

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Keyes Motion for Reconsideration (PDF)

Posted on | November 11, 2009 | 16 Comments

PDF version of Keyes Motion for Reconsideration


16 Responses to “Keyes Motion for Reconsideration (PDF)”

  1. Jonie Cullen
    November 11th, 2009 @ 1:56 pm

    Isn’t this Orly’s Motion for Reconsideration?

  2. Martin Pinsky
    November 11th, 2009 @ 3:21 pm

    Well written and states it all–would make an excellent section stating your position in a forthcoming book–there is real high drama here– the carter and land hearing prior to orders issued could read like a play.

    Let us assume you set the record straight because it is obvious you are doggedly determined to follow this through to appeal; what if the apeeals court denies, what then up to SCOTUS-

    with Ginsburg–whose days are numbered ( won’t make it to end of this year), and that posseur Sotomeyer ramroded in in the midst of a case in she was overturned as has happened 60% of the time ( what was she qualified for in the real and normal world of distinctive qualifications?)

    I think the SCOTUS will refuse to hear it a year or so from now if it makes it there. You have already seen shinanigans ( old American expression) with the clerk of SCOTUS and your listing on the docket evaporated–not to mention the visit to chambers of all Justices of SCOTUS shortly before the swearing in ( all except Ginsburg) while he was a person of INTEREST. ORLY may have filed to John Q. Citizen Obama on the day before the swearing in–which Land castigated as to its practical effect the day before the swearing in, BUT Obama has been the target of many cases prior to the swearing in and he had no business getting private audiences with SCOTUS members– so there is alot of bullshit going one–same with Clinton the first american president to be criminally indicted before a federal grand jury–so much for sovereign immunity BULLSHIT as per Obama’s law firm.

    Obama and clinton are US citizens–perhaps even- more subject to obeying the law, and enforcing the law. The AG Holde ris also sworn to uphold the constitution–so to whom is his oath more valid ? OUR constitution or the Fraud that hired him. I have suggested simply peering at applicable USC sections regarding the AG and have sent them to Orly.

    My point is why continue beating a dead horse–Orly argues that the judicial is the correct venue for adjudicating this matter–hard not to agree with her–her points are precisely worded and forcefully presented. Forget about Carter’s marine medals, he has greater fears than war– he is part of that war of silence and fears departing from it.

    Our governmnet talks trillions–tens of billipons evaporating to AIG without comment or recourse–so we know the good ole boys are running the show top to bottom—bottom being where the crumbs drop off their tables to our floor mouse lips. these folk are players, big bucks, and the clandestine power to enforce what they want to. Soros has the clout to ruin countries–in the 50’s if he pulled that crap he would have been killed. Bush could have had sodomy Hussein killed with a telephone call, instead he sacrifices 5000 dead and God knows how many wounded with his stupid deck of card criminals.

    For one million dollars Hussein could have been neutralized by the same professional group that took out Kennedy ( The Lucian Sarti type professionals from marseille.)

    But Bush gave them a one year warning and when he bombed Iraq he dropped bread with is bombs–a sell out oil oligath if ever there was one and to think before the bombing there were two no fly zones essentially to protect oil fields–by the way the Bushes were the first–with their oil company Zapata Oil to dig the first well in Kuwait). Geopolitical, good ole boy oil/ banker oligathy.

    So orly is fooling with–and I used this expression many times: WRATH OF GOD MONEY–the Saudis are prepared to spend BILLIONS!!!!!!! on Obama. Recently in Brazil our PREZZZe DENT financed an oil expedition that hit the mother load in Brazil–and guess hwo owns a large portion of that comapny–SOROS!!!!

    Geez whats wrong with this picture? You know why rumsfeldt and Cheney hated Powell? because he was self made and come up through the ranks–went to school with him by the way-Morris HS– he had no silver spoon in his mouth

    All these failing banks–BULLSHIT!!!!! They never fail especially our modern Rothchilds at Goldman Sacks– used to drive one of their big wigs around–mean bastard almost through him out of the limo when he threw a phone at me.

    One other thing–as an aside, Osama was a big playboy in the Village went around in White and drank and wenched–spoiled brat of a rich arab contractor with close ties to the saudi family–now was that saudis crashing into the WTC–and all educated Saudis like this bacon fat pig that slaughtered our boys at Ft Hood?

    So orly, bless her is fooling with fat cats and they all have paid people to do their bidding. Hillary this dangerous lady– is sniffing out a perforation in Obama’s armor like a predatory beast. She was behind Berg and possibly Sinclair who always seemed to have money and access to the democratic big wigs way above his hoi polloi station. he liked Berg– a friend of his he said- but for some reason did not like Orly who is moving in a direction different than that to which hillary aspires.

    Make no mistake, something big is going to happen soon– to many fat cat cooks in the kitchen with alot of nibbling mice bitting at their shoes. Remember Obama kept GATES as defense Secretary–OMG!! a BUSH apointee. Plenty of generals around he could have selected. Thenfor 22 nauseating primary months Hillary and Obama are just plain hating each others guts. Everyone forgets–but I don’t– that Obama was to be Hillary’s “LEROY” with a promise of a VP position if he helped on delivering the black vote and for 8 years he was to shut his mouth. BUT Obama was groomed by the Arabs-islamists, Whahabi’s, Oil Sheiks, call it what you want but the sob ended up with a $750,000,000 warchest, $400,000,000 nobody knows where it came from which might in part explain the felony he is committing with the disbarred michel ROBINSON Obama with all those documented social security numbers– the man’s a crook and stupid people here say–DAAAAAA? you might as well bend over and supply the KY jelly.

  3. G. Fredrickson
    November 11th, 2009 @ 3:22 pm

    November 10th, 2009

    By Lynn Stuter

    Tomorrow is Veterans Day, commemorating our men and women who fought (and died) to keep this country free under the Constitution and Bill of Rights established by our Founding Fathers.

    On November 4, 2008, Barack Hussein Obama was elected to the office of president of the United States. The evidence grows that Obama is not an American citizen, was not eligible to the office he holds, should never have been allowed on the ballot in any of the 50 states.

    1. Not one of the Senators of Representatives in Congress has actually seen Obama’s birth certificate. They have seen pictures of a document posted on the internet, but they have not seen the actual birth certificate.

    2. Hawaii claims to hold a birth certificate for Obama but that does not mean Obama was born in Hawaii. At the time Obama contends he was born (1961), Hawaii (Act 96, Session Laws of 1911, Special Session of 1909 and the Organic Act) allowed for the birth registration, in Hawaii, of foreign-born children. Until the actual birth certificate is produced and examined; where Obama was actually born is unknown and unproven.

    3. No Hawaiian hospital is willing to own up to Obama being born there. Meanwhile, Obama and his half-sister have claimed he was born at two different hospitals. When Obama finally decided he was born at one particular hospital, internet sites set about to “correct” their stories to reflect his unproven claims, including the left-wing website, Snopes.com.

    4. On page 26 of his book, Dreams from my Father (2004, paperback edition), Obama states he found his birth certificate in with other documents in his grandparents home. If Obama was actually born in Hawaii, such undermines the need for Hawaii to produce a laser printed document only produced after 2001—the Certification of Live Birth that has appeared in pictures on the internet, that Hawaii refuses to authenticate, and that forensic experts have dubbed a forgery.

    5. Obama has claimed dual citizenship at birth, American by his mother, Kenyan by his father (actually, this would be British as Kenya was a British colony at that time). Historically, “natural-born” requires two American parents. This makes Obama ineligible under Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution, irrespective of the birth certificate issue. Whether a dual citizen at birth, indications are that Obama because an Indonesian citizen and remains so today.

    6. African newspapers have consistently claimed that Obama is “Kenyan-born”. One such article that recently surfaced is dated 2004. This means he did not have dual citizenship at birth was a British subject at birth as his mother was not of the age required to confer her citizenship to Obama.

    7. Obama’s paternal step-grandmother, Sarah, also claims he was born in Kenya and she was present at his birth.

    8. Obama was listed, in the Soetoro/Dunham divorce papers, as dependent on Lolo Soetoro for the purposes of education. As Obama was over the age of 18 at the time, he could only be considered the legal child of Lolo Soetoro if he was legally adopted by Soetoro. Evidence points to him being adopted by Lolo Soetoro, to becoming (ca 1966) an Indonesian citizen. No evidence exists that he was ever an American or that he reclaimed American citizenship. The terminology used in the divorce papers may have been to facilitate Obama in receiving foreign student aid to attend college in the United States.

    9. Indications are that Nancy Pelosi and other Democrat National Committee personnel knew Barack Hussein Obama was not eligible to the office of president; that the nomination of a non-American as the Democrat candidate was deliberate.

    Since his usurping of the office of president, Obama has worked tirelessly to dismantle what remains of the once great nation, the United States of America. He has:
    plunged this nation $1.4 trillion dollars further in debt, more than any president in history;
    pushed every piece of Marxist legislation to come forth from the House and Senate;
    taken over private companies in violation of the United States Constitution;
    used the public coffers to bail out his Wall Street benefactors;
    used his public office to promote and assist radical left-wing organizations like the Black Panthers, ACORN, and Moveon.org;
    surrounded himself with czars who have a known Marxist agenda;
    traveled the world denigrating America and the American people;
    bowed in fealty to his Muslim brothers;
    partied hearty in the White House at taxpayer expense while Americans lost their jobs;
    insulted America’s allies at every opportunity while affiliating himself with the leaders of Marxist regimes.

    More recently, one of Obama’s Muslim brothers shot and killed at least 13 people, wounded at least 31 at Ft Hood in Texas. While former President George Bush and his wife, Laura, met with families, the wounded, and mourners, Obama was in DC, twisting the arms of members of the U.S. House of Representatives to pass his Marxist healthcare reform bill (H.R. 3962). After all, if he can’t kill them with bullets, what better way to kill them than by withholding (rationing) health care?

    In commemorating the men and women who have died for our country, for the cause of freedom, Public Television broadcast a show Sunday night on the vast cemeteries that sprinkle the European landscape where Americans fought and thousands died in World War II. They fought for their country and for those who came after them, their progeny.

    And now we stand at the precipice of the totalitarian state with a man occupying the White House, usurping the Oval Office, who isn’t an American; who has, by his own actions and words, declared himself a Marxist.

    The United States Congress, assembled, has refused to remove this usurper sitting illegitimately as our president.

    The United States Supreme Court, and lower courts, have refused to address the growing body of evidence that Barack Hussein Obama is not our legitimate president; going so far as to make the ludicrous claim that they cannot overturn the vote of millions, in essence saying that popular vote (if it could even be claimed to be uncorrupted) is above the law.

    The mainstream media of the United States has refused to expose this illegitimate president. Indications are that their actions are the result of threats and duress should they expose Obama for the fraud he is.

    If those who are supposed to uphold our laws, according to their oath of office, refuse to do so, then they leave the American people no choice but to take matters into their own hands.

    This past week we have seen three shootings occur in this country—in Florida, in Texas, and in Washington state. Each of these shootings was directed against a company or government entity seen as unjust. This is the direct result of the refusal of those entrusted to do so, to uphold the law; this is a direct result of the corruption that permeates our government and the companies now seen as partnered with it in the fascist state. When the rule of law breaks down, and it has, then anarchy reigns.

    All the men and women who have died for this country, it would seem, from the War of Independence to present day, have died in vain.

    Are you angry yet?

    © 2009 Lynn M. Stuter – All Rights Reserved

  4. martin poinsky
    November 11th, 2009 @ 3:25 pm

    It happened again your site is being monitored by the fucking enemy and they have the ability to delete salient and appropo comments in the comment area. They are not comfortable with my inormation sources and comments submitted.
    An infestation of cockroach hacker bastards- maybe we should one day make them carry their manhood in a jar.

  5. Jack
    November 11th, 2009 @ 4:02 pm

    It would appear that Judge Carter has four options:

    1. Summarily Deny in its entirety Orly’s Motion for Reconsideration without comment or decision.

    2. Deny in its entitety Orly’s Motion for Reconsideration with an explanatory decision addressing Orly’s argument(s).

    3. Grant Orly’s Motion for Reconsideration, at least in part, with or without an explanatory decision.

    4. Bypass Orly’s Motion for Reconsideration and simply grant Orly leave to file a second amended complaint against Obama, as requested by Orly in the alternative.

    Any takers on which course and why?

  6. martin poinsky
    November 11th, 2009 @ 4:10 pm

    There can be a direct and precise civil action against Obama as there was against Clinton in terms of appointing an independent prosecutor and Holder can be pressured into this–as specified in sections in the USC.

    Hey maybe the frito bandito hackers are forcing me in the brevity rather than sideline discursiveness.

    The exhaustive and well put jeremiad by orly will reach deaf ears on appeal and never get to SCOTUS. The only legal recourse is to get an indictment handed down by a federal grand jury as has happened with that schmuck CLINTON. That is the only avenue open in my opinion and I have so stated many times.

    Holder can be forced to relent. He may be Obama’s lawyer in effect but he too took the same oath—HOLDER should be arrested and charged with treason. See? Its a walled off special privilege preserve–A. You have to knock down the walls, and B. you have to go in loaded for big game. The AGhas to be hammered based on felonies committed by Obama and his wife– the probabl;e cause is there and will never see the light of day with this feckless tactically incorrect push through the courts–you are trying to ascend from the bottom up–WRONG!!!!!!! You have to breech the side half way up and cast a tremendous amount of light on the felonies- the birth situation seems of little interest to those viewing a de facto president duely–they suppose- elected–now if they–the people and government at long last ignored Clintons disbarment in and the lies he committed which ended up with his being the first president in his to be criminally indicted, then they will ignor the NON vetting–before the fact- of Obama.

    What is worse than his eligibility fraud –( his first act was to seal his records-WHAT DOEs THAT TELL YOU MR AND MRS AMERICA?)— IS THE PLETHORA OF felonies accumulating in addition to his consorting as a fifth columnist with foreign nations thus not protecting us from enemies foreign and domestic as he was sworn to do–
    Alllll these oaths being taken–toilet paper for mad dogs.

    Orly wants to set the record straight–maybe she should write a book, because she will be stone walled to the top–witness land ( and sanctions) and carter changed and infiltrated by the enemy- the appeals courts will be the same. they are all worried about race riots and white reaction–entire system will crack at the seams, with several million muslims hunted down like the three hundred I pesonally saw celebrating in patterson NJ after the twins towers were destroyed (three were killed and the rest hospitalized- next day the major denied it ever happened. a Dunkin Donut shop was gutted and the owners beat up after a lady innocently asked them what they were celebrating and the scum replied TWO! TWO!–she said two what? and they jumpe with joy and siad TWO TWO TOWER and continued t celebrate untill the mob got wind of it-

    I mention that from my own eye witness experience–i lived nearby–to give an indication in microcosm of what will happen in macrocosm– the perrenial shit will hit the fan– the whites aroused and turned loose will close the country down and the blacks will not have a chance and the radical muslims will not be able to hide behind the ill fated moderate muslims just as moderate blacks will be sucked into thr riot vortex and once blood is spilled it becomes a vendetta and thus chaos ensues and rules.

    Another thing it is vital and I do agree with this–to try and reveal an illegitimate seizing of power–but that may come on the heals of probable cause felony indictments–and maybe a closer investination into the Donald Young murder–his putative homo lover–as revealed in detail to Sinclair.

    You see orly– in her wont for any deghree or manner of publicity–witness the attack of Obtuse reilly- is NOT concentrating where she should concentrate and revells in the legal chess game–and if she is right and out played carter and land– well? so what? She writes down everything she feels, is loved and revered by a crowd that would never ever criticize her and yet it is obvious she tweaked Land’s nose–and yes he got pissed (TWICE) in ten thousand dollar increments–now she want his to reverse his decision—maybe in La la land but not in the real world of powerful people with little interest in ethics and righteousness–only in process and precedent–that John Travolta movie should be a laymen’s 101 onnthe process ( A CivilAction).

    Orly needs a good PR man with a legal background who is also politically astute and understand the political HUNS, their mrthods and means.

    Hammer Holder–felonies, publicity, demonstrations FOCUSED demonstration–force the issue–that is the only route. the negative publicity against dopey Riley? Useless effort to get a bully pulpit–hard without $100,000,000 which is the entry fee to that exclusive club.

    I wish her well, but think that these continous attacks, no matter how right she may be–and outraged– comes from cerebral and persisitant studies in her study–they are whispers and wisps of shreded paper in the scheme of things. Political force and power is what is needed until holder– the gate guadian- is put into a position to relent and appoint a special prosecutor.

    Also there are ways–which i will not go into here– to get to the bottom and top of the Young Murder–it was an execution–Michel Robinson knew about her man’s bi tendencies–actually a committed homosexual. The information is easy to ferret out–for one with a ferret’s nose, but a lid has been put on this investigation by the powers that be in chicago. Say, why was Michel Robinson disbarred? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?????


  7. Evelyn Lutes
    November 11th, 2009 @ 4:25 pm

    I received this e-mail. Is it true?
    Good luck judge!
    Well well,
    Here comes the Judge

    Federal Judge Carter sets Trial Date for Obama’s Eligibility!

    The expedited trial has been set for Jan. 26, 2010!

    Many concerned veterans and citizens attended the hearing in Federal Court in Santa Ana in the lawsuit against Barack Obama to determine his eligibility to be President and Commander in Chief. About 150 people showed up, almost all in support of the lawsuit to demand that Obama release his birth certificate and other records that he has hidden from the American people.

    Judge David Carter refused to hear Obama’s request for dismissal. He indicated there was almost no chance that this case would be dismissed. Obama is arguing this lawsuit was filed in the wrong court if you can believe that. Obama would prefer a “kangaroo court” instead of a Federal court! Assuming Judge Carter denies Obama’s motion for dismissal, he will likely then order expedited discovery which will force Obama to release his birth certificate in a timely manner (if he has one).

    The judge, WHO IS A FORMER U.S. MARINE, repeated several times that this is A VERY SERIOUS CASE which must be resolved quickly so that the troops know that their Commander in Chief is eligible to hold that position and issue lawful orders to our military in this time of war. He basically said OBAMA MUST PROVE HIS ELIGIBILITY to the court! He said Americans deserve to know the truth about their President!

    The two U.S. Attorneys representing Barack Obama tried everything they could to sway the judge that this case was frivolous, but Carter would have none of it and cut them off several times. Obama’s attorneys left the courtroom after about the 90 minute hearing looking defeated and nervous.

    Great day in America for the U.S. Constitution! The truth about Barack Obama’s eligibility will be known fairly soon – Judge Carter practically guaranteed it!

    Video from the press conference after the hearing coming soon. Congratulations to plaintiffs attorney Dr. Orly Taitz! She did a great job and won some huge victories. She was fearless!
    This needs to be forwarded to everyone you know….

  8. Smaxexcat
    November 11th, 2009 @ 4:30 pm

    Приятно, хорошо изложено,на досуге опять зайду к вам.

  9. Lenny
    November 11th, 2009 @ 5:38 pm

    I am not a lawyer and therefore the flowing might have no legal sense, but does every US citizen (even any newborn baby) has a firm legal standing against Obama on the following basis:

    Is it possible to demand monetary compensation from Obama, who signs trillions of dollars into law, which will be borrowed on behalf of the US citizens and those citizens will have to pay the borrowed funds to the creditors.

    Let’s say (numbers should be corrected), 4 trillion dollars were borrowed based on Obama’s signature. Note, that no Act of Congress would go into law without Obama’s signature.

    It is $13,300 additional debt per US citizen, or $53,200 per US family of 4 added on top of our existing mortgages, car loans and other debts.

    Obama is effectively buying $53,200 stuff for himself and his friends signing loan with my name and leaving me paying for his shopping spree.

    If Obama never had a right to sit in a White House, he effectively had stolen our IDs and robbed an average US family of $53,200.

    Add another 15,000 for pain and suffering per US citizen and we are getting a potential class action for monetary compensation against Obama personally to a tune of at least several billion of dollars.

    100,000 families X 4 persons X $28,200 = $11 billion

  10. a. witt
    November 11th, 2009 @ 10:36 pm

    Orly, please do something about the add-ons someone has tagged to your website. The re-directing is very frustrating.

  11. Pixel Patriot
    November 11th, 2009 @ 10:41 pm

    Continental Congress ’09 Opening Ceremony


    Awesome, inspiring, about time
    I wish I could be there
    God Bless America!!!

  12. Paula Hoehn
    November 12th, 2009 @ 2:40 am

    I first noticed I was being redirected several days ago. When I clicked to read some of the responses, and then clicked on the back arrow to go back to Orly’s original website, I would see a lot of this:

    http://www.look4bull.com, http://www.itsfeed.com, http://www.voilanetwork.com, findover.com, http://www.webclixs.com, http://www.directivedon.com etc…

    I got rid of them all by going to Tools, Internet Options, Privacy, Edit and entering the address of the website in the box, and clicking on ‘Block’, then the website would show up in ‘Managed web sites’ as ‘Always Blocked”.

    Before that I was going into RegEdit and adding the websites to ‘Domain Lists’ under Current User and Local Machine (CU or LM, Software, Microsoft, Windows, Current Version, Internet Settings, Zone Map, Domains)

    In ‘Domains’, I would click on Domains to add New Key, name the key the website name, then add another New Key under it and name that second new key www. Then in the right window I would add New DWord Value by clicking on first the new website key to add new DWord value and then on the www key to add new Dword value to it.

    Then I would rename new DWord value to *, and then right click it to modify it by backspacing on the 0 and changing it to 4.
    By looking at nearby website listings, you can see just how it should look.

    This is time consuming, so I then started using the process of Tools, Internet Options as listed above.

    Once all the rediredted websites are entered by either method, then close the old window for Orly’s website and open a new one. After a few times I got rid of all the redirects and they have not come back for days now.

    Paula Hoehn

  13. Pixel Patriot
    November 12th, 2009 @ 6:31 am

    Continental Congress ’09


    Questions to be addressed:
    1) Are our elected officials obligated to respond to proper Petitions
    for Redress of violations of the Constitution?
    2) Do the People have the Power of Enforcement when their elected officials refuse to respond to such Petitions?
    3) Did the federal judiciary abuse the doctrine of stare decisis and
    Plaintiffs’ Due Process Rights in deciding We The People v. U.S.?
    4) What actions must the states and/or federal government take to end
    violations of the First Amendment’s Accountability Clause?

  14. James Koslow
    November 15th, 2009 @ 11:09 pm

    It is without doubt by anything to the contrary that the Constitution is the “SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND” (Article 6). Also it is without doubt that the president of the USA SHALL be a “NATURAL BORN CITIZEN”,(Article 2). So it follows that there is a requirement that for a president it is mandatory to satisfy both of these.This/these requirement(s) DO NOT have time limits and/or action limits. The impasse now is that these are not being taken as obligations. The Presidency avoids this with obscene legal actions. The Congress avoids this by shirking responsibility. The Courts avoid this by passing the buck or just plain contraryness. So we ,the people. are left hanging with a thought that the founding fathers didn’t foresee a situation where all three branches of government acting together would ever connive against the Constitution being validated as they had worked so diligently to pass for the people. I believe that by the grace of the God the signers of the Declaration Of Independence put their faith in that smewhere in all this turmoil there is a tunnel of light for a valid enforcement for these two Constitutional mandates.

  15. Mike Hunt
    November 16th, 2009 @ 8:34 am

    Dr. Orly – This was one of the best motions you have written. It was succinct, included all the important facts, and was powerful.

    Your writing style is only getting better.

    Something happened to your style starting in July, but you have made a roaring comeback with brilliant prose with this motion.

    I am going to send you a check for $500 to help pay for the sanctions in this titanic battle between good and evil, between ignorance and enlightenment, between calm argument and hyperbolic rhetoric.

    Keep up the great work. And I’m glad to see you have your “voice” back.

  16. Dave
    November 24th, 2009 @ 2:52 am

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