

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

An interesting idea from my supporter in FL

Posted on | September 13, 2010 | 7 Comments

One of my supporters in FL(who wanted to stay anonymous)  suggested, that I should announce that I will reimburse my supporters, who are contributing to help me pay $20,000 in sanctions and fight this assault on Constitution, after I win the case and get $20,000 back from Obama and/or Department of Justice.

I will be happy to do so.

Department of Justice filed a memorandum today urging Judge Lamberth to deny my 60 B motion. Let’s hope that Judge Lamberth will stand strong and will decide to uphold the Constitution and the first amendment  right of the citizens for redress of grievancies and the right for due process


7 Responses to “An interesting idea from my supporter in FL”

  1. Andy Sumner
    September 13th, 2010 @ 9:24 pm

    I am prepared to offer you at least 10,000 if I can have in writing your obligation to pay it back once you win the case.

    Also , I need to be assured of your chances to win the case. I’ve looked into the numerous cases you’ve filed so far and it’s been a pretty disappointing losing streak. Can you assure me you’ll break your non-stop losing streak if I loan you the money?

  2. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    September 14th, 2010 @ 5:35 am

    I can sign an obligation to pay back, but nobody can assure you that he or she will win the case. You need a judge willing to tackle this issue

  3. Ken B.
    September 14th, 2010 @ 6:33 am

    I don’t think Andy is sincere in his gesture.

    You CANNOT assure or guarantee anyone that you will win a court case. Especially one that does not take on the merits of the case.

  4. Andrew Kryns
    September 14th, 2010 @ 10:03 am


    You are correct. Consider the huge amount of money the Unsurper has spent on sealing his records – black panthers case thrown out – George Soros money – number of cases that question the Unsurper thrown out etc. – after reading between the lines, it’s abundantly clear huge amounts of money and pressure have been put on the judges and courts to make sure any actions taken by the citizens will not see the light of day.

  5. Coastal Eddie
    September 14th, 2010 @ 2:54 pm

    Andy is being as genuine as any $3 bill you will find.

    He is attempting to apply his lips to the Chairman’s posterior.

  6. jcm52
    September 14th, 2010 @ 7:26 pm

    Only got the one?

  7. Phil
    September 14th, 2010 @ 8:16 pm

    I wouldn’t expect to get “reimbursed”! You’ve put yourself out and have done a great deal of work. Not to mention all the stress and putting up with the “threats,” from the “psychotics” who can’t behave themselves!

    Orly deserves as much as she can find in donations and my hope is that she will be “reimbursed” by the “C.E.T.s” once they are finally “taught their lesson” in court, someday! Cause there should be “no time limit” on what they’ve all done to her and to America! They started this insanity and she will “finish it”!

    Everyone keep praying…(9pm-eastern; 8pm-central; 7pm-mountain; 6pm-pacific each day, till we are victorious, with the help of The Almight! And let others know of this Prayer time.

    Thanks, Orly, for your time and efforts. God Bless You and God Bless America!

    Friend Davey Crockett…

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