About 80 years after WWII US still has military bases in Germany and Japan, so should Israel in Gaza. Puerto Rico, with 3.2 million people, does not have a senator or a voting congressman, same can be done in Gaza
Posted on | December 31, 2023 | 10 Comments
About 80 years after WWII US still has military bases in Germany and Japan, so should Israel in Gaza. Puerto Rico, with 3.2 million people, does not have a senator or a voting congressman, same can be done in Gaza
By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
Many US and European politicians are balking when the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, is saying that Israel should have a military presence and responsibility for security in Gaza for the foreseeable future after Israel defeats Hamas terrorist organization and wins the Hamas Gaza war.
However, we need to look at historic events and facts and see that there is no reason for balking.
US and allies won the war over the Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in 1945. Firstly, the maps were redrawn and huge areas that used to be Germany, were annexed by the allies. For example, a large area that used to be a German region of Konigsberg, was annexed by Russia and renamed Kaliningrad. Similarly, France, Czech Republic and Poland annexed territories.
Furthermore, US largely demilitarized and de-radicalized Germany and Japan and established its own military bases in Germany and Japan.
Nearly 80 years have passed since WWII and US still has military bases in Germany and Japan. These countries are now peaceful and prosperous.
When you look at Gaza conflict, Netanyahu’s statement of continuing military presence in Gaza is not unprecedented. but rather falls in line with other precedents of military victories and postwar arrangements.
Moreover, even in the US, not everyone has the same representation. It might be a little known fact, but 3.2 million Puerto Ricans do not have a US senator or a voting congressman. Similarly, citizens of Washington DC, Mariana islands, Guam and American Samoa do not have senators, or voting congressmen, they only have nonvoting representatives. Similarly, Israel can govern Gaza while granting Gazans a special status.
Let us look at the history of Gaza. For some 400 years it was governed by the Turkish ottoman empire, then by the British Empire. After WWII it was annexed by Egypt. When Israel won the 6 Day war in 1967, it won the territories of Gaza from Egypt and Judea and Samaria, which the media calls the West Bank, from Jordan.
Israel governed Gaza for nearly 40 years from 1967 to 2005. These were the years of peace and prosperity for Gaza and Gazans. Israel developed the infrastructure in Gaza, provided electricity and drinking water and built hospitals, including the largest Shifa hospital. While there were some lone wolf attacks on Israelis in Gaza during those 40 years, those were nowhere near the sadistic attack by Hamas Gazan terrorists into Israel, which resulted in murder, torture and mutilations of 1,139 people in Israel and 240 Israelis kidnapped on October 7, 2023, which started the current war.
In 2005, under the pressure by the US and some European nations, Israel withdrew from Gaza and let Gazans self-govern. As a result, Gazans knowingly elected a terrorist organization Hamas as their elected representatives in their parliament. In 2006 Hamas came to power in Gaza. During 18 years since Israel left Gaza, billions of dollars sent to Gaza by Qatar and other rich gulf states, as well as international organizations, were used to build rockets, purchase weapons and build tunnels to attack Israel. While Gazans lived in poverty, Hamas leaders resided in Qatar and amassed billions, while directing some 30,000 to 40,000 Hamas terrorists in Gaza to wage war against Israel. Thousands of rockets were sent from Gaza into Israel during this time.
During October 7, 2023 invasion Hamas terrorists not only murdered civilians, they beheaded them, burned whole families alive, gang raped women so violently that they broke their pelvic bones, in some instances women were shot in vagina after being raped, nails were hammered in women’s private parts, in one instance Hamas rapists cut a woman’s breast and threw it from one to another, in another instance they cut open the abdomen of a pregnant woman and killed the baby, in yet another instance they threw a baby in the oven and burned it alive in front of parents. They killed children in front of parents, they killed parents in front of children. These specimens, committing such heinous, sadistic acts cannot be called human beings, those were sadistic hyenas, sadistic demons, sadistic foot soldiers of Devil’s army.
Israel had no other choice, but to respond. Sadly, in war there are collateral damages and civilians die. When Japan attacked the US in Pearl Harbour, 2, 400 Americans were killed. US responded by dropping two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and 450,000 Japanese died. A total of 3 million Japanese died in WWII, majority of them civilians. Similarly, US and Great Britain bombed German cities of Drezden, Berlin and others into the stone age. 8 million Germans died, mostly civilians. Those are sad facts of war.
Currently, Israel is winning the war with Hamas. Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) expelled Hamas Gazans from Israel and killed over 1,000 terrorists on Israeli soil. Israel re-took Gaza and killed 8,000 more terrorists there, 3,000 surrendered and are sitting in Israeli prisons and estimated 20,000 wounded. This means that 32,000 terrorists are incapacitated, though some lightly wounded might return to terrorism.
Israel has to continue until remaining 8,000 out of initial 40,000 Hamas terrorists are either liquidated or imprisoned or leave Gaza.
In 1980s Yasir Arafat attacked Israel from Lebanon. Israel responded by going into Lebanon and liquidating large numbers of Arafat’s terrorists and demilitarizing the area. Israel gave Arafat a choice of leaving Lebanon and going into exile in Tunisia or being killed in Lebanon with the rest of the terrorists, which meant that more civilians will die during a lengthy conflict. Arafat agreed to leave and the war in Lebanon ended. Similarly, it is time for the remnants of Hamas to release all the remaining hostages and either surrender or leave Gaza to prevent more bloodshed, more civilian deaths.
It might take a few more months to liquidate the remaining Hamas terrorists, one way or another. After the war is over, Israel has to demilitarize and deradicalize Gaza, end the school curriculum, where kids were told to murder and torture Israelis, and Israel should follow the US example and establish the military presence on Gaza for the next 80 years or longer to prevent another Hamas war.
10 Responses to “About 80 years after WWII US still has military bases in Germany and Japan, so should Israel in Gaza. Puerto Rico, with 3.2 million people, does not have a senator or a voting congressman, same can be done in Gaza”
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December 31st, 2023 @ 10:38 am
Germany and Japan allow these bases
December 31st, 2023 @ 12:49 pm
And it’s one of the reasons PR has a growing independence movement.
December 31st, 2023 @ 2:33 pm
no, it is not growing. Several referendums showed that majority of citizens in PR want current status
December 31st, 2023 @ 2:35 pm
they weren’t really asked if they want those bases or not
December 31st, 2023 @ 8:52 pm
Immediately after the war, no. But for several decades they’ve been there with the consent of the governments
December 31st, 2023 @ 9:10 pm
Jim is wrong. But more than 97% want full statehood, which means representation
December 31st, 2023 @ 11:23 pm
well, majority in referendun voted NO on full statehood, as they didn’t want to pay federal taxes
January 1st, 2024 @ 5:51 am
In the last referendum 52.52% voted for statehood.
January 1st, 2024 @ 9:39 am
Jeff Wood, as a Puerto Rican born on the Island in 1953 I can tell you that political corruption on my Island is as rampant as here in the U.S. That last referendum you refer to is as good as the 81 million who voted for Brandon. Mr. Taitz is absolutely correct in that the majority of the people prefer the current status.
January 6th, 2024 @ 12:20 pm
This is a very good and realistic article: thank you dear Orly!
The tragedy of our time is that not only did Israel accept the role of pariah and willingly play it. Also the so-called “great powers” actually lost their former “great” status and spirit. With their current timid spirit, they would have surely lost WWII!
America and the West lost their status particularly grotesquely on 9/11/2001 (and then after the London and Madrid bombings)! And indeed, after fleeing from Vietnam and Afghanistan; after the siege of the Embassy in Iran, and after murdering the Ambassador in Libya.
This timid America, “designating” Bin Laden (instead of the Saudis) as the mastermind of the 9/11/2001, issued an ultimatum to Afghanistan to hand over Bin Laden, or to face the war.
Now the masterminds of the Hamas October attack reside in Qatar, and Hamas keeps also American hostages (among many others). Where is an ultimatum to Qatar?! How about “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander”?!
The above is a rhetorical question, because now not only is this fallen nation timid and miserable, but it is taken and ruled by the enemy’s NWO clique of impostor Biden.