A very powerful article from the founder of the Tea Party Nation attorney Judson Philips.
Posted on | August 26, 2012 | 6 Comments
19 hours ago – The left claims that birthers are a joke and they like to point to people like Orly Taitz, the attorney who will file a law suit over the issue anywhere she can find a …
Anyone want to scare the left? It can be fun. Do you want to see liberals running and screaming like kids frightened by scenes at a Halloween haunted house?
There is one issue that terrifies the left. This one issue gets them in such a lather that it is fun to watch. It is also revealing that they are so terrified by the issue too.
What is it?
Mitt Romney hit it yesterday when he joked that no one needed to ask to see his birth certificate. The left reacted like Pavlov’s dog, slobbering on anyone who had the misfortune to be within a mile of a TV set with MSNBC tuned in. Granted that was only four people, but still.
The idiot brigade that constitutes the drive-by media was aghast. They called Romney’s joke “gutter politics.” Salon hysterically announced that Romney had gone “birther.” One CNN reporter tweeted that his “jaw hit the ground.”
I guess he is easily amused.
Unfortunately Mitt Romney has not learned that leadership means standing up sometime. Instead of doing any number of things he could have with the dust up, things that could have helped his campaign, he just lamely said, hey it was a joke.
The birther issue sends the left off the deep end. Why?
Collectively they know what kind of a problem it is for Obama.
The issue worries them so that they must attack it every time it comes up. The left claims that birthers are a joke and they like to point to people like Orly Taitz, the attorney who will file a law suit over the issue anywhere she can find a client and a courtroom.
If the birther issue is such a fringe issue, why does the left go into overdrive to try and silence it every time it comes up? Why did the left wing media accuse Romney of “gutter politics,” “racism,” and going “full birther” when he made a simple joke yesterday?
The issue is one that will not go away for the left. The left simply claims that Obama was born in Hawaii and we are supposed to take their word for it. They offer no proof of this and they will not even defend the badly forged so-called birth certificate that Obama offered last year when Donald Trump was hammering him on the issue.
Why did the Obama Regime feel the need to give out such a badly forged document if there is nothing really going on?
While the left has tried to make something out of Mitt Romney’s refusal to release his tax returns for months, the left and the drive by media have refused to even discuss why Obama will not release his college records.
According to the left, anyone who dares question the fact that Obama has not released his records is a fringe nut case. Stonewalling on one’s personal records, while demanding your opponent release everything including the vet records for your dog, has become standard Democrat practice. Eight years out we are still waiting for John Kerry to honor his promise to release his records. Kerry at least promised to release his records and then simply lied by not releasing them.
Obama will not even discuss his.
The left is terrified because they have a candidate who is little more than a façade. They have a candidate who if he were vetting like Republican candidates are, could never stand the scrutiny.
The birther issue is gold for conservatives. As I have mentioned before. If Obama can be proven to have been ineligible for President, everything he did as President is void.
Unfortunately for America, the Republican establishment acts like it is some kind of faux pas to even think about this issue. This rates right up there with not wearing a sports coat to dinner or wearing white after Labor Day.
The Obama campaign is doing its best to push Romney back on his heels. Why won’t Romney fight back by asking the question; Why did that publicity piece from the Speaker’s bureau that represented Obama for years say he was born in Kenya?
How about hitting back with a comment or two addressing the rumors that Obama attended college as a foreign exchange student?
How about fighting over this issue. Imagine wiping out everything Obama did, from Obamacare to two Supreme Court appointments to hundreds of federal judges.
Unfortunately the Republicans treat Obama like he is a member of the club and there are just certain things you do not do to members of the club.
That is unfortunate as there are millions of real Americans who want to see Obama sent packing and everything he has done to bring down this great nation, undone.
Will Mitt Romney step up to the plate and do what needs to be done?
No award for Orly – Tea Party Nation

The American Bar Association frequently gives awards to lawyers who show a commitment to justice. Unfortunately, the ABA is about as far left as the Communist Party, so those who usually get those awards are lawyers committed to socialism, not freedom.
Orly Taitz has waged an almost one-woman war on the eligibility issue. She is absolutely convinced that Barack Obama is not legally qualified to be President. She had endured insults, threats, some from Judges, fines and every roadblock the Obama regime could throw her way. Had she been as tenacious on a similar issue with George W. Bush, she would be the toast of the legal community.
Orly probably does not want an ABA award, but she may be getting closer to something of great importance to her. It is the “holy grail” of the eligibility movement.
Orly Taitz may be about to get the original, type written birth certificate of Barack Obama.
Taitz filed a Freedom of Information Act request to the Social Security Administration for information on Barack Obama’s social security number. Obama, for anyone not familiar with it, has a Connecticut issued social security number. You can tell the point of issuance of a social security number by the first three digits of the number. For baby boomers, social security numbers were generally issued when they started working. Now, it is more common to get a social security number at the birth of a child.
Obama was raised in Hawaii. He started working as a teenager in Hawaii. According to all available information, he never worked in Connecticut. So how did he end up with a Connecticut social security number?
Inquiring minds want to know. Orly Taitz wants to know.
She has now issued a subpoena for the original birth certificate. Not the forged birth certificate Obama released to the public. She wants the original.
Things are now going to get interesting.
If Obama was really born in Hawaii and everything is as advertised, his lawyers can simply let the birth certificate be provided to Orly Taitz and that will end the matter. Given the history of the Obama regime and his defense of his birth certificate, even though he has released a forged birth certificate, that is unlikely.
If the Obama regime fights this, they will file a motion to quash the subpoena. Taitz has already received at least one favorable ruling in this case. The news articles on the subject do not specify what the ruling was, but presumably it was a motion to dismiss the lawsuit summarily.
Some conservatives derisively dismiss anyone who supports the eligibility issue as a “birther.” There certainly is enough evidence out there to raise questions. The significance of the eligibility issue is what happens if we are right. If Obama was never eligible to serve as President, everything he did is void. Two Supreme Court Justices, gone. A host of Federal Judges, gone. Every bill he signed, gone. Obamacare, gone.
What are the chances of this happening? Who knows? The bigger question is, given the potential reward of undoing everything Obama has done, why any conservative dismisses the eligibility issues, as “birtherism” is simply beyond belief.
If Orly Taitz wins, she will deserve a place among the great lawyers of this country, who fought incredible odds to win justice. The left wing American Bar Association will never give her an award for this. But I’m willing to bet she’s not saving any space on her wall for an ABA award either.
6 Responses to “A very powerful article from the founder of the Tea Party Nation attorney Judson Philips.”
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August 26th, 2012 @ 5:39 am
You all know the adage that you can’t fool all the people all of the time by Abe Lincoln!!??
Well, it happens not to be true.
obama was able to fool some of the people some of the time.
he was able to fool most of the people most of the time; and after 4 years, is able to fool all of the people all of the time.
The American public, along with the aid of the media fell into the trap of not being able to think for themselves. Sheer stupidity.
congress fell into the trap. Sheer stupidity.
The courts fell for this also. Sheer stupidity.
Law and order fell too. Sheer stupidity
We have become a nation, save for a few, that
can be viewed globally as STUPID
Thru this stupidity, we have lost our fortunes, and our liberties.
We have allowed a stupid congress, a stupid court, and a stupid fraud in the white house to
take over a once proud and righteous nation.
The eligibility issue is a fact that no party wants to face.
It reveals how stupid one was to allow it to happen.
Romney calls it a joke; Ha ha; “I didn’t do it”
Apairo collect money in its afterwake, and avoids being called stupid by passing on the buck to some one else.
Issa avoids being part of the stupid crowd by not even mentioning a birth certificate.
And of course, the media will not touch the issue because it cannot be true.
What are we to do???
We are basically ruled by stupid people.
The slim and only way I can be heard in this swamp of stupid people is to find a few honest men who will find a few thousand other honest men who will find another few thousand other honest men.
The first of these men happens to be a good looking woman named Orly Taitz.
A nationalized American, a Doctor of Dental Surgery, an accomplished lawyer, a devoted mother and loyal wife.
A believer in the truth, and a pursurer of justice.
The only one in the arena who is actively
pursuing the biggest fraud of the last 2 centuries. the fraud brought about by stupid people.
The polls taken today show that the stupidity factor is still in a statiscally tied race for the white house.
The nation is still unsure as to what to do.
I stongly suggest that those who want to turn this country around; take a good look at Orly Taitz; pleasing to the eye and a tremendous bargain for the dollar.
Send in a small contribution or a bib one if you can and watch as she gets the commie cockroaches up and running for their hideouts.
Taitz is the only one who is effectively battling for us, the unstupid people.
Our frustrations are voiced thru Taitz.
Get her the money that you’ll be sending to Apairo, WND, the Tea Parties, the congressman,
the senator; and all the other stupid people who have led this country astray.
Lets all get smart.
Smartness starts with a $5.00 donation;
The more you send in, the smarter you get.
Via con Dios Orly; help save this nation for a smarter generation.
August 26th, 2012 @ 8:40 am
Romney saying that people don’t have to ask for his birth certificate is a great thing. It remains to be seen if he will continue that. The best thing that could happen is for the people at Romney’s rallies to keep telling him that he needs to hit the birther issue more. Hopefully this one incident was a trail balloon and based on the crowds response, it was a hit.
August 26th, 2012 @ 12:11 pm
Yeah, hit the issue of the B.C., Romney, and we will see the left start to “bounce off the walls!” Drive ’em nuts! And we also need to continue to spread the word!
If anyone is a member of other online groups, maybe post in that group and ask the Patriot types to help Dr Orly with donations?! Anything’s worth a try!
August 26th, 2012 @ 3:41 pm
All I can say to BART again is,
August 26th, 2012 @ 4:27 pm
Now that Romney has announced that he will have 140 of his good ole U.S. relatives stand up for him at the RNC, I think the other presidential candidate should have all of his bona fide relatives stand up with him. I wonder who they are and how many they number. What a funny contrast.
September 10th, 2012 @ 12:36 pm
It amaze me that some liberals say that they love America, but will not follow the Constitution. Some even think that it is ok for a Foreign National should vote in our election.