

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Posted on | November 11, 2009 | 2 Comments


You did a terrific job on your Motion for Reconsideration, you really nailed it and I sure hope the Judge stands up this time and does the right thing!

I hope your protest in NYC goes well and I hope there’s a huge crowd and that Fox gives you fair and balanced airtime whether with O’Reilly (whom I can’t stand, very arrogant windbag LOL) or perhaps Glenn or Hannity since they joined you on facebook. You deserve a fair interview without being constantly interrupted and denigrated! I would highly recommend that you brush over the birth certificate/where he was born issue because that is what they want to argue and make fun of…instead, go right to the fact that it really doesn’t matter where he was born because even IF he was born in HI, he is NOT a natural born citizen and is, at most, a native born citizen and a dual citizen which is not allowed. Back that up with Vattel, supreme court cases, Bingham, etc…all the sources you have that used Vattel’s definition of natural born citizen. Mario Apuzzo has a great article on his blog right now called “Vattel Asked for History to Be His Judge” in which he cites many previous supreme court cases by case number which used Vattel’s definition so if you haven’t read it yet, it might help. Then hit them with the fraudulent social security numbers, addresses, etc…they can’t possibly make fun of that information. Anyway, IMO if you stay away from the birth certificate issue as much as possible, you can say that this isn’t a “birther” conspiracy theory, this is a legal Constitutional issue which must be addressed!

It seems that you are finally making headway, gaining more high profile friends on facebook, gaining an internationally famous co-counsel, etc. so it gives me and all patriots hope. Keep up the good work, bless you and your family!


2 Responses to “”

  1. Elizabeth
    November 11th, 2009 @ 4:55 pm

    Dot, those were superb suggestions and
    especially the one about the birth
    certificate and focusing on being
    a citizen.

    I read a good article today which I will
    post here. I sent it on to WND for
    some info in their reports and background
    on what is going on with our government


    “The light at the end of the
    tunnel is an oncoming train”

    November 11, 2009
    Norma W. Beaird

    America has been in a sharp decline for a long time. This decline is evident in business, politics, economics, entertainment, religion, spirituality and the culture as a whole. Our nation may appear to be free, righteous and prosperous, but how long before the charade is over? How long before the idolatry, idiocy and indecency drives us over the edge? When people become more concerned with money, power, ego and greed than they do morality, elections, education and Constitutional amendments, then apathy takes over and the corporate criminals take control. In the end, evil wins.

    Most of the American corporate hierarchy have “sold their souls” for the proverbial twenty pieces of silver. Wall Street lives to construct another fraudulent scheme and politicians wake up everyday to be in the dark middle of it. Corporate America “buys off” our Congressmen and Senators and the American middle class employee is driven into the ditch once again.

    More than at any time since our nation’s founding, we have a group of traitors sitting on Capitol Hill. In the last two decades, more legislation has been passed to cripple our freedoms and civil liberties than at any time in the history of this country.

    Our manufacturing base has been sent overseas, our jobs have been sent overseas and now it looks as though all common sense has been sent overseas.

    For years, Americans have been more concerned with sports, big homes, fancy cars, cable tv, celebrities and designer labels than they were the political, educational or religious process. Therefore, treasonous legislation has consistently slipped in under the radar, gradually taking away our cherished freedoms and sending us into a quagmire of epic taxation.

    The steep moral and ethical decline was ignored as folks gladly stepped into the quicksand of self-gratification. Combine American apathy with obscene materialism, criminal spending and a political Judas, and you have a recipe for disaster of historic proportions.

    Right now in this country, it is five minutes till twelve and the clock is ticking fast. We are about to reap the selfish seeds that have been sown, all in the name of worshipping “the god of more”. While we were busy buying our inferior products from China and planning our vacations, someone in the government decided to destroy the people who built this country and the Founding Documents that hold us accountable.

    This genius of America does not sit on Wall Street or on Capitol Hill. The genius of America is the common working man and woman who got up early everyday and built this country with determination, hard work and faith in God.

    What is a government today? A government is an entity that takes a beautiful thing called life and turns it into an oppression called struggle. Today, we are not only oppressed by government legislation, we are being taxed into slavery.

    It is utterly imperative that every freedom-loving American who cherishes this great nation stands up in 2010 to vote these traitors our of office. They have forgotten that we are their employers. Our tax dollars pay their salaries and they are here to serve us and listen to our concerns.

    In the past couple of decades, many of them have had a touch of amnesia, forgetting where we came from by ignoring our Founding Documents. We may think that some of the latest legislation is the “light at the end of the tunnel”, but we will soon find out that it was an “oncoming train”.

    If you value your freedoms and prefer not to see this country turned into a totalitarian police state, complete with a taxation stronghold that could “choke a horse”, take a stand, contact your neighbors, write your Representatives, and vote out the traitors in 2010.

  2. Dot
    November 12th, 2009 @ 3:09 am

    Posted by Sallietoo at another site, she asked me to post it here so Orly would see this:

    I feel Orly’s back up ammo should be the Canadian Free Press evidence that the DNC did not vet BO but instead gave him a total pass with doctored DNC Presidential Candidate forms omitting our Constitutional requirements for a Presidential candidate signed by Pelosi. It was the doctored forms that were sent to each State which proves a BO/DNC/Pelosi Conspiracy to defraud the 2008 Presidential election by endorsing a usurper candidate.