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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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ABC news reports: Demonstration in Hong Kong: “Free Snowden! Jail Obama! Big brother is watching you!”

Posted on | June 15, 2013 | 1 Comment

Protesters Take to Hong Kong Streets in Support of NSA Leaker Edward Snowden

Protesters Take to Hong Kong Streets in Support of NSA Leaker Edward Snowden.View gallery ››
Protesters Take to Hong Kong Streets in Support of NSA Leaker Edward Snowden (ABC News)

Protesters took to the streets in Hong Kong Saturday to show their support for NSA leaker Edward Snowden and demand a “thorough explanation” of the secret surveillance program he exposed.

Roughly 200 people braved the rain to march to the U.S. consulate, chanting “Free Snowden” and “Arrest Obama.” Others carried large posters with pictures under the headline “Big brother is watching you.”

Outside the U.S. consulate, demonstrators blew their whistles saying they “were all whistle-blowers today,” then handed over a letter to Consul General Steve Young, demanding an end to all surveillance of “innocent internet users” under the NSA program.

“The idea of mass surveillance not only violates the right to privacy and human dignity, but threatens the very fundamental Human Rights of freedom of thought, opinion, expression and association,” the letter said.

TIMELINE: Edward Snowden’s Life As We Know It

Crowds at the rally were significantly smaller than the 1,000 people organizers expected, but Snowden has slowly been gaining public support in here, since he flew to Hong Kong, and exposed himself as the whistle-blower behind one of the biggest intelligence leaks in U.S. history.

Earlier this week, he told the South China Morning Post the NSA had been hacking Chinese and Hong Kong computers since 2009, specifically targeting Chinese University, public officials, and students.

The interview raised alarm, and appears to have rallied support behind Snowden who called the surveillance program proof of “hypocrisy of the U.S. government.”

Read More: U.S. Fears Edward Snowden May Defect to China: Sources

A poll released by the same newspaper Saturday, showed 1 in 2 Hong Kongers believed their government should resist handing over Snowden, if Washington requested extradition.

“We demand the whole truth be disclosed by the U.S administration, and we demand an unconditional apology by Mr. Obama,” said Albert Ho, a member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong.

Read More: NSA Leaker Snowden is ‘Handsome’ Hero in China

Snowden has said he fled to this city, because of its strong tradition of free speech, and its reputation for independence from western countries.

But the high-profile case comes amid increasing anxiety of Beijing’s influence in Hong Kong’s government. The city has its own rule of law and political system, but residents worry that independence is fading.

Demonstrator Chikwan Ho said the Snowden case would be a major test of Hong Kong’s own freedoms.

“By standing up for Snowden, I also want to send a message that we need that kind of citizen in Hong Kong,” demonstrator Chikwan Ho said. “Somebody who is watching our government to see if they are abusing power to control our lives.”


One Response to “ABC news reports: Demonstration in Hong Kong: “Free Snowden! Jail Obama! Big brother is watching you!””

  1. Harry Kareey
    June 15th, 2013 @ 8:24 am

    I’m sure the Chinese government had nothing to do with organizing this.

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