

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

my fbi request

Posted on | November 27, 2009 | 10 Comments

FBI request











10 Responses to “my fbi request”

  1. Terence Brennan
    November 27th, 2009 @ 8:20 pm

    Please post a larger image of the FBI request. It is much too small to read the text. Thanks!

  2. Poon Tang
    November 27th, 2009 @ 8:24 pm

    Can’t read it, Dr. Orly. Too small.

  3. Tony Sparrow
    November 27th, 2009 @ 8:54 pm

    Orly the picture of the document you’ve provided is too small. Could you please provide a larger scan of the document or alternatively post the text of it to the blog so your supporters can read it?

  4. pk trujillo
    November 27th, 2009 @ 9:56 pm

    I wish I knew how to help you run this website so it is more organized and easier to read, ie the FBI letter. There has to be a follower of yours out in computer land who can help.

  5. mike
    November 27th, 2009 @ 11:14 pm

    pk , you are right whats the point of posting things that you cant read? having said that I do appreciate this web site and all the hard work that Orly does.

  6. Martin Pinsky
    November 28th, 2009 @ 12:34 am

    Be a little patient my anxious friends, This has happened before and orly had it cleaned up and the documents ( as in Sinclair and a death certificate) were adjusted to a clear read.)

    This not of much help, but send it to your pictures and raised the magnification and you will barely make out that the letter to the FBI came from Levy. Maybe the pressure is on for a special prosecutor as i suggested to this seasoned veteran in a bried E-mail. Maybe the process is beginning as in putting pressure on this idiot Holder to appoint a special proscutor– i am sure Orly and Levy are all over USC applicable law. maybe Holder’s wife will tell him to do the right thing this time.

    I think that it obvious to anyone of balanced thought that all indications are that we are slipping into a depression– one as bad as the original ’29 into the thirties –that sparked Hitler along with the restrictive versailles treaty 6/26/19-

    we are printing too much flat money here and it is backed by BUPKUS and chinese egg drop soup.

    I hope that Obama is criminally indicted– the farce of impeachmnet does not apply here- this country is so damned inconsistent–almost a terminal psychosis–not a level playing ground- you the little guy can watch it all as a trod upon spectator without a chance in hell of getting a square deal from these bastards as Orly well knows ( her problem causing anger, hubris and parthian shots notwithstanding–as in $10K doubled to $20K?–whose advising you orly–hope levy steadies your temperament to be less self destructive in your frsutration–you want to be a player but the entry fee is $100,000,000– the Saudi’s are over heating Dubai putting a billion in President pinnochio’s coffers as long as he plays ball– he had five cents to his name at the outset–nobody from nowhere suddenly thrust into the presidential limelight in the noiw renamed BLACK HOUSE givennthat Malik Shabazz was an honored guest along with Wright whom Obama the bullshiter distanced himself from after twenty years of this maniac BLT rantings along with the catholic preist psycho pliger.

    I mentioned previous in a statement i used that someone else coined, that orly is up against=wrath of God money. Obama is facilitating the buying and selling of america and in my opinion Obama is involved with CAIR and the MUSLIM Brotherhood and is a fifth columnist intruder and jihadist- WHY? Because forget about ethics, there is a lack of logic here. this Hussein Obama is so transparent– he was groomed but he never bled. He is telling General Motors one of the spinal disks of american inventive, industrial history and manufacturing strength how to conduct their business when he never had as much as a hot dog stand– the brass of this man!!! Supremely confident–the election was bought, the press and media were bought–look at flip flopping $8mm Lou Dobbs entering Bullshitville. The Courts are bought– the white house is a leftist conspiracy in its own WRIGHT–pardon the pun.

    The average american and these tea party naive types have no idea what they are dealing with–they just have a profound visceral sense that something is very wrong. But the obvious is eluding them day by agonising day. OBAMA is worst than Arnold innthat Arnold’s treachery came later on after frustration etc, but Obama’s Treachery is from the get go and continues on track with not so much as a by your leave re. 4.5mm people in DC. The only danger to this man at this stage is if he begins to believe what is being said about him as in the second coming etc and if as a result of induced megalomania he begins to believe he is more than a pawn and puppet of the SAUDI, Whahabi oil interests and Shariah banks.

    We had that weirs flyby of Air Force One over NYC. Now his inauguration and this recent party were crashed by the same two people–and our secret service is saying daaaaaa… OH gee did I do thattttttt? As they look at their erkel president greeting intruders and potential assassins with alacrity.

    Remember Indira Ghandi and her superlative always almost cult trustworthy supper dedciated Sith personal Guards? I am mocking them and the siths that applaud their treachery in killing Indira. The palace door was left open to to speak and that is what happened to obama with his oh gee how did this happen suddenlt incompetent secret service protectors– its all farcical –as this was obvious a warning and dry run to show him that the counter good ole boy powers are alive and well and working their show. I had mentioned in a prior posting that it will be internal heads looking the other way as the palace door is opened just like Indira and her TRUSTED sikhs.

    There are countervailing forces at work in this country trying to put the brakes on Obama– but he seems impervious convinced he is well protected– that makes him both a deluded and tragic figure.

    The best of all worlds is to bring this man doiwn in disgrace as the traitor and fifth columnist he is– he is a spy, interloper, fake phony and fraud and an arrogant bastard all adding up to TRAITOR. If he is brought down and disgraced then all prior orders are rescinded—and because he is playing these dangerous games for his overseers while we are at war then he should be tried in a military court and given maximum punishmnet as a traitor during wartime.

    I look at many people just going about their business and I say: you are dreamers in denial and think it will all straighten out in the next election. It will be too late by then given the pace he is moving at.

    If he is arrested and imprisoned–as you probably know now, Biden is a caretaker for several months in preparation for another national election–

    Notice Hickabee ( what a phony) has his own show with hints that he may run or rhomney yet again. Sarah quites, martinez quits, hillary may soon quit as she sharpens her teeth for a final blow. gates and now two big general were speaking publically with out consulting POTUS.
    Now DFobbs is thinking politics- hannity is thought of as an attractive prospect– think it out and look at the moves–wouldn’t you say something is gelling or in the works.

    Orly has a new friend now a distinguished INTERNATIONAL attorney, who penned that illegible letter to the FBI above. And with levy she is again 9on the attack–against two powerful formidable foes: Carter and Land– don’t matter if you are right orly–they have the power and you don’t. I would stay away from them like the plague and go this FBI route or special prosecutor route–pressuing Holder nonstop–maybe something can happen before the USA explodes in dissension and disarray and drowns in diviseness and civil war– the religious right has already dropped the gauntlet and will commit civil disobedience if they have to–and they will–soon.

    The black muslims are well funded and they are the dirty arm of rebellion here inn the vangarde as a militray woing of Cair and the muslim brotherhood–mostly prison converted excons–and very dangerous people–this along with massive unemployment and the death throe beginning in legalizing 30,000,000 illterates will bring all the guns out of white people’s closets and cumulatively they have more guns than the US ARMY– and a massive diverse arsenal and i doubt in my study and inquires if they are as ragtag as many think.

    Have you noticed that general petraeus is the first supreme commander since eisnehower–wonder what gives there?

    Something is in the works– some big folk–I think it is the american brahman wasps of old established families that are beginning to put up the road blocks.

    CHANGE?–mark my words it will all come down BEFORE 11/10– a huge deck of cards with faces on them as when Hussein and his family and henchmen were hunted down. The first drop of blood drawn in anger by this adminsitration will explode upon this country the wrath of God and pillars of fire will consume the OBAMAnation.


  7. Anonymous
    November 28th, 2009 @ 2:31 am

    I’ve offered to help her and I believe that she will accept. I’m also having a very hard time navigating her site which is what prompted me to offer. I’m sure she has a lot of other things she needs to be doing so I’ll give her a hand.

  8. Pat
    November 28th, 2009 @ 9:26 am

    I have noticed that this site is redirected to a yellow pages search site and also has contained malicious audio. Obviously, obots are messing with it.

    I suggest that Dr. Taitz have someone construct a new website with the necessary protections and also re-organize the contents.

    The site gets a lot of hits and a new site would definitely help.

  9. Rosemary
    November 28th, 2009 @ 10:36 am

    Dr Orly needs money. If we all donated more she could maybe then afford to hire someone at least for a couple of afternoons a week to manage the website. Good idea?

  10. de'Monfort
    November 28th, 2009 @ 12:02 pm

    I copied it and pasted it and then blew it up and it is way to fuzzy to read. Instead, of rescanning how about writing out what it says? with the image. I would like to see what it says.

    Thank you.