

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

a great letter to Obama: “go back to 1959 lines, so Hi is not a state and you are not a citizen”. It is hilarious, but in reality we don’t need to give up HI, Obama is indeed not a citizen, but a criminal with a forged birth certificate and a stolen CT SS number

Posted on | May 23, 2011 | 7 Comments

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Monday, May 23, 2011 5:36 AM
Dear President Obama:
 I am writing today with a somewhat unusual request. Actually, it is a series of requests. First and foremost, I will be asking that you return America to its August 20th, 1959 borders so that Hawaii is no longer a state and you are no longer a citizen. I make this request because I don’t like your policies and I don’t like you. If I sound like I’m asking for too much just be patient. I’m only getting started.
I am also asking that you sell the State of Washington to the Canadians. I’ve only been to Washington twice – once to Seattle and once to Spokane. The former was full of liberals and the latter was full of the most aggressive panhandlers I’ve ever seen. It rained on both of my trips to Washington and I really have no use for rainy places.
Probably the main reason I want you to sell Washington to the Canadians is that I want you to do the same with Oregon. I am hoping we can blaze a new Oregon Trail all the way up to Canada because, let’s face it, the state is full of socialists who need good health care. And, speaking of blazing, we need to get rid of all those pot smokers, too. They sure do burn a lot of weed for people who think they are environmentalists.
California is a no-brainer. We can significantly cut the national debt by getting rid of the Golden State. Plus, we could get rid of Nancy Pelosi and, more importantly, all the fruitcakes who elected her. I think we should just give California to Mexico. It’s only worth a few pesos and the Mexicans almost control it already. (Oh, wait, I meant to say Mexican-Americans!).

 I can hardly wait to get rid of Massachusetts. I think a lot of the Kennedys. In fact, several of the young Kennedy men would make great Canadian Prime Ministers – assuming they could find a campaign issue unrelated to national health care. Best of all, the Boston Red Sox would no longer be able to claim they are actually America’s team. We all know that title belongs to the New York Yankees.
Rhode Island also needs to go to Canada. It never really was a state. It’s just a suburb of Boston. Besides, there are too many Rhode Island Red Sox fans for my taste.
Getting rid of Connecticut is also a no-brainer. They haven’t voted Republican in years. I have no use for any state that could re-elect Christopher Dodd.
We need to make New Jersey a part of the Canadian package, too. You don’t really need to ask why, do you? Two words: Jersey Shore. (Imagine some of those guys trying to buy steroids on the national health plan up in Canada. Now that’s a Situation!).
Maine needs to go, too. Even their Republicans act like Democrats. They don’t even have any professional sports teams. We should sell them to Canada as soon as possible.
New Hampshire has to be sold to Canada, too. I’m tired of these guys choosing our presidents. Plus, New Hampshire is full of Democrats who own guns. That kind of scares me. They might hurt themselves so I say we should make them a part of a nation that has excellent health care.
Of course, we need to make Vermont a part of Canada, too. Do you really need to ask why? Two words: Howard Dean.
Finally, we need to turn over Delaware to the Canadians. If we’re going to get rid of you, Mr. President, then we need to get rid of the Vice-President, too. Can you just imagine Joe Biden using the line about you being pretty clean and articulate for a black guy? If he repeats that line as a Canadian citizen they will convict him of a hate crime!
In my leaner – and admittedly meaner – 38-state America one thing is certain: We will never again elect a Democratic president.
You might think I am a) arrogant for asking you to reduce the size of your nation merely to accommodate my political goals. Or you might think I am b) a racist for making such a request. You might even think I am c) a sociopath who is losing touch with reality. But the true answer is probably d) all of the above.
In short, Mr. President, we need to reconsider the way we treat our friends. Our enemies might be inspired by our example.
Mike Adams


7 Responses to “a great letter to Obama: “go back to 1959 lines, so Hi is not a state and you are not a citizen”. It is hilarious, but in reality we don’t need to give up HI, Obama is indeed not a citizen, but a criminal with a forged birth certificate and a stolen CT SS number”

  1. steve
    May 23rd, 2011 @ 9:20 am

    I believe if you look at the records regarding the vote to make Hawaii a State you will find that only the White people were allowed to vote. Also, United State military force seized the islands from a legit Hawaiian monarchy in violation of international law.
    If the issue every went to court the government would have to be given back to the Hawaiian population.

  2. Carl Manning
    May 23rd, 2011 @ 12:18 pm

    I would add to it that we should give South Florida and the Keyes to Cuba. Hawai needs to be ceded to Japan. We should cede all of the Northeast Corridor from DC & Maryland up to Maine and the entire upper Midwest to Canada.
    In addition to California going to Mexico, I would add to it New Mexico, Nevada, and the southern portion of Arizona around Tucson. After we have given away Maryland and DC to Canada, we should start a new federal government somewhere in the lower midwest of the country and a new mainstream media complex somewhere in the heartland as well. We must extricate the Socialist elements from this nation, but we must give them the American right to self-determination as much as we desire our own right to self-determination.

  3. Paul Revere
    May 23rd, 2011 @ 10:31 pm

    Oh, Lordy! I don’t care if Hawaii goes “under,” but that comment about all the other area ceded to other nations, Manning, that is ridiculous!

    I’ve read where the Hawaiian People would like to have the state returned to them. If this was taken from them, that wasn’t right! But I’d never go along with all the other “frivilous” comments to “detach” parts of the USA to anyone else!

    It might be…where part of the idea Manning stated could be implemented??! Like finding the center of America and move the govt there! But if the other parts of his comments were examined, there are too many areas being “sliced and diced” and I think it would harm America!

    There are just too many parts of the puzzle that are working in this “format”…that already have history, life, and are functioning, to “fix something that ain’t broke”!

    Since it’s the left-wing, liberals that voted for Obama and got us into this Crisis, someone might take the time to explore further options (for them)??! And make it mandatory that no OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE with any treasonous train of thought be allowed to interfer with any voting process, from this poitn on!

    Why? Cause the “libs” have proven that with their vote, they can’t be trusted to vote responsibly, to protect this nation against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC!!! But this is just a thought…!

    Any addtions and/or subtractions really need to be thought out! We should never give anything to Cuba…it’s a communist nation!
    Nor should we give anything to Mexico, except give back (all) their “illegals!” And does anyone want to belong to Canada, with it’s socialistic healthcare nonsense?

    Even though I like Canada, as a tourist and one of our closest allies!

    And would Hawaii want to belong to Japan, that bombed them and killed how many Americans and other people?

    Manning, I think you should have thought this out, further, before posting it!

    This should be considered a “wild-hare” thought to even bring this up!!

  4. Daniel Boone
    May 23rd, 2011 @ 10:44 pm

    Oh, wow! Ah, it appears that the guy who wrote the article is probably “spoofing us” with some late spring humor??! LOL!

    Although, the (D)’s need to find the ability to “discern” truth, I don’t think getting rid of parts of the USA is part of the world of reality! It’s a thought-provoking piece, but not sincere and very “fictional!”

    Interesting, though!

  5. Carl Manning
    May 24th, 2011 @ 1:35 pm

    Hawaii has a tremendously high Japanese population. The islanders discriminate against white people calling us “howlies”. California, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada, southern Arizona, and the Upper Midwest from Illinois upward including Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan are reliably Democrat voters year in and year out. The Northeast corridor is arguably, besides, perhaps, California, one of the most reliably Democrat bastions of insanity on Earth. In Miami, English is a 2nd language.
    The Founding Fathers knew that this government required Christians of good moral character to follow its Constitution. Good and evil cannot co-exist in our government for it to function properly. Our apostate federal government includes one political party (and now perhaps 2) that have no respect for the Constitution and the rule of law. This corruption is related directly to the sort of people who elect these representatives. This Union is untenable and a sham, and everyone of us knows this. The Dems would love Canadian Socialism with its government healthcare. They would also love the higher taxes, “progressive” society, and free abortion in Canada. People should always have the right to self-determination. Nowhere in our Constitution is secession ever specifically outlawed – implied or otherwise. The States created the federal government and /or entered into the Compact with the federal government known as the Constitution and any other stipulations the State(s) may have made as condition for remaining in the Union. Any contract in business law is always understood to be subject to cancellation when one or the other party is deemed to be refusing to abide by the terms of that contract. The federal government has had far too many usurpations of this contract to the point where it has outlived its usefulness to many States. I respectfully disagree with your opinion and stand by everything I said. It’s high time the idiots in State government pre-empt their Communist takeover of America. Do I expect any of this to ever happen??? Of course, not! America’s days are numbered as long as we pretend we can have “government” with one political party that espouses nothing but evil.

  6. Carl Manning
    May 24th, 2011 @ 2:07 pm

    Hawaii has a tremendously high Japanese population. The native islanders there discriminate against white people calling whites “howlies” – whatever that’s supposed to mean. My sister lived there once and often was literally pushed out of line at shopping centers.

    California, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada, southern Arizona, and the Upper Midwest from Illinois upward including Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan are reliably Democrat voters year in and year out. The Northeast corridor is arguably, besides, perhaps, California, one of the most reliably Democrat bastions of insanity on Earth. In Miami, English is a 2nd language.

    The Founding Fathers knew that this government required people of good moral character to follow its Constitution. Good and evil cannot co-exist in our government for it to function properly. Our apostate federal government includes one political party (and now perhaps 2) that have no respect for the Constitution and the rule of law. They have both become dangerous for the survival of this nation. This corruption is related directly to the sort of people who elect these representatives. This Union is untenable and a sham, and everyone of us knows this.

    The Dems would love Canadian Socialism with its government healthcare. They would also love the higher taxes, “progressive” society, and free abortion in Canada. People should always have the right to self-determination – Left or Right. Nowhere in our Constitution is Secession ever specifically outlawed – implied or otherwise. The States created the federal government and/or entered into the Compact with the federal government known as the Constitution and any other stipulations the State(s) may have made as condition for remaining in the Union. Any contract in business law is always understood to be subject to legal cancellation when one or the other party is deemed to be refusing to abide by the terms of that contract. The federal government has had far too many usurpations of this contract to the point where it has outlived its usefulness to many States and now even threatens the survival of the country.

    I respectfully disagree with your opinion and stand by everything I said. It’s high time the idiots in State government pre-empt the Democrats’ Communist takeover of America. Do I expect any of this to ever happen??? Of course, not! We have far too many idiots in State government, most of whom are now heavily indebted lackeys for the federal government. America’s days are numbered as long as we pretend we can have “government” with one political party that espouses nothing but evil and two political parties with completely irreconcilable views on how to balance a budget to pay for their untenable Socialism, globalism, imperialism, and Big Government un-Constitutional madness.

  7. Paul Revere
    May 25th, 2011 @ 12:28 am

    Well, interesting, Mr. Manning. But let’s examine this further. For one, if the south would’ve seceeded in the 1860’s, and if the north wouldn’t have won the Civil War, blacks would still be living in slavery! So President Lincoln did right!

    Two, we should all encourage the psychotic lefites to “migrate” to Canada (or to some other socialist/communist nation), to help save this Republic! They seem to talk a “good game” about the “joys” of socialism & communism, but they are only in need of an “EXORCISM” to straighten out their thinking process! They’re possessed of evil!

    This (IMO) would be far more productive to America, than, to cut part of the hemisphere into “scraps,” which is like “throwing the baby out with the bathwater!!!” Why “GIVE” these miscreants a “tinkers damn,” let alone part of this nation?

    Thirdly, if American Govt/military hadn’t of taken over the Hawaiian Islands, which sounds rather “illegal” to me, then, the Hawaiian population (maybe?) wouldn’t have resentment towards whites???!

    Fourth, with the way we have at our grasp the opportunity to vote for the “proper candidates,” all it takes is for the American people to “wake up” and do their civic duty!

    It was the responsibility of the Congress (To Vett Obama, as well as all S.O.S.’s) and the voters to keep track of what’s going on! So certain people have to become “more responsible” in handling FREEDOM, LIBERTY, AND HOW TO CONDUCT THEMSELVES IN SOCIETY, when the chips are down!

    Fifth: A lot of Americans are NOT privy to the “inside” knowledge, that a lot of the rest of us understand. And it takes awhile to bring this to their attention! This is one of the best examples that I can think of …as to why we need to “persevere” in our time of Crisis!

    This is not a short-term battle. Our founders had to “grind it out” for several years! Eventually, they succeeded! It takes the mental capacity of a very strong mental Constitution…(a sort of “NINJA” toughness mentality to persevere)…which means that we don’t QUIT! no matter what!!!

    Sixth:…And…one of the biggest problems we have here in America is the fact that “far too many Americans” are “drunk with life” and can’t discern the subtlties of politics!

    Some Americans can’t take the time out of their “fun, lavish lives” to actually figure out a TRUTHFUL candidate or those who have to scrape by…cause they may be too busy with just plain survival!

    Or those who do know whom to vote for, but just don’t want to be bothered by the rest of us, to have to take some time and “deal with it”! No matter what the problem(s), we should never turn and run from this “Book of Revelations, temporary road-block”!

    Cause I think that is QUITTING! That means that the lefties are winning! And that’s unacceptable! Life shouldn’t be like the Roman days…where they were free to just “live for their own pleasures”!!! We need to become steadfast in our decision of “right over wrong,” and NEVER WAIVOR!

    And that means either make the “utopians” “get with it,” or “hit the highway” to more “liberal-lands!” Eisenhower wrote an executive order in the 50’s to outlaw the communist party…so why can’t a NEW president do the same? Etc., etc., etc.!!!!

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