An answer from Dr. Orly Taitz to Nancy Pelosi
Posted on | November 17, 2013 | 20 Comments
Press release
by Dr. Orly Taitz to Nancy Pelosi
Orly Taitz is both a doctor and an attorney and she received an e-mail from Nancy Pelosi. Taitz is an attorney leading 7 cases challenging Barack Obama due to his use of a stolen CT SSN 042-68-4425 issued to Harry Bounel and his use of a fabricated Selective Service Registration and fabricated birth certificate. Taitz has been receiving lately unsolicited e-mails from Valerie Jarett and Nancy Pelosi.
Taitz is posting a part of a lengthy e-mail. Pelosi writes about a young woman, who graduated from College, and as an adult could no longer stay on her father’s health insurance. According to her mother this young lady decided to save money by weaning herself of insulin, fell into a coma and died.
Pelosi goes on writing that cases like this are a reason, why we should support Obama-care.
Here is a response from Dr. Taitz:
“Nancy, I am sorry that this young person passed away, however it happened not because there is something wrong with the country, but because of the girl’s unbelievable stupidity.
I posted below prices on prescription medication. Walmart provided $4 for a month worth of medication for most medications. Link below shows $24 per month for a total supply for Insulin for a month. It is unbelievable that a college graduate could not afford $24 per month for a life saving medication. And even if she could not afford it, she could apply for Medicaid and get it for free. And where were her parents, siblings, who could give her $24 per month?
If she could not pay $24 for a life saving medication, how did she pay for all her other needs, such as rent, phone, car, food, clothing? We have welfare for indigent to cover all of these needs if they are indigent and have no family which can help them, if they fall on hard times. Moreover, this girl could simply get a job. The most basic job at McDonalds could give her enough money to pay for the most basic needs, but as a college graduate, she could clearly find something better than McDonalds.
When I came to this country as an immigrant, I had to pass the boards, so I worked as an assistant and assisted other doctors, cleaned their offices after patients, even cleaned the bathrooms in their offices and took out trash, I did what needed to be done in order to make a living until I pass the boards. When I gave birth to my three sons, I worked and together with my husband paid off all the bills for labor and delivery, for my care and for the pediatric care of our children.
Example, that you brought forward, does not exemplify a failure of our health system, it is a failure of our education system, where instead of teaching young people some basic skills to start their lives, the schools are brainwashing the young people with socialist-communist garbage, anything and everything, but basic life skills. It shows that in many instances we no longer have responsible parenting: parents should be there teaching their children basic life skills: when you graduate from high school or college start going on interviews, take a low paying job until you can find a better paying job, live with your parents until you can afford to live on your own, have open lines of communication with your parents and turn to them in a time of need.
It is time for us to take care of ourselves, of our families, not acquiesce to Obama-Pelosi Ponzi schemes, which already robbed 5-7 million Americans of their insurances, which they liked, severed their relationship with the doctors that they trusted with their care. The number of cancelled policies is expected to rise to estimated 129 million. Obama’s pathological lying and scheming will ultimately lead to cancellation of most if not all existing policies. Millions of Americans are now seeing their hours cut from 40 to 29, as employees cannot afford Obama-care and refuse to be a part of Obama- scheme. Further, Obama-care will rob families of 3.9% of their house sales as an additional tax. This Ponzi scheme is exempted from anti-kickback provisions and will lead to enormous bribery and corruption. As a matter of fact, 700 million taxpayer dollars paid for a web site, which does not even work properly and run by Michele Obama’s girl friend, is a suspect of enormous kickbacks and bribery.
So, Nancy, as a doctor and a lawyer, I am telling you: stop scaring people, stop being a part of this great big Obama lie. Time for you to join the Republicans and call for the repeal of Obama-care, which is actually an Obama-tax. Further on, you should join Republicans in a call for an impeachment of Obama for multiple counts of egregious fraud on American people, not only fraud in Obama-care promises, but also fraud in usurping the U.S. Presidency while using a stolen CT social Security number 042-68-4425, which was assigned to Harry Bounel, as well as of fabricated IDs. And while you are at it, you should call for an impeachment of the Attorney General Eric Holder, who aided and abetted Obama in this RICO scheme to cover up theft of the franchise of the U.S. Presidency by Obama through Obama’s assertion of identity and legitimacy for presidency with stolen and fabricated IDs.
With regards,
Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
Have a nice day, Nancy”

1:12 PM (17 hours ago)
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Orly —
With everything happening with health reform recently, I keep remembering this story from 2010. It’s a real tearjerker, but it reminds me why we are fighting every day to make sure that every American has access to health care. It’s worth a read. CINDY MERCER JONES — March 19, 2010 11:25 am
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20 Responses to “An answer from Dr. Orly Taitz to Nancy Pelosi”
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November 17th, 2013 @ 9:08 am
Dr.Taitz, the liberals dont care about the health of the nation (the people) , they only want THE MONEY THEY CAN EXTORT FROM US – Obama Tax, medical device tax (sporting equip., tires, boats etc. – nothing to do with medical equip. but taxed as a part of this stupid obamacare ‘law’.
Pelosi is a LIAR and a FRAUDSTER just like king barry.
She needs to be impeached for the fraud as well “YOU GOT TO IMPEACH HER TO SEE WHAT IN IT”
for you and all Californians
God Bless you Dr. Taitz
November 17th, 2013 @ 9:11 am
I am an IDDM (insulin dependent diabetes mellitus) X 49 years. I use two bottles of insulin a month. Both are $105.00, however, one bottle lasts me almost three months, the other is monthly. Now add in insulin syringes at $25.00 a box (100), I use two boxes a month. We’re already up to $200.00 a month. Now add in test strips and that’s another $50.00-$100.00 a month. Diabetic supplies, just for the basics will run 250-300 dollars a month. One should always carry Glucagon – $110.00 in the event of severe low blood sugar.
With Obamacare like any socialized medicine, age counts against you and incurable diseases count against you. Diabetics will not receive any kidney dialysis which means death. Old folks will not get knee/hip replacement after age 60-65 because they now are taken out of the “paying taxes” bracket and the government is certainly not going to pay for anything unless this person is working and paying taxes.
Cancer, diabetes and all these diseases were manufactured a long time ago specifically to bring in money for the BIG PHARMA industry. See Merck’s YT of them bringing Green Monkeys into the country with 40 viruses growing in their kidneys to put in vaccines. Knowing full well that incurable diseases would make them huge profits. Now we have GMO crops and vaccines/immunizations going full force to stop procreation and to create even more diseases.
This college grad that died, put no thought into her health. There are indigent clinics around the country that sell insulin for $7.00 a bottle and test strips for $7.00 a vial. Had she wanted to survive, she could have but she would have had to “work” to get herself into the system, paperwork, a few phone calls and a doctor’s appt. She could have lived life on $35.00 – $42.00.00 a month for diabetic supplies. Not sure what went wrong or why she would drop the ball? If she were blind or on kidney dialysis she would have been disabled and on Medicare.
Socialized medicine that will not provide care to incurables is not the answer nor is withholding medical treatments because of advancing age. Both of these would be considered crimes against humanity.
November 17th, 2013 @ 9:51 am
I knew a Diabetic in IL. who used to get all his testing supplies for free from Walgreens. I’m sure his Insulin(if he used it)was cheap, also. Most of what comes out of Nancy Piglosi’s mouth is Bovine Scat.
November 17th, 2013 @ 10:05 am
Pelosi thinks that we are all stupid.
November 17th, 2013 @ 10:05 am
Dear Orly,
That is a wonderful letter to Nancy. Upon reading it, her eyes are sure to start spinning around and around in opposite directions, expecially the last paragraph about “Time for you to join the Republicans” .
Paula Hoehn
November 17th, 2013 @ 11:11 am
I would like to see the expression on her face
November 17th, 2013 @ 11:12 am
people usually judge others by what they are and who they are
November 17th, 2013 @ 11:43 am
It seems like Pelosi wrote in favor of this young STUPID DEMONCRAT/LIBERAL college graduate who stopped taking insulin in order to save money…but yet lost her life! and STUPID PUTA PELOSI is using this as an example to support Kenyan MUSLIM obama’s MEGA TAX HEALTH BILL! THIS IS A PRIME EXAMPLE OF HOW STUPID AND BRAINDEAD DEMONCRATS/LIBERALS REALLY ARE!!!! HEY PELOSI…YOU, obama AND YOUR FELLOW DEMONCRATS/LIBERALS ARE “BRAINDEAD STUPID ZOMBIES”!!!
November 17th, 2013 @ 2:20 pm
After Pelosi and her ilk destroy the physicians and doctors treating citizens , perhaps it would not be much of a stretch for her physician
when treating her prescribe the wrong medication or just euthanize her as she is definitely not a contributing member of society,
but actually a pariah which needs to be eliminated and exorcised from the general population
Ya think the doctors would be fighting back – they are next in this mess – limited pay and directives as to ‘who’ you may or may not treat as patients
If I was a physician I would band together with other doctors and REFUSE TO TREAT ALL congressmen and senators – especially ALL THOSE WHO VOTED FOR THIS Obotcare law.
I pity the SEIU members – again used as the pawns in their leaderships role in this Obotcare administration
November 17th, 2013 @ 2:34 pm
The reason for excessive and inflated costs are excessive, inflated greed. High insurance premiums only create a slush fund the health care industry cannot resist gouging. Thus a continuous cycle.
obamascamcare does nothing to alleviate the burden of costs on the people. the only concern of government is to garner control of the vast amount of revenue exchange entailed, and the influence (interference) over the peoples lives it will allow.
November 17th, 2013 @ 2:38 pm
don’t wish death on anyone
November 17th, 2013 @ 5:18 pm
I wish death on you.
November 17th, 2013 @ 8:49 pm
When an individual(politician) has worn-out it’s beneficial use to society, I don’t see anything wrong with encouraging them to benefit the Earth by participating in the extended(dirt)nap, and provide sustinance for the worms.
November 17th, 2013 @ 9:20 pm
Orly, I can’t post. I’ve tried three times and my message disappears when I edit. I’m angry and it’s late so I’m done. Tell these people you don’t want to hear their contemptuous, treasonous voices on the phone.
November 17th, 2013 @ 9:22 pm
Correct me if I am wrong….
the president said : “you don’t need the operation, just go home and take the pills”…
Palin said it straight “Death Panels”
some Obot gets to determine whether you live or die.
NOT YOU, NOT YOUR DOCTOR, some obot bureaucrat
One day it will be their turn
will they rewrite the laws then ?
November 18th, 2013 @ 8:43 am
Hi Orly,
An matter of the utmost importance has just came to my attention.
The email was stated ” What is the one person Obama hates the most and
that Hillery fears the most ? The answer to that question is none other than
Dr. Ben Carson. During a recent christian breakfast, the good doctor told,
in so many words, in a speech that he was a conservative and a tea party backer.
But the most shocking statement that he said to Obama’s face how
the ACA was wrong and doomed to failure. I did not hear the speech per se but
my wife did. She said that Dr. Ben Carson was a sensation. People are already
backing Dr. Carson and the petition for President has over 204,000 signers ! The
powers that be say Ben Carson can wjn the primary and go on to beat Hillery Clinton
in the 2016 general election. It is said if he could get only 20% of the black vote, he could win the presidency in 2016. By comparison, Herman Cain got 40% in the 2012 primary. I am including in this email the website urls for signing the petition and donating to draft Dr. Ben Carson for ( petition) and
November 18th, 2013 @ 8:46 am
Hi Orly,
An matter of the utmost importance has just came to my attention.
The email was stated ” What is the one person Obama hates the most and
that Hillery fears the most ? The answer to that question is none other than
Dr. Ben Carson. During a recent christian breakfast, the good doctor told,
in so many words, in a speech that he was a conservative and a tea party backer.
But the most shocking statement that he said to Obama’s face how
the ACA was wrong and doomed to failure. I did not hear the speech per se but
my wife did. She said that Dr. Ben Carson was a sensation. People are already
backing Dr. Carson and the petition for President has over 204,000 signers ! The
powers that be say Ben Carson can wjn the primary and go on to beat Hillery Clinton
in the 2016 general election. It is said if he could get only 20% of the black vote, he could win the presidency in 2016. By comparison, Herman Cain got 40% in the 2012 primary. I am including in this email the website urls for signing the petition and donating to draft Dr. Ben Carson for president:www. ( petition) and
November 18th, 2013 @ 1:37 pm
Poster #12: bad choice of words! Don’t threaten Dr Orly. Or someone may threaten you someday… and how would you feel?
Go to the Daily Beast and play around with them! They’re nuts, like you!
November 18th, 2013 @ 1:57 pm
I wanted to discuss the issue of diabetes:… a friend of mine has type-2. This person does not take a pill for it.
He uses diet, exercise, and mental acuity, to keep track of what meals look like; how much walking is done; and taking the blood sugar test at a time (once a day) later, before eating supper!
Several doctors have tried to get him to take a pill for this…when it was high, but my friend knew why it was high–(too much afternoon chow, before taking the test)!
Now…since it’s low and in the safe zone, EVERY SINGLE Day, this person knows what the reading is going to be…how? Cause this person has finally focused in on all the aspects of what should be done, in order NOT to be on any pill. The routine is daily, so the blood sugar is in the safe zone!
And my friend says that there will be NO PILL, unless his life is in the balance! And he can enjoy sweets, as well, AFTER SUPPER!
And this person has a great doctor, who understands the real world!
November 18th, 2013 @ 4:00 pm
Obamacare is like the movie “Iron Sky” (2012) where Nazi’s escaped to live on on the moon and come back to attack earth with one of their propaganda slogans being “the world is sick and we are the doctors”