

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Breakthrough! Congressman Goodlatte acknowledges Congressional investigation of ObamaFraudGate!!! Keep burning the phone lines. Demand meetings with chairs of committees ASAP, Pronto!!!

Posted on | June 24, 2011 | 20 Comments

We need urgent meetings with:

1. Sam Johnson- chair of subcommittee for the Social Security

2. Lamar Smith- chair of the Committee on the Judiciary

3. Darrell Issa- chair of the oversight committee

4. Dana Rohrabacher- chair of the subcommittee on intelligence of foreign relations committee

5. Mike Rogers-chair of House intelligence committee (former FBI agent)

We are still waiting for Judge Lamberth to rule on my motions. No rulling yet.

No rulling yet in the 9th circuit

After enough time is given for the administrative review in HI, I will be filing in HI

No response from White House Counsel Kathy Ruemmler and Attorney General Eric Holder. I might need to add them as additional defendats in obstruction of Justice

Found: Congressman Who Has Read More than Maskell’s Memo!
Dean Haskins
June 23, 2011
The ongoing saga of the communications with my Virginia elected officials continues (see: here, here, and here). Today, I received a somewhat surprising email response from U.S. Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) in which he appears to know more about the issues than has been indicated by the letters written by his cohorts.

Dear Mr. Haskins:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the recent release of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate. It is good to hear from you.

As you know, the Constitution establishes the qualifications of President of the United States. Only a natural born citizen, at least 35 years of age, and having resided in the United States for at least 14 years is eligible for the Office of President.

A President-elect’s eligibility has traditionally been verified by public record and vetting done by the parties. It is crucial that any President-elect meet the eligibility criteria as determined by the U.S. Constitution and provide the necessary assurances of eligibility.

Currently, there is no office or agency that certifies a President-elect’s eligibility for the office. However, I believe that there should be a more formal process of review and validation as a matter of routine certification of candidates. The Office of the Presidency is undermined if Americans don’t have confidence that the candidates for the highest office in the land are qualified for the position as required by the Constitution.

As you know, President Obama recently released to the public the long-form version of his birth certificate. Since then, concerns have been raised about the validity of the birth certificate as well as the claim that the President has been using a Social Security Number previously issued to another person. These concerns have been raised with the relevant oversight committees in the Congress and if there is enough evidence and more experts reach the same conclusions then these claims will lead to an investigation.

During the last Congress I co-sponsored legislation which would require the principal campaign committee of any candidate for election to the Office of President to include with the committee’s statement of organization a copy of the candidate’s birth certificate and any other documentation necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution. This legislation would ensure that proof of eligibility is provided by candidates before each Presidential election.

While the issue of eligibility has come up in past elections, including whether Chester Arthur (our 20th President succeeding to the office upon the death of James Garfield) was born in the U. S. or Canada, never has the issue arisen as to the eligibility of both major party candidates as it did in 2008 with regard to both John McCain and Barack Obama. The public discussion, controversy, uncertainty and the undermining of the Presidency can all be avoided by a routine requirement that future candidates establish their eligibility under the Constitution.

The United States is a nation based on the rule of law. The Constitution clearly sets forth the qualifications for the Office of President, Members of the House and Senate, and members of the federal Judiciary. Any circumvention of these Constitutional requirements would be a slap in the face to the rule of law and our very Democracy. I believe that our Constitution is a solemn contract between the American people and their government. I will continue to work to ensure its terms are adhered to by all elected and appointed government officials.

Again, thanks for the benefit of your comments. Please feel free to contact me whenever I may be of assistance.


Bob Goodlatte
Member of Congress


20 Responses to “Breakthrough! Congressman Goodlatte acknowledges Congressional investigation of ObamaFraudGate!!! Keep burning the phone lines. Demand meetings with chairs of committees ASAP, Pronto!!!”

  1. Coastal Eddie
    June 24th, 2011 @ 6:57 am

    The only part of the letter he muffed, we do not live in a dumbocracy. The Constitution says democracy is not a legal form of government. see Article 4, Section 4.

  2. Jerry Reed
    June 24th, 2011 @ 8:14 am

    Natural-Born Citizen Defined
    One universal point most all early publicists agreed on was natural-born citizen must mean one who is a citizen by no act of law. If a person owes their citizenship to some act of law (naturalization for example), they cannot be considered a natural-born citizen. This leads us to defining natural-born citizen under the laws of nature – laws the founders recognized and embraced.
    Under the laws of nature, every child born requires no act of law to establish the fact the child inherits through nature his/her father’s citizenship as well as his name (or even his property) through birth. This law of nature is also recognized by law of nations. Sen. Howard said the citizenship clause under the Fourteenth Amendment was by virtue of “natural law and national law.”
    The advantages of Natural Law is competing allegiances between nations are not claimed, or at least with those nations whose custom is to not make citizens of other countries citizens without their consent. Any alternations or conflicts due to a child’s natural citizenship are strictly a creature of local municipal law. In the year 1866, the United States for the first time adopted a local municipal law under Sec. 1992 of U.S. Revised Statutes that read: “All persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are declared to be citizens of the United States.”
    Rep. John A. Bingham commenting on Section 1992 said it means “every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))
    Article II. of the Constitution was written for a reason, and we chose to ignore it….
    Now that we have surrogate mothers giving birth and US Citizenship to international couples who are not US Citizens, What a slippery slope we chose to slide.

  3. Hotlanta Mike
    June 24th, 2011 @ 8:28 am

    Be sure to read this from Doug Vogt, it provides a course of action for us citizens to put pressure on our elected officials.



  4. Zerodin
    June 24th, 2011 @ 9:55 am

    I’m going to laugh so hard when all of this amounts to nothing. The best you can hope for is that he doesn’t get reelected, but in your eyes that would still be a failure for you, because he “got away with it”.

  5. Pat
    June 24th, 2011 @ 10:12 am

    Yes!!! (We also need an independent investigation, one without political ties or potential conflicks of interest-to make sure the investigators are actually conducting a legitamate investigation)

  6. marshman508
    June 24th, 2011 @ 11:06 am

    @ WILD BILL– the source address that is attacking my computer is Every other time i come to this site my norton anti virus stops a attack on my computer.I dont know much about this stuff.Can anyone find out who is attacking orlys site?

  7. Joe
    June 24th, 2011 @ 11:33 am

    I have written many letters to the above congressman mentioned in this matter, no response. But however I do see congress trying to figure out weather they will be the ones to take blame or they will place the blame of all broken laws on Mr. Obama alone. The whole administration is at fault for the blatant law breaking, The constitution set up the system of checks and balances so that the parts of government could check the actions of each other. It is there duty to due so under the oath or affirmation they took when taking office, to uphold the constitution and serve the peoples best interests. So to the congress We the People need to say that it is time to serve the interests of all and to do their duty by the constitution, the blame will be placed somewhere and the People will be more likely to forgive past mistakes if the parties at fault expose the fraud and the deception and bring the people and the country to the place where all American Nationals are truly equal and government serves the interests of the people instead of the interests of themselves or their puppet-masters. Let Us send the message that the People want to return to American greatness and to American financial power and stability. This is the Greatest country in the world, with the most potential, and it is our job as Americans to defend this country and not allow the political motivations and division or fraud of the politicians to determine the course of what our forefathers fought for and what we must pass on. It is good to see the congress moving towards transparency and answering the peoples correspondence.I end with the only remedy to date, and that is to keep getting louder and we will be heard. Our spirit is one of a kind and can change the world in a NY second when we choose to stand as one.

  8. Veritas
    June 24th, 2011 @ 1:12 pm

    Maj. Gen. Vallely states that his contacts in DC are telling HIM that Congress INDEED UNDERSTANDS ABOUT THE INELIGIBILITY of the current de facto “president,” but are afraid of “urban backlash.” To that point, worth pointing out what undercurrents are brewing in the very urban Chicago of Obama sycophant, Rahm Emanuel:

    This from Drudge:

    CHICAGOLAND: Rahm’s Top Cop Blames Gangs, Drugs, Crime on ‘Gov’t-Sponsored Racism’…

  9. Rob
    June 24th, 2011 @ 2:10 pm

    Relax, everything is going fine. You are doing a Superb job…and winning!

    It is darkest just before dawn.

    If you let them get control of your emotions they win. Ignore and move forward.

    If you feel threatened get someone to assist you, there are many unemployed security people who may help.

  10. pi314
    June 24th, 2011 @ 6:08 pm

    I emailed the congressman and asked him “Dude… Do you REALLY want to be associated with that batshit crazy Oily Taint?!?!”

    I suspect once he realizes who he’s inadvertently associated himself with, he’ll backpedal like a seal in a shark pool.

  11. Connie Lingus
    June 24th, 2011 @ 7:23 pm

    Just around the corner !

  12. tina
    June 24th, 2011 @ 8:50 pm

    Barak Hussein Obama,Barry Soetoro,Dunham,Barak —Ubayd, “Ubayd” in Arabic means “He,She” or “Hairy Camel” whoever he is,he is a danger to National Security. period.”Congress” up to now are putting the American people in Grave Danger.

  13. Ed
    June 25th, 2011 @ 3:33 am

    “@ WILD BILL– the source address that is attacking my computer is Every other time i come to this site my norton anti virus stops a attack on my computer.I dont know much about this stuff.Can anyone find out who is attacking orlys site?”

    I’d like to know too as I think it’s the same SOB’s that hacked my computer about a month ago while I was reading a linked sight here

  14. Veritas
    June 25th, 2011 @ 5:12 am

    Chicago is the foreshadowing for the Obama Henchthugs’ modus operandi very soon when Obama is hauled out of office in handcuffs to stand trial. Wait to see what will be unleashed nationwide. You betcha!

    from DRUDGE:

    CHICAGOLAND: Rahm’s Top Cop Blames Gangs, Crime on ‘Gov’t-Sponsored Racism’…

    Launches into tirade against Palin…

    Likens federal gun laws to ‘racism’…
    Teen Mob Of 50 Hits Chicago WALGREENS…

  15. Carl Manning
    June 25th, 2011 @ 6:49 pm

    The only thing at this juncture worth stating to any Congressional criminals in the District of Criminals is to put them on notice that we know the game they are playing with us and OUR Constitution; we know that they know the simplistic meaning of what a natural born citizen is however much they pretend otherwise to feign ignorance on the matter; and that when the bottom falls out of this Republic very soon and the People are in revolt in the streets and starving under martial law, we will hold EVERY GODDAMN ONE OF THESE SOB’S liable for the crime of misprision. Martial law will not last forever in this country. The People will have their day and court trials will eventually be held. They need to know that we are compiling a list of them for the time when We the People will hunt them down to the ends of the Earth like the Jews hunted down the Nazi war criminals. These criminals in DC get 15,000,000 pieces of mail from all of you; do you really honestly believe they are reading this mail??? Come on, for God’s sake. You’re wsting your time with these Criminal whores we call Congressmen and Senators. The ONLY way you’ll get these SOB’s to do anything you want them to is to offer them a pile of CA$H. That’s the God’s honest-truth about DC.

  16. Time Traveler
    June 26th, 2011 @ 1:33 am

    WND has a great article on the “barf certificate”…


  17. Yephora
    June 26th, 2011 @ 6:09 am

    Friends, if you will simply disable javascript and Java in your browser before visiting Orly’s site you’ll find most of these ‘hacks’ will be powerless against you.

    Firefox is the safest browser to use. Internet Explorer the worst. If you use Firefox be sure to install the free NoScript add-on for additional protection.

  18. Mark
    June 26th, 2011 @ 7:16 am

    Why wasn’t the letter signed?

  19. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    June 26th, 2011 @ 7:52 am

    I do not know, there was his name printed. I saw orders by judges with printed names, not hand written, i don’t think it is unusual, but you need to check with Dean Haskins, it came from his site. A letter by Paula Hehn provides a link

  20. Sarge 31
    June 30th, 2011 @ 6:10 pm

    Orly, three things:

    1. It is all over the press about an individual who flew with a day old boarding pass that was not his. Why does the press neglect the illegal immigrant in the WH??

    2. Al Capone, also from Chicago was not taken down by the many crimes he was accused of. He eventually was brought down by tax evasion! Which shows that every “dirty” person has a “chink” in their armour. Obama’s SSN may be his!

    3. I think another route that shoud be taken is “letters to the editors” to your local newspapers. I made up a name on AOL and send all my letters from that web address and the paper never questions me. Most letters have to be 500 words or less. Maybe someone can write one that gets a lot of info in that amount of space. Also adding your local congressman’s phone # may help. Sarge

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