
Justice Clarence Thomas at Congressional committee hearing is stating that the Supreme Court is evading the Eligibility issue

I gave this interview to the senatorial candidate and talk show host J.D. Hayworth

I will do 1 hour Joyce Riley “Power Hour” show on July 14, 6 am PST

  Dr. Taitz: Talk Radio REQUEST for GUEST Appearance on Joyce Riley’s The Power Hour InboxX  Reply |Marie Gunther to me show details 8:49 AM (1 hour ago) FROM:  The Power Hour with Joyce Riley                PO Box 85, Versailles, MO  65084                www.ThePowerHour.com   RE:  Talk Radio Request for DR. ORLY TAITZ Hello Dr. […]

Clarification regarding Beverly Hills event and July 2 hearing

I need to provide a response to this article: First of all Kevin L. Boyce -is a corrupt politician, who needs to be replaced. Everyone in Ohio should vote for Josh Mandel for State treasurer to replace corrupt politician Kevin L. Boyce. In regards to the Beverly Hills event, I really didn’t spend any time anywhere near […]

You’ll love these clips

HI election official gives an interview to ABC station, confirms that Obama was not born in HI

Dylan Ratigan on left wing MSNBC is surprised at how many voted for me. He says that more people voted for Orly Taitz than for a number of members of Congress

Now there are 12.5 million articles on IXquick.com under “Orly Taitz”. I am not sure exactly what is going on, but it is going viral. Where is NOW now?

I am wondering: where is NOW now? Where is the National Organization for Women?  Do I have to be  a lesbian, a stripper sleeping with a celebrity or at the very minimum a liberal Democrat to get some support from the National Organization for Women? Where is Gloria Alride? Where is Katie Couric? Where is Barbara Walters? […]

RT TV has shown this interview live in LA, NY, DC, on 6 continents. I wish they would not have shown the paintings and would have concentrated on the issues, but we will need and will have discovery in both actions: against Obama and against Dunn, Bowen and others. Keep in mind, Watergate started with the money trail. RT TV just posted the interview on you tube. Here it is. I hope we will have discovery soon. Nearly 2 years of hell and agony is probably enough for any human being.

Over 55,000 have seen this video already

A sad day for America and CA

BruceWho ezyoyo@aol.com Submitted on 2010/06/09 at 10:49pm Early in the election the Republican leaders were giving Mr. Dunn support and radio announcers, such as Brian Sussman, expressed the view that he was the GOP choosen one with promise. And even this morning Brian Sussman reinforced this view of Mr. Dunn without giving any rational […]

Major left wing publications came out with articles today talking about my possible win

Politico, one of the largest left wing Internet magazines is running an article today about my race and quoting Allan Hoffenblum, longtime GOP California Strategist, who publishes California target book, as saying “Taitz victory is entirely possible”. Politico is trying to save face after all of the slander and misrepresentation of me on the pages of their publication, by […]

John and Ken KFI AM 640 radio interview today. You can hear it on podcast, they have a large audience

My ABC interview- candidate for CA Sec of state statement

Your video is great!   https://abclocal.go.com/kabc/feature?section=news/politics/local_elections&id=7429583 Regards, George Miller https://venturacountyteaparty.com

From TV talk show host William Wagener

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