A statement from Brian Rilley, Tea Party leader who brought to Arpaio and his assistant Zullo a criminal complaint from 250 citizens, seeking Arpaio, as their sheriff, to act and file a criminal complaint with the DA. In light of the fact that Arpaio did not file a criminal complaint with any state or federal authorities Rilley is wondering if that latest hype by Arpaio and Zullo is mostly done for publicity prior to publication of Zullo’s second book. He also states that he has a hard time posting on ORYR/BR site which is run by Richard Garruth with the help of George Miller
Posted on | June 13, 2013 | 2 Comments
Please post on thread BR/ORYR “Obama ID Fraud.”
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11:41 AM (34 minutes ago)
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Still having problems posting on your threads. Please post the following on the “Obama ID Thread.” Thank You.
Brian Reilly
“Mike Zullo’s investigation has now continued for almost two years. He has amassed many thousands of pages of evidence. His draft investigation report is already more than 300 pages long, and he reckons it will be 700 pages before it is complete.”
So far, the MCSO CCP has developed probable cause that crimes have been committed (announced March 1, 2012). No criminal complaints to date have been filed with any legal authority, either federal or state. The CCP, to date, has not formally notified every member of Congress of their findings. Last week it was announced by Zullo that Sheriff Arpaio never promised to file a criminal complaint, only to investigate. Now, from a reliable source, we’re told that in September or November of this year, there will be an Arpaio photo-op in D.C. (The picture would be Arpaio backed by law enforcement.)
What has happened in the past two years? Lot’s of interview hype on the radio. Lot’s of apparent monitoring of blogs. Lots of requests for donations. A book written by Corsi & Zullo (still available on Amazon.com). And now, a possible 700 page report, or should I say, book? Will it also be available on Amazon.com at or will it be available through WND? Interesting, when my wife and I were interviewed for three hours by five members of the CCP, the first question from Zullo was, “Will you be writing a book?” Our reply was “No.”
From a sales and marketing standpoint, what we’ve witnessed over the past two years is possibly nothing more then a pre-release advertising campaign for Zullo’s book number two. Will Arpaio write the forward on this “book” too? Will research contributors get a purchase discount for their contributions? Will Zullo donate the sale proceeds of the “book” to his church, again? Will the sale of the movie rights come next? Will Brad Pitt play Zullo?
If the CCP fails to act NOW with it’s findings by filing a criminal complaint and formally notifying all members of Congress of the CCP findings, demanding an investigation, and the country collapses, I can almost guarantee that none will be interested in reading a 700 page tome that describes why America collapsed. Potential readers will be standing haplessly in the rubble, formerly called America.
2 Responses to “A statement from Brian Rilley, Tea Party leader who brought to Arpaio and his assistant Zullo a criminal complaint from 250 citizens, seeking Arpaio, as their sheriff, to act and file a criminal complaint with the DA. In light of the fact that Arpaio did not file a criminal complaint with any state or federal authorities Rilley is wondering if that latest hype by Arpaio and Zullo is mostly done for publicity prior to publication of Zullo’s second book. He also states that he has a hard time posting on ORYR/BR site which is run by Richard Garruth with the help of George Miller”
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June 14th, 2013 @ 2:21 am
I havent been tracking the investigation recently, it sounds like there is a play on words. The most evident ” I didn”t promise to file a complaint, I just agreed to investigate”.
Now one understands why he has been sheriff for so many years. His lingustic-con has worked.
When he teamed up with zullo they saw $$$$$.
it is just another hype.
a way to get something for nothing. Words, that were composed to extract cash.
June 14th, 2013 @ 9:24 pm
One of the most interesting examples of a play on words was made by Zullo two weeks ago: He said that you can’t use taxpayer money on a “fishing expedition.” Suddenly we have seen this “criminal investigation” transform into a “fishing expedition.” Whether they want to accept it or not, the reality is, Sheriff Arpaio’s support among my conservative Christian contacts is beginning to crumble. This trend does not look good for 2016.