
My response to the editor of Leagle.com

updates@leagle.com  7:49 AM (1 hour ago) Dear Orly Taitz: Today we published the case TAITZ v. DUNN on Leagle.com. As an attorney representing one of the parties in this case, we welcome any comments you would like to make via the “Comment” tab found above the case caption. Leagle provides public online access to primary […]

Thug-ocracy regime of the usurper Obama is celebrating 1 year anniversary of the release of BC forgery. How many corrupt and dirty judges, US attorneys, AGs and congressmen were invited to the party? How many of them will ultimately go to prison?

  Obama’s lap dog media, such as Daily Kos is celebrating 1 year anniversary of Obama’s posting on line of the computer forgery, which he claims to be a copy of his BC. They attack decent Americans, who demand removal  of Obama from office and his criminal prosecution for use of forged documents. But what […]

Farrar v Obama Proposed summary of facts and law

Farrar corrected proposed summary of law and fact

Sen. Feinstein Loaded up on Biotech Stock Just Before Company Received $24 Million Gov’t Grant

Here is the original “Concord Monitor” article by reporter Maddie Hanna, which was pulled by the regime (inconvenient truth?)

I need help in research.  I am preparing several cases now. We need such Usurper Obama ballot challenges in each and every state, we will burst this fraud and treason wide open. Supreme Court of the US will not be able to ignore 50 cases coming from the Supreme courts of 50 states, just as […]

Concord Monitor covers the hearing and the revolt by the State Representatives after Commission became complicit in Elections fraud, Forgery and Treason

View our complete coverage » Primary Circus 2012 More from Primary Circus 2012 » Primary Circus Orly Taitz challenges Obama’s U.S. citizenship Photo by John Tully / Monitor staff Orly Taitz, from California, questions a representative from the Secretary of State, Bill Gardner’s office regarding the primary ballot registration process.Purchase photo reprints at PhotoExtra » […]

Taitz v Astrue final Opposition to motion for summary judgment

  Taitz v Astrue final opposition to MSJ Taitz v Astrue Opposition to MSJ, exhibits 1-6 Taitz v Astrue opposition to MSJ exhibits final 7,8 taitz v Astrue opposition to MSJ exhibits 9-12 Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway, STE 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Tel: (949) 683-5411; Fax (949) 766-7603  E-Mail: […]

Motion to compel the subpoena “to grant access to the original long form birth certificat of Barack Obama, memorandum of points and authorities, proposed order. PDF and DOCX versions provided

Taitz v Astrue motion to compel the subpoena, proposed order DR. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ ATTORNEY PRO SE 29839 SANTA MARGARITA PARKWAY, STE 100 RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA CA 92688 TEL: (949) 683-5411; FAX (949) 766-7603  E-MAIL: ORLY.TAITZ@GMAIL.COM UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE  DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Dr. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ, PRO SE                        §                              Plaintiff,                         […]

Enlarged applications of Ann Dunham’s SS-5, showing non-existent revision date and a clear sign of forgery

enlarged pdf ss-5 for Ann Dunham

Letter from SSA shows an invalid application form for Ann Dunham

I received today a letter from the Social Security administration. It provided years when social security revised its forms. As you can see, there was no revision in 1955, however the form allegedly  submitted by Stanley Ann Dunham to the Social Security administration, shows on the bottom non-existent revision date of 1955. As I provided […]

Update on Taitz v Astrue

1. I am expecting judge Lamberth to rule on my Vaughn motion very soon, hopefully tomorrow. If he follows the law, he should grant it. It will force the government and specifically the SSA to open their cards and show what documentation they have regarding Connecticut Social security number 042-68-4425, which Obama is fraudulently using. […]

Taitz v Astrue redacted first amended complaint and redacted complaint FedExed today

Taitz v Astrue redacted first amended complaint

required request for administrative appeal was sent to Alvin Onaka in HI

Dr. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ 29839 SANTA MARGARITA pkwy ste 100 SANTA MARGARITA  CA 92688 PH949-683-5411 FAX 949766-7603 06.08.2011 via certified mail Alvin Onaka State Registrar and Chief Office of Health Status Monitoring Hawaii State Department of Health Appeal of denial of production of records under UIPA Request for administrative agency review Dear Mr. Onaka, On […]

motion for clarification sent today

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway, STE 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Tel: (949) 683-5411; Fax (949) 766-7603  E-Mail: dr_taitz@yahoo.com, orly.taitz@gmail.com UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE  DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Dr. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ, PRO SE                        §                              Plaintiff,                         § Freedom of information violation                                                                    §             5USC §552                         v.                                             §        […]

What can you do to remove our “squatter in chief”. Evidence of forgery of Obama’s birth certificate and his fraudulent use of Connecticut Social Security number

I believe, we need to continue on multiple fronts, e-mail me at orly.taitz@gmail.com or call me 949-683-5411, if you can help with any of  action items below: 1. continue in all courts and seek criminal conviction of Barack Obama  for felonies, that  he committed. As we know, felon cannot serve as a president. Please, form lobbying groups […]

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