

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

From a Navy aviator Jerry Wilson

Posted on | October 23, 2009 | 10 Comments



From Naval Aviator, Commander Jerry Wilson

We lived in California during the winters of 2007 and 2008. We became addicted to Fox News and watched O’Reilly and Hannity and Colmes every night. When we got back home, we upgraded our cable to get Fox. I watched the Presidential campaign very closely. Initially, because I thought the Democrats would nominate Hillary Clinton and then in astonishment when they chose an even more hard-left candidate. All of last year I told everyone I could that Obama was not a Democrat, he is a Marxist. He is far to the left of any European leader and even our far left party, the NDP.

I read Saul Alinsky when I was in the University. I studied him and his writing carefully. When Bill Ayers and his idiot wife were bombing and killing people at random in the Weather Underground, the Weather Underground and the Black Panthers were closely allied. I read David Horowitz’s account of changing from a Marxist to a conservative after seeing that the government was afraid to prosecute members of the Panthers for murdering his personal assistant. He suddenly understood the evil that Marxism really was.

After the student radicals failed in creating a Marxist revolution in the United States by violent means, they embraced Alinsky. You would be wise to read “Rules for Radicals” because it outlines how Hillary and Obama planned to get into power, and what they intended to do when they got it.

Socialism is not the correct description for what Obama and the Democrats are doing. They are going to be much more far reaching than anything Sweden has ever been able to do. Obama is following Alinsky’s plans, those set out in “Rules for Radicals” and his other writing. The Democrats are attempting to create one party rule in the U.S. And in achieving that, will create crisis after crisis by their own actions and use those crisis to nationalize the means of production in the U.S. We are in the middle of a communist revolution and few in the U.S. can actually see it for what it truly is.

The U.S. is now on the path of financial destruction. The Constitution has been shredded and individual human rights are being trampled. In less than 8 months. Obama has used a recession to take over the two largest industries in the U.S. He will debase the Dollar and is on the road to creating an incredible energy shortage that will allow him and Congress to take over the energy industry.

But by and large I think that by the 2010 elections, the Democrats will have gerrymandered electoral districts to the point that it will be impossible for them to lose control of both houses of Congress. The incredible increase in the money supply is going to create Zimbabwe and Venezuela style inflation, and with it, controls on the currency and the amount of money that can be taken out of the country.

I love America , I cannot believe how the ignorance of the American public has created a situation whereby they are going to lose their Republic and slip into an age of repression and tyranny.

I may be nuts, but so far I have been 100% in my predictions of what Obama was going to do, because I merely had to look at “Rules for Radicals” to see what was coming next.

I read Glenn Beck’s book, “Common Sense” and in it re-read Thomas Paines pamphlet with the same name. I recommend the book.

When the storm finally hits (and it will), those of you who supported the Obama administration will be affected as well. It won’t just be us gun owners or Flat-Taxers, or Pro-Lifers that get hit. You’ll be right there next to us.

You all thought the Conservatives were nut cases. You know, all of us who believe in God, small government, the Second Amendment, etc. You thought you could just go back to sleep after the election was over. In your world, America will continue as before. You’ll still have the same rights, the same nice house, the same big screen television. After all, your high school football team won and the other team lost – go team! Even if you have bothered to look up from the daily grind since Nov 4th, you dismissed everything that has occurred as “politics as usual–the same old stuff”.

In the end, it’ll all be OK won’t it? Not this time.

There are a growing number of citizens in the US that are ready to fight to shut down the government’s grab of personal freedom, it’s blatant abuse of the constitution, and it’s attempt to replace the American way of life with socialism/communism. You have to listen carefully to hear them, but they are there. I won’t start that fight, but when it goes down I will join it.

As for you, why, you’ll be shocked because you didn’t see it coming. And eventually you’ll be saddened when you see that we have truly lost the way of life with which you grew up. You’ll be saddened that your children and grandchildren live in a socialist/communist, government-controlled gulag where their every movement from cradle to grave is tracked by the government. But most of all, you’ll be saddened by the death of friends and relatives who are brave enough to fight and die for something they believe in.

You know, McCain wasn’t much of a candidate. I’ll give you that. He was the lesser of two evils for most of us. I don’t blame you for not voting for him since, at the time, you didn’t know what we all know now. But at least John McCain was an American. He was a supporter of the American way o f life and he understood that you can’t negotiate with terrorists. He understood and appreciated the sacrifice made by my father and other members of the Greatest Generation.

Mark my words friends. All across America groups are forming. They are forming out of anger and out of desperation at the thought of losing America . They’re not militia groups or terrorists as the Department of Homeland security would have you believe; they are Americans, loyal to the constitution. They are mothers and fathers and grandparents. They belong to groups like the Minutemen Civil Defense Corps, the Peaceful Resistance, the Constitution Party, the Young Conservatives, the 9/12 Project, and Grassfire. Right now they are fragmented, each focused on their own cause. But sometime in the next two years, our government is going to do something really stupid and these groups will come together. Watch for it, wait for it–get ready. It will happen.

When that event happens, whatever “it” is, our great country is going to plunge into chaos for a while. I pray to God that we make it through that time and emerge a stronger, smarter country.

Naval Aviator, Commander Jerry Wilson, jerrywilson@centurytel .net

Live Free or Die Fighting


10 Responses to “From a Navy aviator Jerry Wilson”

  1. Harry H
    October 23rd, 2009 @ 1:29 pm

    Thank you, Commander Wilson, for the benefit of your observations, study, and experience. All three branches of our government have failed to abide by the Constitution–well, the judiciary (Judge Carter) still has a chance to redeem itself, but if no redress of our grievances is possible , that will be three strikes on our present government and it will be OUT.

    Unless Obuma’s constitutional disability is remedied soon by his resignation or removal, the Republic will have failed. Too bad we the electorate were so foolish as to trash our Constitution by making a foreigner our Commander-in-Chief.

  2. George
    October 23rd, 2009 @ 2:48 pm

    Well said Commander Wilson, you have expressed my feeling to perfection. My only regret, at my age I will be of little help to ‘The Revolution’. That said, I will do whatever part I can when called upon. Through out history ‘Revolution has been the Solution’. We may shutter to think of it but we need only look to the past to see it is coming. Disarmament of the American citizen is the first step in putting down a revolution before it can start. Hard choices are on the horizon, smart choices need to rule the day. The US political system has become so fouled with greed, corruption it has turned it’s back on the American citizen and is challenging our way of life. I hope they realize they will be first against the wall.

    G B

  3. PorkRoll
    October 23rd, 2009 @ 3:23 pm

    I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

  4. Eric, NY
    October 23rd, 2009 @ 5:05 pm

    Well said Commander. The urgency of the matter escapes many still living in wonderland. The damage to the economy has been done. There is no turning back the clock to fix what is barreling headlong at us, massive inflation. With the IMF and every hostile nation plugging for the dollar to be replaced by any other currency with stability the investors who could have resumed investments in the US economy have left for greener pastures. Simply removing the usurper can not achieve anything but a morale boost. The communist cancer is spread widely and will require a near complete excision for the road to stability to be opened. Restoring the constitution will be a task easier said than done as it will require those who we empowered to cause it to function as the supreme law must be vetted for their fidelity to it and those who fail that test must be purged from politics at the very least. Our courts and educational system have been infiltrated with traitors to the American way of life as well. These people will also be required to be examined and removed if they can be shown to be sympathetic accomplices to the treason of this usurpation by internal subterfuge. It will be a most noble cause to right our nation but it will be painful for many who have closed their eyes to this threat and even become useful idiots in its discharge. Many loyal men and women stand ready to take on this obligation of defense of the law and prepare mentally, physically and emotionally as I write. If we are to lose our heritage and our law I say, MOLON LABE, your words have no force, your laws can not protect you from truth, your undoing will the greatest pleasure a patriot can have and we will soon have you judged properly under our law. True social power and social justice naturally resides with the people not the governing elite. That is our law and we intend to have it alone. MOLON LABE !

  5. N.C.
    October 23rd, 2009 @ 5:40 pm

    Is this for real? I Googled it and found it was on the Internet as early as September 2 and someone even said it was a chain letter. Could anyone find the real source of this article? Thanks.

  6. ljsk
    October 24th, 2009 @ 10:54 am

    Thank you for the enlightening response. I honor you as well as any other military that has put their life on the line, for our Constitution and country. (My son is Navy) I too, am disgusted at the manner of this current administration and will do whatever is necessary, including, “laying down my life”,(Rev. Manning) for the protection of the United Staes Constitution and the freedoms that ALL military people have fought to protect. Thank you for the information. I hope more people will open their eyes and join this fight before its too late!
    We must get this guys and his corrupt administration out of our White House! Whatever the costs.

  7. Martin Pinsky
    October 27th, 2009 @ 12:22 pm

    Have tried several times to respond in this comment area and each time my material disappeared into cyberspace. I expect long postings are the problem, or perhaps my comments and e-mail are getting known in other listings and postings.

    Wilson is hitting a few nails on the head but his time expectancy is off: Obama will not last until 11/10 elections. The compression on society is creating tremedous heat– everyone is restive and it will take one ruby ridge type incident and a governmnet over reaction to be the spark that lights the fuse to a very big bomb of concentrated duiscontent.

    The syetm of governance has failed in three dimensions–at all levels. What will trigger a civil war is the first concentrated governmnet over reaction. In that case you may have 4.5 million americans take the gloves off and march on washington armed to the teeth deeply committed. They will demand that the usuper step down and vacate the office with his aids or be thrown out. If he tells us to eat cake then we will have a bastille day in washington DC.




  8. Martin Pinsky
    October 29th, 2009 @ 2:15 pm

    Ever see the movie Perfect Storm- how a confluence of diverse and severe weather conditions hit this fishing boat in virtually three dimensions of catastrophe. The USA is that fishing boat.

    All of you spare yourselves the rhetorical confusion of trying to define and cope with this. The country is on the point of collapse on the heals of a second great depression. Civil unrest has been happening almost from this traitor’s first executive order, an order by this puppet who is believing he can stand alone without Arab sunni shariah strings. He really believes he is a cross between jesus Christ and julius caeser –a totally deluded man impervious to reality. Truly Anderson has captured him in The Emperor’s New Clothes story.

    The perfect storm is forming–depression, cvommunist president, communist professors pretendimng they are just liberals, the absurd and dnagerous homosexual agenda, the racial divisiveness, the $1.47 TRILLION debt–all things made in China and they hold paper written IOU;s as the dollar careens down. The unemployment is at around 15,000,000 and president commie cockroach wants to legalize 30,000,000 useless illiterates ( 85% cannot read or write their own language)– and all this lefty commie Czar business.

    The little guy is confused and the militias are forming en masse and pity this administration if they coalesce under a unfied –rather than rag tag– command. 2,000,000 armed militia would close down washington DC. It has happened in France, south america, cambodia, Africa in utter chaos with 2,000,000+ hacked to death buy tutsi’s et all.

    We have been insulated by two oceans for too long and we have grown fat and complacent and sadly– God bless us– we are eternally optimistic. BUT too late, the tapestry is unraveling faster than anyone wants to admit–its all coming apart–starting with Late Bush–the flying pan– on into the predator hawk Obama et al–the fire. There is no cure nor remedy UNLESS this usurper sell out traitor is removed. About 7700 secret srvice are soon to give up counterfeit money cases–giving it over to treasury, so that they can concentrate on executive and congressional security ( The lawyers in a recent case referred to an arcane term–Sovereign immunity referring to Obama and Congress–are they immune?

    There are a billion guns out there and mountains of ammo– for what? Den decoration?

    If the system fails—that rascist Holder as AG will never appoint a special prosecuting attorney to investigate what is undoubtably probable cause for a federal grand jury to hand down an indictment against Obama. The deck is stacked, the cassio owned and controlled by all the rottem apples in a deteriorating barrel. What recourse have we in a failing econmomy and a country run by greedy bastard bandits who look at us as if we were stupid insects?

    Is it a crime to seek recourse against criminals gyrating and manipulating our system into a commie enclave? This will NEVER last until 2012. I hope the wasp brahmans running things at CIA and senior bureaucrats– AND yes the military regulars, will pressure this bum to step down or be removed before the country splits apart. Let him step down and get lost or go back to Indonesia–because he will never survive here. The racial riots that ensue will be a bloody mess all around, and the two million sneak islamist complainers and bullshitters like CAIR will take their daggers out in our confusion and stab both sides in the back–at that time the entire civil system disintegrates and effectively you will have the equivalent of Pashtun Warlords roaming. Can’t happen? We are too civil? Well the ostriches with their heads in their arses are the first victims. The blacks will go balistic–decent balanced blacks will be caught up in the gravitational racial vortex.

    Its all coming- the devaatation of the perfect societal destructive storm is coming. Defend yourself and your families and take a stand when you are called up to be counted– there will be no grey zone here or buffer zone.

    There is too much compression on the societal machine and the over heating will explode the machine and all hell will break lose. If the militias coalesce under a unified command then you certainly will have civil war. If Obama steps down you might avert some of the more serious aspects of it. But if he continues to tweak our noses with arrogance and commie complacency, then he and all around him will fall prey to a massive sanction. When the enforcers have no one to protect they may accede.

    One of the real problem is diverse life styles against traditional modes–exascerbating matters leading to MORE civil war and all the ramifications of civil war–hundreds of thousands will die.

    This is what I see, not palliative feel good words of hope–that is dream world stuff, that is denial. THE PERFECT STORM IS APPROACHING AMERICA–pray your enemies don’t come in as UN troops from foreign countries that will exascerbate matters as well, for no senisible armed citizen here will allow that-

    Then let us hope the oath keepers stick to what they have said they will NOT do– then with Rhodes there will be things he will HAVE to do rather than NOT due– he plays with words, but can he be counted on in the event civil war ensues–then words are vaporous bullshit.


  9. Tom
    October 30th, 2009 @ 12:26 am

    Not that this has anything to do with what the writer is saying, but he’s Canadian, not American, right?? My reasons for assuming that are:

    1) He refers to “…our far left party, the NDP.” Wouldn’t that be the New Democratic Party in Canada (who are considered centre left, not far left)?

    2) He says he lived in California and watched Fox News but had to upgrade his cable “when we got home” to view it?

    3) He says “… when I was in the University” instead of ‘when I was in college’. Canadians, Australians, Europeans say ‘in university’ but Americans tend to say ‘in college’ in my experience.

  10. Elizabeth
    October 31st, 2009 @ 1:23 pm

    He may be Canadian, but Martin Pinsky
    has the gift of foresight and
    intuition along with his articulate
    description of what will happen
    when the American public begins
    to move forward in millions to
    protest the current administration
    from Congress down to the janitor,
    (as someone once wrote, somewhere).

    Because we are civilized as opposed
    to third world countries and to
    ancient France, our Bastille Day
    will be less bloody, I believe,
    but it will be effective.

    And yes, Commander Wilson, too,
    has the encouraging words we need
    to continue this resistance to
    becoming another Marxist/Naxi-type

    As for the blacks becoming ballistic,
    I am not so sure that they are blind
    to what is hovering over all of our
    heads. The uneducated .. just might
    listen to their fellowmen, who ARE
    educated and who can explain to them
    what is transpiring before their eyes.

    The blacks still remember the slavery
    of the South.. tell them that this
    is their future under Obama’s iron
    fist, and they will soon ally themselves
    with the rest of America’s citizens,
    the ones who will restore the country
    to a better place than it ever was
    .. even before the impostor came
    in as the Trojan horse.