California now giving illegal immigrants drivers licenses. Wanna bet voting cards are next?

California now giving illegal immigrants drivers licenses. Wanna bet voting cards are next?

Some asked me, why don’t I file a law suit against this event. Sadly, I can’t, as CA legislature passed a law allowing anyone, who is in CA, to take a driving test and get a driver’s license. They claim that this is not a permit to work, just a road safety issue. Of course, we know that people will use these licenses and stolen and fabricated Social Security numbers to get jobs, but from a legal stand point at the moment I can’t stop it in state court, I can only fight in Federal court.

I have one case in the 9th Cicuit Court of Appeals, where I provided evidence of 1.3 million invalid voter registrations. No decision yet.

I am, also, awaiting decision of Judge Hanen in TX, where I am fighting illegal immigration which is aided by  the federal government. No decision yet.