

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

from supporter, Dr. Ladien

Posted on | December 14, 2020 | No Comments

Reconsideration in SCOTUS–Trump and DOJ Hase STANDING to WIN

Kimball Ladien

AttachmentsSun, Dec 13, 8:13 PM (11 hours ago)

to meKimball

                                                                                                                                December 13, 2020

Dear Orly,

It was good to briefly talk to again today. I am not surprised that you have raised the issue of a Special Prosecutor with President Trump nor am I surprised that you have not received a direct answer. But there are now several Congressmen calling for a Special Prosecutor at least of Biden Inc. And, if Durham’s mandate is simply expanded to include all aspects of Election Fraud as outlined in my 11/14/20 letter to Trump, he might still be able to WIN in SCOTUS.

Below, I have enclosed copies of some of my recent letters to President Trump summarizing these issues. I have also included some of the background documents that you may or may not wish to review. But, if I can be of any help in the future, I would be honored and privileged to do what I can. God bless you for all of your efforts and God Bless America. – Kim  773/520-7161


President Donald J Trump                                                                                       December 13, 2020

Dear President Trump,

Reconsideration at SCOTUS– DOJ Warp Speed c/s Special Prosecutor for Indictments of Biden Inc.

“I worry about the Country having an Illegitimate President.” — President Donald J Trump, 12/12/20

There is Still Time to WIN in SCOTUS, but the DOJ needs to ACT at Warp Speed. Below, I briefly summarize Three Steps to WINNING in SCOTUS. I will send an expanded letter to Jay Sekulow. A Speech on Monday would offset the Electoral College Vote and show that you are Serious about WINNING.

1. SCOTUS — Original Jurisdiction — US Has STANDING to Join Texas and WIN

Ironically, it was US v Texas in 1892 in which Judge John Marshall Harlan ruled that SCOTUS would take Jurisdiction in a US Suit against a State. In 1970, SCOTUS ruled that parts of the Voting Rights Act were UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Thus, if the DOJ joins TX, they wIll have STANDING for Reconsideration.

2. DOJ Warp Speed re Interviews and Indictments: Voter Fraud; Biden Inc. and Censorship (OMDY, etc.)

2.1 Voter Fraud– Having Voting Officials Interviewed Under Oath ASAP

Just as you ordered FDA’s Hahn to ACT, Barr can have Voting Officials interviewed Under Oath and, potentially, INDICTED where appropriate within DAYS in PN, GA, WI, AZ and NV. (Ie, Warp Speed NOW.)

2.2 Biden Inc.– Interviewing Under Oath Hunter, Jim and Joe Biden ASAP c INDICTMENTS NOW

Had Barr released Hunter’s Laptop as Exculpatory Evidence last December, a Special Prosecutor into Biden Inc. could have INDICTED Hunter, Jim and Joe Biden by June. The Time for Warp Speed is NOW.

2.3 Obama and the MURDER of Don Young (OMDY)–Ask Corsi then-Interview Joe, Barack and Hillary

Don Young was the Openly Gay Choir Director of Rev Jeremiah Wright’s Church. Don’s Mother, Norma Jean, Confirms that he was MURDERED to Silence Him about being Obama’s Lover for >20 years. Larry Young can describe Obama down to the “three little bumps on the tip of his uncircumcised penis.” Joe Biden had Beau send agents to Arrest Larry as he was reaching out to Hillary at the 2008 Democrat Convention. Ask Jerry Corsi, then Interview Joe, Barack and Hillary Under Oath NOW if you are Serious.

3 Fighting the CENSORSHIP of Fake News and Big Tech for the GOOD of Democracy

By having the DOJ Join Texas and Present the Evidence NOW with STANDING, you can still WIN in SCOTUS and Fight the CENSORSHIP of Fake News and Big Tech for the GOOD of Democracy.

God Bless You and God Bless America. — Kimball Ladien, MD

PS If you lose these Suits, Pardon yourself, your family, Giuliani and everyone else involved.–K

President Donald J Trump                                                                                       December 11, 2020

Dear President Trump,

Delaying 12/14/20? Special Prosecutor for Election Fraud and SCOTUS– Friday Speech?

“It is CRITICAL that you Explain in Detail the Election Fraud Issues to the American People and ask for a HOLD on the 12/14/20 Vote to give SCOTUS time to Review this Case and Protect Democracy.”

The AGs of MI, GA, PN and WI have until 3 PM today, Friday, to respond to TX’s Motion to SCOTUS. Therefore, it is CRITICAL that you Explain in Detail the Election Fraud Issues to the American People and ask for a HOLD on the 12/14/20 Vote to give SCOTUS time to Review this Case and Protect Democracy. The following are a brief follow-up to my letters to you of 12/8/20 and 11/15/20 concerning issues that can be included in an Oval Office Address to the People TODAY, 12/11/20

1. Regeneron can CUT the Death Rate Curve of COVID-19 >95% by Early 2021-Starting with GOOD NEWS

Both you and Rudy Giuliani are LIVING PROOF of the amazing results of Regeneron and other Monoclonal Antibodies that have had ZERO DEATHS among those receiving MAbs along with other Therapeutics. Bottom line, the People need to Know that we can CUT the Death-Rate Curve for C19 >95% by early 2021 c/s vaccines. YOU Deserve the CREDIT that Fake news will Never give you. THANK YOU!!!

2. TX Motion to SCOTUS re MI, GA, PN and WI — Tell the American People the TRUTH Directly

By addressing the Nation from the Oval Office TODAY after MI, GA, PN and WI have Responded to TX, you can Tell the American People the TRUTH Directly and Bypass Fake News and Big Tech.

In addition to briefly outlining the many Abuses and Fraud related to mail-in ballots, you can literally show brief videos including taking suitcases from under the table after ordering poll watchers to go home. A clip of the driver talking about taking harvested votes from NY to PN would be helpful.

Also, by showing a 30” video of Tony Babulinski describing Jim Biden responding that Joe has “Probable Deniability” will be something shocking to most fair-minded Americans. You can then tell Americans to “Watch Tucker Carlson’s interview with Babulinski on Saturday at 5 PM EST” for further details. You can correctly tell People/SCOTUS that CENSORSHIP by Fake News is also Systemic FRAUD.

3. Delaying 12/14/20 Vote? — Time for SCOTUS and Special Counsel

Finally, by calling on Congress to DELAY their 12/14/20 vote as a simple matter of FAIRNESS to give the DOJ, Durham and SCOTUS time to review these matters, either Democrats agree or they are Exposed as Hypocrites to the American People. If Durham and/or Barr have not already Deposed Under Oath Hunter, Joe, Jim and others re Biden Inc, they should do so IMMEDIATELY. You can still WIN, but only if you Keep FIGHTING. God bless you and God Bless America. — Kimball Ladien, MD 773/520-7161





President Donald J Trump                                                                                       December 8, 2020

Dear President Trump,

Delaying 12/14/20? Special Prosecutor for Election Fraud and SCOTUS– Thursday Speech?

“You will be seeing a lot of key things happen over the next few days.” President Donald Trump

Thank you for FIGHTING BACK and helping to UNITE the Party on your way towards WINNING in SCOTUS. The following are Five Critical Points that a Speech on Thursday or Friday could help in getting your message out BEFORE voting on the Electoral College occurs on 12/14/20.

1. Wishing Rudy Well – The Power of Regeneron– CUTTING the C19 Death Curve >95% by Early 2021

It would be well to start your Speech by wishing Rudy Giuliani a speedy recovery using Regeneron. Just as you recovered in 3 DAYS, you could remind All Americans that with Monoclonal Antibody Therapeutics, we can likely CUT the Death Rate Curve of COVID-19 >95% by early 2021 c/s Vaccines.

2. Call on Kemp to Have a Special Session to Enforce Signature Verification for 11/3 and 1/5 Elections

By calling on Governor Kemp to have the GA Legislature Vote on enforcing Signature Verification for both the 11/3/20 and 1/5/21 elections, you are asking for a very Reasonable Step to ensure the Safety of both these elections and those in the future. Most Americans will understand and agree on the need for FAIR Elections to Protect Democracy. If the Legislators confirm your Win and GA, so much the better.

If Kemp or Raffensberger want to run in 2022, they will help you Now or simply Resign. Perdue in ‘22?

3. Announce an Expansion of Durham’s Special Counsel Mandate to include Voter Fraud in General

By having Durham investigate everything from Hillary and Crossfire Hurricane to Biden Inc. and OMDY (Ask Jerry Corsi), the American People and SCOTUS will know that you are Serious about Rooting Out Voter Fraud. Not only can you, Perdue and Loeffler WIN, you Protect Democracy in the process. By allowing Jenna Ellis perhaps 15” during your speech to summarize the cases in PN, GA, WI, AZ and NV (eg, c GA video, etc), you will be giving the People the FACTS that Fake News has deliberately Censored.

4. Call for a Delay in the 12/14/20 “Confirmation” of Electoral Vote to Give Time to Go to SCOTUS

Article II, Section I of the Constitution states that “The Congress may determine the Time of Chusing (sic) the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes…” By formally calling on Congress to DELAY this Vote to give SCOTUS the time to hear the case, you Force the Democrats to Agree as a simple matter of FAIRNESS or the American People see their Blatant Hypocrisy. Either way, by having a National speech from the Oval Office, you Bypass Fake News and Directly let the People know the TRUTH.

5. Expanding Paxton’s Texas Suit to Include Fighting Voter Harvesting, Censorship and Failure to Warn?

While AG Paxton’s TX SCOTUS Suit challenging PN, GA, MI and WI is the Strongest Case, by merging it to include Voter Harvesting, Censorship and Duty to Warn as outlined in my 11/15/20 letter to you, you can WIN in SCOTUS, Fight Fake News and Enhance Democracy in the Process. It is Precisely because you are a FIGHTER who can WIN that we all Love You as we do. You Fight for Us so We will Fight for YOU and the USA. In this as in all things, may God’s Will be done. God Bless You and America–Kimball Ladien, MD                                           KLTrumpSpProsB8Dec20

Open Letter to President Trump– Arguments for an Independent Counsel NOW

Dear President Trump,

1. Arguments for an Independent Counsel NOW — Ask Jerry Corsi

“If you are Serious about going to SCOTUS, NOW is the time to appoint an Independent Counsel.”

Appointing an Independent Counsel to investigate Election Fraud up to and including Biden Inc. is the ONLY way to show SCOTUS and the American People that you are SERIOUS about these matters.

Now that the State Supreme Courts are ruling against you, these matters will soon be going to SCOTUS. The ONLY way to WIN in SCOTUS is to appoint an Independent Counsel NOW to show them that you are truly SERIOUS about Election Reform at ALL Levels. Three key issues: 1) Ballot Harvesting; 2) Censorship re Biden Inc., etc.; and 3) the Court’s own DUTY TO WARN can, potentially, help you to still WIN for all of the Right Reasons as outlined below. To confirm all of the FACTS below, Ask Jerry Corsi.

2. Ballot Harvesting — Criminal and UNCONSTITUTIONAL– Follow the Money

“If SCOTUS rules Ballot Harvesting UNCONSTITUTIONAL, you WIN the Election.”

While Pelosi’s “Ballot Harvesting” initiatives were “blocked” at the Federal level, multiple States openly allowed Democrats to pay individuals over many weeks to literally go door-to-door collecting mail-in ballots from people who might not otherwise have voted at all. If “Harvesters” were paid, e.g., $5/ballot, the DOJ could quickly “follow the money” from left-wing Billionaires to estimate the number of ballots harvested. Simply “accurately” and “fairly” counting Harvested Votes misses the point.

Since Ballot Harvesting is inherently vulnerable to significant FRAUD, SCOTUS can rule the practice Unconstitutional and simply throw out Millions of Harvested Votes. Thus not only would you WIN in Key Battleground States, but Elections would be much fairer in the Future, including the 1/5/21 Georgia Senate Elections. But the Time for an Independent Counsel to start documenting such fraud is NOW

If there were problems with Dominion or other programs in counting the votes, this along with other Fraud might be enough for you to WIN–or Not. But SCOTUS can and SHOULD rule that Voter Harvesting, like Poll taxes, is a Fundamental Threat to Democracy and is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Period. QED.

3. Systemic Fraud of Mean Stream Media and Big Tech– Fake News CENSORSHIP Including Biden Inc.

“Democracy CANNOT Work in the Absence of the TRUTH.”

Perhaps even more than Voter Harvesting, the Deliberate Censorship of the TRUTH by the Mean Stream Media (MSM) Fake News and Big Tech is also a Profound Threat to our Democracy. Simply put, the First Amendment is to Protect Free Speech, NOT Censorship.

Although the Corruption of Biden Inc. has been “known” for some time, the Deep State went into high gear in Impeaching you for even inquiring into this corruption. The FACT that FBI Director Chris Wray would then Deliberately Withhold Definitive PROOF of the Corruption of Hunter, Joe and others should be grounds alone for Firing Wray (and Replacing him with Rudy Giuliani?).

If Hunter Biden does not speak Ukrainian, knows Nothing about gas and oil, but is paid Millions by Burisma simply because his Father is Vice President, even in Chicago we recognize this as CORRUPTION.

But when Hunter’s laptop has emails showing him getting 20% of a Deal with the Chinese and an additional 10% being held by him for “The Big Guy,” this should have prompted an Independent Counsel back in December. Had the MSM Fake News covered Biden Inc. when it finally “broke” in October before the Second Debate, you would have Won the Election. Thus, a Second focus of the Special Prosecutor would be Identifying such Systemic FRAUD and then have SCOTUS find it Unconstitutional. Time will tell.

4. DUTY TO WARN — The Tarasoff Precedent– Obama and the MURDER of Don Young (OMDY)

Just as Doctors, Social workers, Teachers and Police have a DUTY to Report even suspected child abuse, so too the Courts have a similar DUTY to WARN Law Enforcement up to and including the DOJ as to even potential Criminal Activity that they discover in the course of their activities.

Often at the end of a Perry Mason trial, the Judge would instruct the District Attorney to pursue Criminal Charges against the “Real” perpetrator of a crime from Perjury to Murder. So too here.

Before Super-Tuesday (3/3/20), before the Democrat Convention, and Before the Presidential Debates, I filed multiple TROs pleading that the Court had a DUTY to ensure that voters knew the Truth about Obama and the MURDER of Don Young (OMDY) as well as Biden Inc. BEFORE the Election. Nothing was done. No one knew the TRUTH because the Courts and MSM Deliberately Failed to Warn the DOJ, let alone the American People. Again, Democracy CANNOT Work in the Absence of the TRUTH.

No one knew that Don Young, the openly gay Choir Director of Rev. Jeremiah (God damn America) Wright’s Church, had been Obama’s lover for >20 years. No one knew that Don’s Mother, Norma Jean, had said this was why her son was Murdered. Neither the MSM nor the Courts would Tell the TRUTH.

No one knew that Larry Sinclair had had a two-day affair with Obama in 1999 and can describe him down to the “three little bumps on the tip of his uncircumcised penis.” No one knew that Larry has the phone records of his multiple calls to Don Young between August and October 2007 at the beginning of Obama’s Presidential Campaign. No one knew that Don finally told Larry to “Get as far away as you can because Barry and the Reverend are not going to go public” (about being gay). And no one knew that Larry “told his story” on YouTube in January 2008 simply to “protect himself” from being murdered.

And finally, no one knew that Larry was talking to Hillary Clinton’s people at the 2008 Democrat Convention when Joe Biden had his “good” son, Beau, send agents to arrest Larry only to release him Without Charges after Obama was the Presidential Candidate and Joe Biden was his running mate.

To be precise, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and certainly Obama KNEW the TRUTH. So did the CPD, the State’s Attorney, the MSM and the Courts. Actually, the ONLY People who did NOT know the Truth were YOU and the American PEOPLE. Now an Independent Counsel and SCOTUS can Finally Find the Truth.

The very Fact that the COURTS had ALL of this Information well BEFORE even Super-Tuesday and Deliberately FAILED in their DUTY to WARN is not only CRIMINAL, it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Again, SCOTUS can and MUST rule that, just as with Tarasoff, Judges have a DUTY TO WARN not only local Criminal Justice agencies, but the DOJ and the American People when the Truth is CENSORED.

If the above three arguments are made to SCOTUS, not only will you WIN the Election, you will have yet again done a Great Service for the People to FIGHT FAKE NEWS and the Deep State and to Help Make America GREAT AGAIN. Time will tell. God bless You and God Bless America. — Kimball Ladien, MD KLTrumpOpLtrSpPros15Nov20


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