

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Can someone find, who this guy is? I still have no response from the FBI and police

Posted on | November 17, 2010 | 7 Comments

Neil N Bob

You mean they cut out the parts of the interview where you just rambled on about something you were never asked about?

It would be nice if some Muslim terrorist pulled you from your car, kicking and screaming and then tore off all of your clothes and dragged you through the streets with pancakes on your head and belly.

Yes. The whole world is laughing at you biotch.

Neil N Bob



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Message from Orly:

No wonder “Media Matters” is defrauding the public about my legal actions

I  submitted to FBI and police evidence of

1.death threats

2. tampering with my car and my husband’s car

3. forgery of my signature and deposition subpoenas were my signature was cut and pasted from another document

4. a group of convicted felons and document forgers working together and  filling perjured affidavits, engaged in filing frivolous law suits, harassment, fraud on the court. 

5. hacking and tampering with my pay-pal, my e-mail accounts, my blogs

6. defamation and slander

7. incitement of violence against me by media representatives.

I have not seen any action by police and FBI yet.

Please, help me by contacting the authorities: police, sheriff, FBI, DA, AG, public integrity unit of the department of justice and so on. Please, help with donations, so I can continue my work


7 Responses to “Can someone find, who this guy is? I still have no response from the FBI and police”

  1. Phil
    November 17th, 2010 @ 3:00 pm

    Orly:…Can you go to the newspapers and/or tv stations there, to tell them about the “inaction” of the FBI, etc.? This has to stop! You need to have this go public! And while you’re at it there, maybe discuss with the media about Bowen, Brown, and Dunn, as well?

    I can’t believe that “tech-people” who support your work aren’t stepping up and finding these “missing links”? And I will also make contact with the FBI, myself. Can you file a suit against any of these people to get them in court and have the media right there to spread the news about the fact that they’re not doing their job?

    I wish I lived closer! I’d be all over the place to bring this to their “attention,” with and I’d be talking to the media, as well. This whole situation is ridiculous! Who is now the Attorney General out there? Speak to that person, if he/she is a (R) and see if they will do their job?

    Ask, also, the folks in the (R) Party, that helped you with your run for S.O.S., and see if they can help with connections? and whatever?

    And this is directed towards the “moon-doggies” that think they know something:…listen up, “trash,” it’s time you did the honorable thing and do us all a favor! What would that be? “Decrease the surface population with yourselves!” Get on which is on here in the midwest at: 12:06am to 4am, 7-days a week! And a person can call in and discuss situations (when they have “open-lines”! Then, you can bring this to everyone’s attention, NATIONWIDE!!!!

    I’ll stay in touch.
    Your friend, Davey Crockett…

  2. Neil N Bob
    November 17th, 2010 @ 5:25 pm

    I know who it is! It’s me!

    Ha ha ha! Orly has always had such great success in getting her flying monkeys to find out who is taunting her.

    Yes. I would like to see you dragged through the streets naked with pancakes on your head and a bloody placenta on your belly. That would be the best entertainment anyone could ask for. 🙂

  3. Phil
    November 18th, 2010 @ 3:46 am

    Dear “numbnuts”:…
    You (2) need help! Once Orly finds you, maybe she can be of further help, by having you (2) “STERILIZED,” as being “mentally incompetent,” as harassing, threatening ‘criminals,’ who can’t function, normally, in society, and who deserve to be locked away in a “rubber-room” away from nice people!

    Do you “robo-retards” realize that she can keep a copy of everything you post here? And she can use that info, LATER?

    Also, who knows, Orly, maybe we can get Congress to pass a new law, stating:…”we are going to ‘reinstate’ a centuries old tradition of ‘MERCY KILLINGS’ for ‘DEFECTIVES PSYCHOTICS,’ who can’t behave themselves ‘in public’!” LOL! I like it!!!
    You people should seriously consider giving up “illegal drugs” and/or “get to church,” so God can “work his wonders”?

    Heck, just ask “Yo mama” to do her job, by “teaching you a “tough-love, lesson”! What would that be? To “whip your glutes” till you learn to behave!!!! Oooohhh, I’d pay to see that!

    Why doth the “heathen rage”? Cause they’re “INSANE!”

    Be strong, Orly, time will bring you “Victory” over the “dark-side”!

    Davey Crockett…

  4. Phil
    November 18th, 2010 @ 3:58 am

    Also, Orly:…a donation is “on it’s way!”

    Come on, Patriots, don’t forget to offer Orly help with all of her expenses! PLEASE donate what you can, to be there “for her!”
    She is tackling a “Herculean” task here! And she is having to go through lots of stress and she needs to know that Patriots are there to help her…and to show some comfort, as well…! God Bless You, Orly!

    Your friend, Davey Crockett…

  5. Kathy M
    November 18th, 2010 @ 6:31 am

    You may think you are safe behind your mask, but God knows who you are and will have his revenge on you. God has a rule; and that is as you live, so you die.

    You had better reconsider your life’s goals.

  6. Neil N Bob
    November 18th, 2010 @ 11:26 am

    Oh! I know I am safe behind my ‘mask’.

    I always find it extremely funny how so called Christians such as yourself believe in a goD that is vengeful.

    There is no goD and it would be funny to watch Orly dragged through the streets with pancakes on her head and belly.

    I just love those paintings that George Soros had painted of Orly. I love them soooo much that I bought one and have it hanging in my game room. We use it for a dart board. It is considered a bullseye to place a dart right in the middle of where she’s holding the pancake on her belly.

  7. Elizabeth
    November 18th, 2010 @ 3:54 pm

    We know that within our societies,
    there are thousands of very ill
    people.. we see this daily in the
    media.. for instance, the insane
    person who dismembered a little
    girl and buried her in a river.

    The ravings of insane people..
    there is nothing to be done when
    the FBI itself is corrupt.. witness
    LCMDR Fitzpatrick’s TN imprisonment,
    LTC Lakin’s imprisonment.. corruption
    and evil abound in this world and we
    who are Christians, know that we
    are in the last days as prophesied
    by God: the God that some mentally
    unbalanced sociopaths do not recognize;
    they deny that they will one day be in His
    judgment, when every knee
    will bow, every tongue confess, that
    Jesus is Lord.

    I sense that many of the posters here
    are Christians. We know that the Living
    Word is true and that the day will come
    and soon is, when evil will be eradicated
    eternally. The signs are all around us.

    The most prevalent and important sign
    is the issue of Jerusalem being divided.

    Again, we have the emerging of Obama,
    who has all of the traits of the Anti-Christ.

    If he is not AC, he is certainly a
    forerunner.. However, he fits the bill,
    perfectly.. (read those scriptures about
    this usurper: i.e. a man of lawlessness).

    Not only has America turned its face
    from God: the rejection is global.

    Christians are facing a spiritual battle
    and people like this one who has written
    Gestapo/Nazi/SS-type threats, with no conscience,is one of many, many signs of our
    end times.

    In fact, when God has finally reached
    the end of His patience, Dr. Taitz
    and others who fight so nobly for
    Truth and Justice and Right,
    will not have to finish the battle
    of spiritual warfare.

    God will finish it for us.

    Amen to that.

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