

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

From a talk show host and a former Marine Rick Biesada

Posted on | November 2, 2009 | 12 Comments


Fwd: Semper Fi, To The Few !

Sunday, November 1, 2009 6:30 PM

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Happy Birthday United States Marine Corps.
This November 10th, we will be celebrating 234 years of honorable, tenacious, service, to the United States of America, but in this Socialist climate, I’m hoping that we can last through 235 years.
Let’s face facts, the capitulation over this war that we are engaged in over in Afghanistan, is needlessly costing American treasure.
The negligent, and deleterious rules of engagement spell suicide for American troops while reinforcements acting under these same witless rules, will only spill more American blood.
President Barack Obama‘s hand picked Commanding General, Stanley McChrystal, is calling for reinforcements while this president is off gallivanting across the globe, feeding his meg la maniacal, narcissistic ego, with illusions of grandeur, while Marines, and soldiers, die in an unrealistic, deleterious, misuse of troops in combat.
In ten short months, this president for “change,” has managed to wreck havoc on the United States.
Most American citizens wonder which side this president is on.
He has allowed the same Wall Street Banksters who artificially manipulated our economy to crash the banking industry, to regulate, craft laws, and dictate policy to bail themselves out so they can walk free on the streets to prey upon society again.
Obama, who pledged not to raise taxes on the middle class during his political campaign, is trying to bust out every American family with hare-brained tax schemes, such as Cap and Trade, and the over hauling of our entire Health Care System for the benefit of a few, rather than promoting programs for the common good.
He has managed to scare the Hell out of American families over the H1N1 Flu insanity.
We see the streets lined with hysterical families waiting in line to be vaccinated only to find a short supply of medicine, partly because this administration donated 10 % to foreign countries.
We are now finding out that his frantic 800 Billion Dollar Stimulus Package meant to jump start the economy, and create jobs to supplement the millions of jobs we are losing to his globalist pals, was just another rip off scam to steal money off of the tax payers, their children, and their children.
The benefits paid out from this failed Stimulus Package went mostly over seas to bail out foreign countries, and to promote jobs for foreign workers, using United States citizens hard earned tax money.
Obama’s latest action should question his sanity and fitness for office, as he over turned a 22 year old travel ban against people with HIV, so they can come here to contaminate our society,  and collect free health care.
Most American’s really wonder whose side this guy is really on, as the destruction of America seems eminent with each passing day, and with each insipid scheme to tie our hands behind our backs, while the government picks our pockets clean.
American’s are becoming squeamish over this new form of Socialist regime that stifles any form of legitimate dissent.
Finally, one brave American hero stepped up to try to save the nation from a Constitutional crisis, Dr. Orly Taitz.
Dr. Taitz is a naturalized American citizen who has lived in oppressive countries and witnessed Communist dictatorships first hand.
She doesn’t want to tolerate that type of behavior here in her new country, where Natural Born American citizen public servants don’t give a damn, as long as they keep sucking out of the public trough, and keep taking care of their own self interest.
Dr. Taitz had filed several law suits against Barack Obama’s Constitutional eligibility to serve as President of the United States and Commander In Chief.
Taitz, not being the first, but one of several attorneys who filed numerous law suits about this presidents eligibility, seemed to have gone the furthest in having her case heard before Judge David O. Carter, of the Southern Division of the Central District of California, in Orange County, California.
Initially, many American’s were elated that Judge Carter, a former United States Marine hero, and recipient of the Silver Star for Bravery, and the Purple Heart at the battle of Khe-Sahn, Vietnam, in 1968, stated that he would hear the case on it’s merits, and if the president wasn’t Constitutionally eligible, he would have to leave office.
This was good news for the millions of American’s that want to return our country back to sanity, and not be subjected to a corrupt regime governing unlawfully, and against the will of the people.
A funny thing happened in the course of the trial.
An October 5th date was set to hear a motion to dismiss by the Obama Department of Justice Attorneys.
The DOJ attorneys brought up every trick in the book to try and persuade Judge Carter to dismiss this case.
It appeared the judge as not swayed by these shysters arguments, he went and ordered a trial date for January 26th, 2010.
What wasn’t known to the people was that on October 1st, Judge Carter employed one Siddharth Vellamoor, as his new law clerk.
Vellamoor, was an associate of Perkins Coie LLP, where Robert Bauer is a partner in the law firm.
Robert Bauer is the husband of Anita Dunn, the White House Communications Director, and he was recently chosen to become the White Houses Chief Legal Counsel.
On October 29th, Judge Carter dismissed Dr. Taitz case, “Barnett v Obama,” in what Dr. Taitz described as a radical change in Carters demeanor.
So, as a Marine on this 234th Anniversary, I’ve got to ask this question.
Did  Judge Carter rule on the merits of the case, or was he influenced by the Obama team who has spent over $1.4 Million dollars to stop anyone from seeing any actual identification documents?
Did Judge Carter, a decent person, and actual combat hero, forget where he came from,or what he’s about ? Is there any doubt in his mind that he acted within the scope of the United States Constitution, and decided this case to the best of his ability according to his understanding of the law?
I’ve got a birthday tale that I’d like to tell the Judge as we get ready to celebrate our birthday this coming November 10th, and I’d hate to see sad stories come out about a brother Marine in the future.
Years ago, I had to go before another United States Marine Corps. Judge, by the name of Alan  Rosan.
Judge Rosan was a war hero awarded the Purple Heart in Korea, and I, and a friend of mine, had to go before him on aggravated battery charges for a brawl we got involved in, at the Pick Congress Hotel in Chicago. It seems like I’ve always had this problem about getting along well with others, but in this case, I’m glad it happened in Cook County.
Cook County Illinois, lives up to it’s reputation about being Crook County, and it wasn’t difficult to pass along a bribe to beat this case.
Now I’m not saying Judge Rosan was on the take, he seemed like an affable fellow, and we did pass the bribe to a Crook County Sheriff’s bailiff instead of the judge.
A few years later, I read an obituary about Judge Rosan committing suicide in his court chambers.
He lay ed out his medals on his desk, then shot himself in the head with his souvenir 45 which he brought home from the war.
I really felt bad when I read about his misfortune, he seemed like such a nice guy.
I know that he didn’t do this because of our case, but he must have suffered from a guilty conscience over a period of time, eating away at his moral foundation.
I’m sure that his self imposed sentence was far more severe than any wrong doing he may have been guilty of.
A guilty conscience is a Hell of a thing Judge Carter. I hope that you are absolutely sure of your decision, otherwise, the people are left with no social justice.
Happy Birthday Marines … Judge Carter, I wish that I could say Semper Fi, I guess I’ll have to wait until I read about you in the news.
Rick Biesada …………………………………………………………………………………….          11-1-09
Federal Observer Magazine.



12 Responses to “From a talk show host and a former Marine Rick Biesada”

  1. baci
    November 2nd, 2009 @ 3:03 am

    Well said, Rick. Now if you’ll just help organize a picket around that sorry individual’s courthouse, you and all former and serving Marines might just refurbish the honor of the Corps somewhat.

    De Oppresso Liber

  2. Michael
    November 2nd, 2009 @ 3:55 am


    Please post your letter on military web-sites and send a copy to every journalist you can.

    Your nation is in great peril, as you already know, and it’s gonna take that little bit of extra effort from all patriot US citizens to fix this.

    Many, many US patriots barely know about all this.

    Please spread your thoughts and comments to the widest possible audience.

    Time is of the essence.

    Regards and thank you.

    Michael Norris.

  3. icecream
    November 2nd, 2009 @ 10:59 am

    Thank you Sir, for your service and for your letter. Our men and women in uniform are among the very best of our Nation…always have been. I sincerely believe that they will indeed protect our Constitution, and protect us…from all enemies.

    My father was in the South Pacific in WWII, my mother in the USO. He’s in a VA Nursing Home now, and we can’t let him know too much about what is happening to our Nation…he’s too fragile.

    I’m still in shock about this Judge’s decision. “Once a Marine, Always a Marine”..anyway, that’s what my mother always says. So, this ruling makes no sense to me.

    This battle that Dr. Taitz is fighting is the most frightening of all, as it is here at home. May Our Father in Heaven arm her well, as He always does the righteous, that she may valiently continue, that we may win this war. My prayers, and those of uncountable others are with her always.

  4. Granny Annie
    November 2nd, 2009 @ 12:36 pm

    I and 30 to 40 members of my Long Island Senior Center will be protesting Bill Orielly horrible treatment of dear Dr. Taitz. I hope to meet you there.

    Granny Annie

  5. Leonard McCauley
    November 2nd, 2009 @ 1:09 pm

    Very impressive prose and the message is 100% accurate… Having worked in the Oil & Gas Engineering & Construction Industry since I was a boy… I have had the opportunity to experience other Cultures and Religions all over the World.
    I feel qualified to say, there is no way a predominantly Christian Military can ever hope to win the hearts and minds of an Arab or Persian Muslim or for that matter a Buddhist(Viet Nam).
    We can win with Nuke’s and bring our Troops home or we can just bring our Troops home. But, we will never ever conquer the “Will” of the people.

  6. Diane Carlucci
    November 2nd, 2009 @ 1:36 pm

    I will send this to everyone I know, but I agree that brave Marines and our servicemen should pickett Carter. I am bitterly disappointed. I had hope that we could oust this fraud along with Pelosi, the DNC and everyone else involved in the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on united states citizens.

    Carter sold us out.

  7. jen
    November 2nd, 2009 @ 2:31 pm

    Orly Push it in DC. Stick w/merits from Carter.

    From Commenter,
    A Quo Warranto was submitted by Dr. Taitz in D.C. Hard to make it work when the person you submit it to suddenly retires or just plain refuses to let it be heard. Who is she to complain to?

    Reponded Leo
    [ed. you appear to be too emotionally involved to see the plain legal truth. So calm down and hear me out – the federal quo warranto statute in section 3502 requires that any “third person” go to the DOJ to request the AG bring a quo warranto. Orly did that and no such quo warranto was brought. Hence, her request was refused.

    She was then entitled to proceed to section 3503 of the quo warranto statute and approach the court by verified (sworn under oath) petition requesting leave to issue a writ of quo warranto to the President on behalf of her clients. Such a complaint however cannot be based upon unproved allegations, but rather each fact complained of must be sworn to under oath. Under 3503, an “interested person” does not need the permission of the DOJ and such a person can go straight to the DC District Court.


    There’s no reason why it can’t be used right now. Got it?

  8. PorkRoll
    November 2nd, 2009 @ 4:14 pm

    Which still begs the question: Why doesn’t Leo do it?

  9. steven
    November 2nd, 2009 @ 5:54 pm

    Great post Rick. I agree a million percent. obama is pure evil and people are starting to wake up to it. I guess judge carter sold his soul to the devil, what else is new in our government. Thank god we have someone like Dr. Taitz who will eventually prevail. Once we take down the evil one, obama, we need to focus on the puppet masters so this doesn’t happen again.

  10. truthbetold11
    November 2nd, 2009 @ 7:19 pm

    Because leo is not a lion but a kittycat with a big bite

  11. Taylor
    November 3rd, 2009 @ 2:52 am

    Dr. Taitz,

    I recently found this article and thought you and other patriots perusing your site should be aware of the tactics being used. John Charlton of The Post & Email posted the story.


    by John Charlton

    (Nov. 1, 2009) — The Post & Email is breaking silence and issuing a general warning to patriots everywhere. Obots might be snooping on you and using psycop tactics to manipulate you unknowingly! And some evidence shows that this snooping is being done by an obot who lives within 10 minutes of the founder of Snopes.com.

    The Post & Email was lead to these conclusions via comments posted on our website, emanating from an IP in the town adjacent to the POB address of the registrant of Snopes. com, according to a Network Solutions Whois search, and a geographic query on the IP of the commenter via TrackIpAddress.com.

    The IP of the Obot is If you receive emails or comments at your blog from this IP, you may be in communication with, or a target of information gathering techniques by, a neighbor of the Snopes.com founder.

    One of the tactics of this Obot snooper, is to make false accusations of anonymous patriots who post at your blog, or write the blogs which you read.

    This obot makes these accusations to get the author of the blog or the reader of the blog to divulge, unwittingly, personal identifying information about patriots. This information then is added to a database of patriots being watched.

    The Post & Email has no evidence that this information is being passed on to Snopes.com, which is notorious for rebutting Obama critics with dubious information, according to opinion of many bloggers and commentators on the Net.

    However, it will be helpful for all to know that according to Network Solutions, Snopes.com is registered to:

    David Mikkelson
    P.O. Box 684
    Agoura Hills, CA 91376

    So if you get any comment or email with an IP which traces back to Agoura Hills, California, USA, or that vicinity, be cautious; do not post it, do not reply; and not let the question or insult offered therein, to cause you to react and divulge information. By tracing how you divulge the information contained in the Obot’s communication, your friends and contacts in communication with you can be mapped by this Obot or anyone else who may be cooperating with him in gathering information on American citizens who are politically opponents of the Obama regime.

    The Post & Email issues this notice, not to impugn the reputation of anyone, but rather to help every American citizen defend his rights from unwarranted intrusion into his privacy, by Obama supporters who hide behind various niks and pretend to be those whom they are not. Snopes.com, while supporting Obama, has helped the country by showing what kind of facts or reasoning, or lack thereof, are used to support Obama’s usurpation and tyranny. This has helped everyone understand better how Obama supporters think.

    Regarding Snopes reliability, World Net Daily posted an article, “Is Snopes Infallible?”

    Please note that rabid Obots are also being reported using IPs from Chicago suburbs, NE Iowa, NE Orlando Florida suburbs, Westchester Country/CT border, and a northern suburb of Montreal Canada.

  12. Kevan Corkill
    November 3rd, 2009 @ 3:10 pm

    God Bless YOU, Dr. Orly! 🙂 YOU are a wonderful patriot! 🙂 Prayers for strength for you! 🙂