

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Again this misleading MSNBC report is being published. What now? and what you can do.

Posted on | November 22, 2010 | No Comments

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Video: Taitz seeks to duck fine with Supreme challenge
This Link is located in the Public Channel MSNBC Most Viewed Videos.
Posted by MyPropsMonkey101 days ago (msnbc.msn.com).  Views: 5
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Rachel Maddow explains the lengths to which Orly Taitz has gone to avoid paying a $20,000 fine for “wasting judicial resources.” (msnbc.com) Msnbc.com – United States – Rachel Maddow – Orly Taitz – Supreme Court
Comment from Orly:
Back in August I filed a Stay of Sanctions. It was done prior to Petitioning for a writ of Certiorari.
As I explained before, these $20,000 were simply a form of intimidation and extortion by the Federal Government to stop me from representing active members of U.S. military, legitimately questioning Obama’s eligibility.
11 Circuit simply rubber stamped  the decision by judge Clay D. Land. The Supreme Court made a retroactive notation that the initial petition for stay was denied by Justice Thomas. As the notation in the electronic docket was made on Saturday, when the Supreme Court was closed and Justice Thomas was several thousand miles away, giving a lecture in Utah, I demanded to see a signature of Justice Thomas on the denial of my petition or on the separate order. No such signature was ever provided. Moreover, when I called the Supreme Court, one of the clerks, Eric Fossum, admitted that there is no signed order and there is no signature of Justice Thomas on the cover page of the petition. As such, there is no evidence to believe, that Justice Thomas ever read a word of my petition or even knows, that this petition exists. Jutice Thomas never signed any order.
As allowed by the rules, I resubmitted to another justice. He could deny or grant the petition or refer it to the full court. It was reported, that Justice Alito referred my petition to the full court, which did not grant it. My representative went to the Supreme Court and asked to see a signed order from Justice Alito. This request was refused as well. There is no evidence to believe, that Justice Alito ever read a word of my pleadings or ever saw them or knows that my petition even exists.
Previously, when I filed   my case Lightfoot v Bowen, somebody erased that case from the electronic docket of the Supreme Court. It was done 1 day after Obama inauguration. Only after the enormous pressure from the public, the case was re-entered.
Later, when I saw Justice Scalia at a book signing, he knew nothing about my case, he did not know the case even existed, even though it was reported that my case was discussed in conference on January 23rd, 2009 and all 9 justices decided not to proceed.
There are approximately 80,000 cases sent to the Supreme Court every year. Only about 80 or 0.1 % of all the cases ever heard by the court.
99.9% of the cases are simply reviewed by the Law clerks and denied. Most of these clerks in the Supreme Court and other High Courts are placed by a couple of large law firms. Those law firms got a de facto monopoly.  
The Supreme Court claims that they hear the most important cases, however, at the time my case was denied, they decided to hear a case dealing with the right of the smokers of the light cigaretts to sue the tobacco industry. A right of a couple of trial lawyers to make millions by destroying yet another industry was deemed by the Supreme Court to be more important, than the right of 309 million Americans to have a Constitutionally eligible president.  I wonder, how much a clerk doing this triage, got in compensation at the back end???
Seeing everything, that I am seeing, I am completely horrified. I stopped sleeping at night, as I feel like I am back in the Communist dictatorship of the Soviet Union, where the System of Justice was ephemeral and illusory.   
Is the Congress any better? I don’t know. We have such massive elections fraud, so many illegal voter registrations, Sequoia ballot counting  software controlled by Hugo Chavez and as a result after millions of people supported the Tea Party movement, most Tea Party candidates, particularly to Senate, were not elected. In Senate we have a lot of far left Democrats, a lot of RINO Republicans. I hope there will be a change in the 112 Congress, but that remains to be seen.
What you can do? You can write to each and every Congressman and Senator and demand Congressional investigation of the irregularities and abuses within the Judiciary. There have to be orders actually signed by the judges of the courts of Appeals and the Supreme Courts of the States and the U.S. This practice of unsigned orders needs to end. When a judge needs to put his name and signature on the order, he might be more inclined to read the case, at least a summary of the case and there is more of a chance, that the judges will have a clue, what these cases are all about.  There has to be an investigation into the practice of unsigned orders and cases being erase from the docket. A monopoly of a couple of firms, controlling all the high courts needs to end. There has to be transparency of the conferences of the Justices of the Supreme Court. Those should be transmitted on C-span,. The public needs to know, why certain cases were chosen for review, why other cases were summarily denied. The public needs to know, that those judges on the high courts actually read the cases and know, what are they about.
The Supreme Court was established when U.S. had a very small population. Probably a million or two. Now We have 309 million population. 9 people cannot decide so many cases. It is humanly impossible. I believe, there need to be more Justices on the Supreme Court. I believe, that the Democratic principles of our government have been compromised in that in all the branches of the government today too few people hold too much power. Maybe, at some point, there will be a Constitutional amendment, which will allow for more Justices of the Supreme Court, more Congressmen and Senators. This has to be achieved at some point in future.
At this time, please demand a Congressional hearing of the eligibility issue and an explanation, why Judge Carter in CA refused to recuse himself, after I pointed out that his attorney-law clerk Siddharth Velamoor is an employee of Perkis Coie law firm, a defense firm for Obama, where Robert Bauer, White house Counsel is a senior partner. This is the most flagrant example of lack of impatiality and undue influence on the federal judge deciding a case of eligibility of the President.
Please, report actions of Judge Clay D. Land, who attacked me and my clients with a clear goal od silencing me and intimidating others.
Congress has power to hold Judicial hearings, to impeach and remove from the bench Federal Judges of any federal court. Maybe, a Congressional hearing will shed light on the eligibility issue  and will make the Judiciary more transparent. It is up to you. If you write to your Congressmen, please, send your letters by certified mail and write my address on the back of the green certified mail card. This way I will have a record of the names of the the Congressmen and Senators, who got this information.     If they don’t act, we will hold them accountable come next election.   


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