Call your congressmen and demand to stop mega amnesty! These shameless bought and paid for puppets in the U.S. Congress are getting millions in campaign contributions while they are robbing you and your children of your jobs and benefits. Tell your congressmen: we will work very hard to throw you out in the primary, to recall you if it is not time for you to run, and we will try you for treason, if you vote for this America robbing amnesty!!! We do not need immigration reform, we need corruption reform!
Posted on | June 4, 2013 | 6 Comments
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Send FREE Fax to your elected officials in 1 STEP Congress is preparing to grant amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens, and grant lifetime work visas to another 22 million foreign workers. Amnesty advocates in Congress are working with the media to make this seem inevitable. That could cause some in Congress who might vote against amnesty to crumble under pressure. We need to show our elected officials that Americans will not accept excuses for passing an amnesty! Please send the fax below. In one step, you’ll send a message to President Obama, California Gov. Senators Feinstein and Boxer, and your local U.S. Representative. It is already paid for; we only need your authorization to send it.
We are non-profit and non-partisan. |
6 Responses to “Call your congressmen and demand to stop mega amnesty! These shameless bought and paid for puppets in the U.S. Congress are getting millions in campaign contributions while they are robbing you and your children of your jobs and benefits. Tell your congressmen: we will work very hard to throw you out in the primary, to recall you if it is not time for you to run, and we will try you for treason, if you vote for this America robbing amnesty!!! We do not need immigration reform, we need corruption reform!”
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June 4th, 2013 @ 6:47 am
America is not short of dentists, realtors and swimsuit models. So why were you let in?
June 4th, 2013 @ 7:32 am
My Louisiana congresswoman and congressman are confirmed treasonous traitors by committing the overt acts of signing yea to the NDAA which is blatant high treason so I don’t expect them to obey the constitution or any of the American citizens laws that they sworn an oath to defend, protect and governed only by those laws, one of the most important is not to be infiltrated by illegal alien criminals, because that’s what they are, a criminal. Amnesty is exactly like someone like obama usurping your presidency and voting to infiltrate your house and country illegally. You complain and they say let them stay in your house and crap in the pool then pass laws to allow them into all of your/our neighborhoods illegally infiltrating the American way of life threatening freedom by shocking absurdity telling us to pay for their lawlessness, healthcare, schooling, food, everything, it’s a direct violation to the Constitution and America can’t afford it. Politicians have proven they can’t be trusted to uphold the law of the land, the U.S. Constitution. Open the door and they’ll all infiltrate from mexico “100 million” because it’s a failed communist state, where those people turned in their guns brutalizing themselves crapping in their own pool. The Constitution was designed to keep illegal aliens out and it’s a crime to vote against the Constitution, It’s called oath perjury and it’s a felony crime.
June 4th, 2013 @ 10:56 am
God Bless our junior Congressman, Ted Cruz for spearheading this effort. Enter on link for full press release.
Here is heading: Press Release of Senator Cruz
Gang of Eight Bill Does Not Uphold Promises to Secure Border, Enforce the Law, or Improve Legal Immigration
Cruz, Sessions, Lee, Grassley Pen Letter Voicing Concerns with S. 744
Contact: (202) 224-5922 /
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
June 5th, 2013 @ 8:49 pm
My city is half illegals now and I live no where near the border. I suspect that 11 million estimate is way way WAY low. I think it has to be more like 50+ million.
Remember in the 80s, the same org that claims there are 11 million illegals now told Reagan that there were only 300k illegals then. It turned out to be 3 million.
June 5th, 2013 @ 8:55 pm
That org I mentioned above was the Pew Institute.
June 5th, 2013 @ 8:58 pm
Also check out for more actions we must take to stop this mass amnesty that is to be voted on the June 10th.