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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

A gust of fresh air, a boost of energy and a message “We will turn the economy around”- all embodied in Romney choice for VP-young congressman Paul Ryan

Posted on | August 11, 2012 | 15 Comments

Ryan represents an amalgam of youth, energy and maturity. Ryan is 42 years old and will appeal to young voters.

Noteworthy is the fact that Ryan is Roman -catholic and will appeal to millions of Hispanic voters, who happen to be Roman Catholic as well. This means that this nomination will help Romney to make inroads into the Democratic strongholds: younger voters and minority voters.

Aside from youth and energy Ryan represents maturity beyond his years. He lost his father at the age of 16, yet had strength to go on, get good education in Economics and Political Science and become and aid to a Senator. He later continued with his Congressional career and became a 7 times congressman by an early age of 42.

I believe Ryan will appeal to women not only by virtue of his youth and good looks, but also and more importantly by the fact that he is married, a father to 3 children and represents strong family values.

Ryan is a person who is known as an unconventional thinker, he is not afraid to take on hard tasks, which probably explains his chairmanship of an influential House Budget committee.

I believe that Ryan nomination will help Romney to break ahead towards the finish line of the U.S. Presidency.    

A portrait photograph of Paul Ryan.
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Wisconsin‘s 1st district
Assumed office January 3, 1999
Preceded by Mark Neumann
Chairperson of the House Budget Committee
Assumed office January 3, 2011
Preceded by John Spratt
Personal details
Born Paul Davis Ryan (1970-01-29) January 29, 1970 (age 42) Janesville, Wisconsin, U.S.
Political party Republican
Spouse(s) Janna Little
Children Elizabeth Charles Samuel
Alma mater Miami University
Religion Roman Catholic
Website Congressional website
Paul Ryan official portrait.jpg This article is part of a series about Paul Ryan
Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan

Romney–Ryan campaign, 2012 Wisconsin’s 1st congressional district

Political positions ·Electoral history Public image

Paul Davis Ryan (born January 29, 1970) is the U.S. Representative for Wisconsin’s 1st congressional district,



15 Responses to “A gust of fresh air, a boost of energy and a message “We will turn the economy around”- all embodied in Romney choice for VP-young congressman Paul Ryan”

  1. Anonymous
    August 11th, 2012 @ 7:30 am

    Just another guy who refuses to acknowledge Obama’s ineligibility like Romney and all the rest in the GOP.

  2. Carl Manning
    August 11th, 2012 @ 7:31 am

    Just another useless non-Birther. What good is he to any of us???

  3. Oliver Wendell Holmes
    August 11th, 2012 @ 7:44 am

    It really doesn’t matter who runs against Barry Sneaky, they will lose if America doesn’t get it’s method of COUNTING VOTES cleaned up in all 50 States before the November Elections.

    Just a reminder, remember Dirty Harry was trailing in the polls by double digits in Nevada the day before their last ELECTION, yet Dirty Harry won that Election, which just happened to be run by his SON.

    Yes, America, it’s time to START CLEANING HOUSE.

    It doesn’t matter who Mitt Romney picksfor VP, they have absolutely no chance of winning if this whole mess isn’t cleaned up before the November Elections.

    Why aren’t Rush, Sean, and all the rest of them all over THIS?

    Barry Sneaky, Dirty Harry, and Crooked Elections, what else must I say?

    It looks like we might be going down the tubes.

    Please do something before it’s too late to do anything!

    Have a nice day.

  4. Carl Manning
    August 11th, 2012 @ 8:00 am

    Like Mitt and all the rest, he has chosen to sidestep REALITY and the US Constitution by avoiding REALITY staring him in the face. His budget proposals were ridiculous with proposing to balance the budget in 10 years?!? Ron Paul would have balanced the budget in a year or so by cutting all the riffraff like, i.e., the 9th Circuit judges going on taxpayer-paid trips at $1500 a room.
    Have asny of you noticed that, as usual, the GOP never addresses paying off the 16 trillion dollar “on-budget” NATIONAL DEBT. They only address paying off the “DEFICIT”. They also never address the 120 trillion dollar TRUE DEBT of this nation when you take into account the unfunded “off-budget” liabilities of Social Security, VA Benefits, Federal employeee retirement funds, military pensions, Medicare, and Medicaid. Nobody’s buying the GOP charade anymore of pretending not to see the elephant in the room that is Obama’s Crime Syndicate because the GOP is apparently on the same team. In your desire to get rid of Obama, the Bilderberg Bankster favorite of 2008 for another Bilderberg Bankster favorite whore like Mitt Romney, who secretly showed up at the recent Bilderberg meeting at the Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, please do not lose sight of the fact that the GOP has remained criminally treasonous for their willful avoidance of this issue and all of their surrogates in talk radio and Faux Noise. As Dr. Taitz repeatdly has pointed out, neither one of these parties of globalist Wall Street whores care one iota about repealing WTO-GATT or NAFTA or any of the innumerable unbalanced so-called “FREE” trade agreements they negotiate almost every day now. They are perfectly happy shipping your jobs and manufacturing base overseas for a rewarding career as a lobbyist after you throw them out in disgust someday for betraying you one too many times. Think about this one glaringly obvious fact: The US during its years as the world’s number one creditor nation was able to produce almost 97% of everything we needed ourselves right here in the good ol’ USA. We had a manufacturing base that helped us survive not only the Great Depression, but also WW1 and WW2. Now, manufacturing jobs make up only 9% of all jobs in the USA. We have become a service-oriented economy, which never generates real wealth thanks to these two TREASONOUS parties that have sold the American birthright for a bowl of Wall Street soup. If America finds herself embroiled in a WWIII, which is all but a certainty with the current situation in the Middle East, America will have no way to defend herself with an asll but non-existent manufacturing base, but China will be amply prepared for a major war campaign. THIS IS WHY I REFER TO THE TRADE POLICIES OF BOTH PARTIES AS TREASON.

  5. Martha Stuart
    August 11th, 2012 @ 8:06 am

    Are you going to quit? You will still prosecute obama for his crimes? Or are you going to pardon him?

    Do you think Paul Ryan will pardon Obama if you prosecute him and send him to the big house? Paul Ryan said he likes obama and I’m afriad that he will do this.

  6. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    August 11th, 2012 @ 11:11 am

    Paul Ryan is no fool, he will do what is needed

  7. James
    August 11th, 2012 @ 11:17 am

    I agree, good choice!

  8. Mark Smith
    August 11th, 2012 @ 12:18 pm

    As a Vice President, Paul Ryan will be emasculated. When interest rates go back to 6%, it will take all the IRS income tax payments for an entire year just to pay the interest on the 16 trillion in debts the US has built up–leaving nothing to pay the salaries of Federal workers, food stamps, medicaide, etc.I would be very worried about being in power when the angry mob shows up in Washington DC after this happens.

  9. Liberty101
    August 11th, 2012 @ 1:25 pm

    this will go no were fast……Obama popularity among Mexican and lib’s is very high

  10. Carl Manning
    August 11th, 2012 @ 2:58 pm

    As Michael Savage pointed out, Romney just stepped in it big time. Ryan is yet another Neocon faux conservative. He was picked in an attempt to fool the Conservatives yet again to get behind moderate RINO Romney who all but detests Constitutional Conservatives. True Conservatives are not so easily fooled. Ryan’s just another RINO retread; this is John McCain-Sarah Palin, Part II. It is yet another recipe for disaster. Nonetheless, even if this ticket wins the election, Obama will remain the first US Dictator for life. He will not leave office under any circumstances whatsoever. He knows now that he can do whatever he desires to his heart’s content, and NOBODY BUT NOBODY BUT NOBODY will ever stop him or deter him. His “Obamagic” bribery, murder, threats, legal obstruction, and blackmail campaigns have worked effortlessly, and he has pulled them off without a hitch. He has every intention to completely ignore the Constitution including the part about leaving office after you lose an election. Dr. Taitz, the writing is already on the wall; if Obama remains in power, it will be to your benefit to leave this country as soon as possible because he will purge America of his enemies just as all Communists have done throughout the history of mankind.

  11. Carl Manning
    August 11th, 2012 @ 8:54 pm

    We Ron Paul supporters see right through the Neocon Establishment GOP Ryan who isn’t willing to cut the federal government to the bone. We are not impressed in the least with his babysteps. His nomination was just cover for Romney to beguile the gullible into thinking the Conservatives will have a seat at the table. Ryan is already being portrayed by the GOP RINO Establishment media’s marketing campaign as the “reincarnation of Reagan” just as they said with George W. Bush. The GOP RINO Establishment threw a bone to the deluded Reagan sleepwalkers in the Party who are still walking around in a dream trying to find a Ronald Reagan reincarnation. Get a clue: Reagan and HIS GOP are dead and gone – never to return again from the dead. The RINO Establishment, as evidenced by every run for the Presidency since Reagan’s Presidency, has guaranteed that will never happen again.

    1988/1992: George H.W. Bush / Dan Quayle
    1996: Bob Dole / Jack Kemp (Paul Ryan btw was Jack Kemp’s speechwriter)
    2000/2004: George W. Bush / Dick Cheney
    2008: McCain / Palin
    2012: Romney / Ryan
    2012+: N/A – GOP abolished by Obama’s Communist/Muslim Brotherhood Dictatorship in purge after martial law declaration.

    Do any of you see the self-evident pattern here??? In every instance, the obvious Establishment RINO is at the top of the ticket – no exceptions.

    For the Grand Ol’ Propaganda (GOP) Party, the game is now up. The GOP has all but entirely abandoned the Constitution over the lie of 911 and giving Obama a “Get Out of Jail Free” card and Monopoly fiat money to his heart’s content to the tune of 2 TRILLION dollars for his last two years of his first term in office to screw us over 6 ways to Sunday. They continue to support “free” trade with NAFTA and WTO-GATT and countless other FTA’s, virtually insuring our jobs and wealth will remain gone forever. That’s why I haven’t voted for the GOP ticket for the Presidency in 12 years. Before that, I hadn’t voted for the GOP ticket since 1988. I have never voted and never will vote for the Democratic (Communist) ticket. I will remain, until the imminent end of this once great Republic, an Independent Constitutionalist Conservative.

    In the end when all is said and done, it is of some small consolation that the GOP traitors who had the wherewithal to do something about Obama for 5 years will be executed by Obama’s Communist purge, so there will be some divine justice after all. Unfortunately, many of us here will be executed as well by Obama’s purge of the opposition and intelligentsia.

  12. The Phoenix
    August 11th, 2012 @ 10:28 pm

    Wow! We need to defeat Obama…so that’s the main object for America! The problems that some have brought up can be corrected, once we get back to normalcy! Vote Romney in and then, repeal the ObamaCare (ASAP)! Then, eliminate all the laws he’s signed that do America harm! Take one step at at time!

  13. Liberty and trut
    August 12th, 2012 @ 10:25 am

    we need to hunt down birther like the dogs they are

  14. Liberty and trut
    August 12th, 2012 @ 10:27 am

    birther are crazy racist bitch…..

  15. Jack Mehoff
    August 12th, 2012 @ 9:20 pm

    Paul Ryan will lose Romney the senior vote. Without seniors, Romney can’t win. Looks like four more years of BO, unless Orly comes up with a legal strategy that works.

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