Appellants brief and excerpts of record were filed in Judd v Obama
Posted on | July 2, 2013 | No Comments
Press release
Law offices of Orly Taitz
Appellants’ brief and excerpts of record were filed in Judd v Obama
Keith Judd got 41% of the vote in W.Virginia primary against Obama’s 59%. His contention is that Obama won the election by fraud, by asserting his identity using a stolen Social Security number and forged IDs.
My contention is that Judge David O Carter presiding over the case showed bias and abused his judicial discretion by striking the complaint and dismissing the case. Judge Carter wrestled this case from another judge, who was assigned to the case. Judge Carter previously defrauded my clients, among them ambassador Keyes, when he promised that he will not dismiss the case on standing and jurisdiction, demanded that I serve Obama yet again after Obama defaulted. When I served Obama again through the Department of Justice, as Judge Carter demanded, he turned around and dismissed the case based on lack of jurisdiction, which he promised not to do so.
Donations to cover expenses are greatly appreciated. In this case just printing of booklets of the appeal and the excerpt of record that were sent to all the parties cost over a $1,000 in copying and postage costs. Keith et al is only one of 7 cases Attorney Taitz is conducting around the country to finally bring Obama and all of his accomplices to justice for fraud, forgery, use of stolen IDs, identity theft and treason.
In regards to fraud committed by Obama there is no gray area. Obama is a citizen of Indonesia, born in Kenya, who got into the position of the U.S. President using all forged IDs and a stolen Social Security number. We have currently a criminal enterprise ruling this country and systematically destroying the U.S. National security, economy, constitutional and civil rights of the U.S. citizens, our foreign relations. Either this criminal enterprise destroys this nation or we destroy the criminal enterprise. Attorney Orly Taitz is also a doctor. Using medical terms, criminal enterprise running the country, is like a cancer. Just like a cancer destroying organ after organ until the patient dies, forged and stolen IDs Obama is destroying agency after agency of the U,.S. government: IRS, NSA, State Department, CIA, Department of justice, Judiciary, military, our nuclear arsenal. He will not stop until the country is destroyed and reduced to the level of a Banana Republic. You do not the fight against cancer by ignoring it or placing a bandage on the legion. You will not win over the Obama regime by treating the symptoms, you have to treat the root of the problem, you have to expose, remove from office and send to prison the criminal who got into the white House with forged and stolen IDs. There is no third option. We have to win.
12-57177 Keith Judd, et al v. Barack Obama, et al “ECF Paper Copies Of Brief Filed”
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The following transaction was entered on 07/02/2013 at 9:11:21 AM PDT and filed on 07/01/2013
Case Name: | Keith Judd, et al v. Barack Obama, et al |
Case Number: | 12-57177 |
Docket Text:
Received 7 paper copies of Opening brief [7] filed by David Farrar, et al. [8688608] (SD)
Notice will be electronically mailed to:
Doctor Orly Taitz, Counsel
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