попробуйте, все должно получиться!!

You can download the REN-TV European program quickly by going to Google, Orly Taitz, REN-TV option video

REN TV fast Friday, December 3, 2010 10:18 AM From: “lioudmila dyer” View contact details To: “Orly Taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Message contains attachments 1 File (293KB) VOENNAYAtayna.docxДорогая Мисс Орли. Я нескоко  раз пыталась открыть ЛИНК который Вы дали, чтобы посмотреть ВОЕННУЮ ТАЙНУ. Это очень долго и безрезультатно для меня по крайней мере. Тогда я набрала Вас […]

This is the link to Russian language interview. The file is 360 megabites, it takes about an hour to download, it is easier to watch it on MAC

  Russians are more informed than most of U.S. media They end this program by saying, why doesn’t Obama resolve all the questions by releasing all the documents. They are talking about: 1. multiple SS numbers in the databases and the fact that Obama is using a stolen SS number from CT 2. the fact […]

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