

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Court Clerk falsified records in 1,000 cases for payoff

Posted on | June 28, 2015 | 4 Comments


Rogue clerk may have altered records in more than 1,000 cases

POSTED JUN 22, 2015 08:31 AM CDT


An investigation of altered court files in Orange County, California, is leading to one rogue clerk, according to legal counsel for the county court system.

Lawyer Jeffrey Wertheimer tells the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register that the clerk appears to have altered more than 1,000 DUI and misdemeanor traffic cases since 2010 in courts across the county, The clerk created fake plea deals, lowered penalties and dropped charges, apparently in exchange for payoffs.

Because the cases were marked as resolved, the defendant didn’t have to return to court and no other court clerks scrutinized the files, Wertheimer said. But there was no full resolution in one DUI case in March, which led to a review of all cases handled by the clerk in the DUI case.

Loyola law professor Stanley Goldman told the Los Angeles Times that computerization of the court system might have made it easier for the wrongdoer to alter cases.

The FBI is investigating. Defendants in cases flagged in the investigation are being called into court for a proper resolution of the charges.

Related article:

ABAJournal.com: “Lawyers receive notices to appear for ‘clients’ they never represented; tampering probe is underway”


Note from Attorney Orly Taitz

I had a similar experience in federal court and I have reported to the Chief Judge of the Eastern District of PA, Chief Judge of the Third Circuit and Philadelphia DA that a court reporter in the Eastern District of PA, Donna Anders, egregiously falsified court transcript by removing 14 pages, the whole cross examination of a party and removed all mention of this cross examination from the table of contents of the transcript. So far no action was taken in over 4 years. I continue pursuing this case until this court employee and all of her accomplices are brought to justice and I seek help from the public to evoke some action from the federal court as well as FBI, US Attorney, Attorney General, Philadelphia DA and the Judicial Committee of Congress. We cannot tolerate egregious falsification of records in Federal Courts. None of us can get justice when this is going on. We are all in danger. This represents violation of our 14th, 5th and 1st amendment rights as we can’t get due process, equal protection and right for redress of grievances when the court employees falsify court records. Please, help me by contacting above authorities and demand immediate action in relation to Federal Court reporter, Donna Anders.

E-mails Donna Anders USSDC EDPA E-mails Donna Anders 01.07.2011 -01.17.2011 USSDC EDPA



4 Responses to “Court Clerk falsified records in 1,000 cases for payoff”

  1. Helene Jones
    July 28th, 2015 @ 9:01 am

    We are fighting the exact same in justice here in Fresno, California. The employees of the Eastern District Court, Fresno Division have continually falsified court documents. The latest was the falsified court hearing transcript and he had nerve to send it to our home. This leads me to believe these employees are capable of anything. And to sum this up this person is a Law Clerk for a Federal Judge in the Eastern District Clerk. This so-called Law Clerk stated and put into writing that he was going to issue a bench warrant for my arrest. This crime has been dismissed by the DOJ, FBI, and State Attorney General. Hopefully, someone one day will bring these individuals to justice but for now they seem untouchable.

  2. Richard
    December 21st, 2015 @ 3:55 am

    I have just gone thru the same illegal tactics of the MA. superior courts . All of the evidence that supported my side have been deleted from the transcripts. Something needs to be done.

  3. Robert A. Long
    July 24th, 2016 @ 11:07 am

    In about 2000 I discovered that Anchorage Federal Judges had falsified the court records and audio recording in my Civil suit against LA. County and four Alaska DMV actors, (I filed a misconduct complaint and in about 2005 the Council found the records altered and refused to have them corrected), in 2002 I was arrested for 2 counts of threatening federal judges one count of interfering in official duties, (I was convicted by only letting the jury see 2 blocked out pages and refusing to let the jury see the other 38 pages all relating to the Judicial Complaint, by refusing to let me testify, by denying all my defense witnesses, by having three openly conflicted judges acting in the trial, that is the very short list), after conviction I got rid of the public defender, I discovered the criminal trial records were Falsified in the removal of prosecution direct testimony that the victim judges had falsified the civil trial records, I got the criminal trial judge and prosecutor to admit in on the record post trial that the prosecution testimony was falsified, those on record admissions were removed from the audio recordings), I discovered in about 2006 after I was out that during the criminal trial that the judge had conducted an Ex-Part Jury Proceeding, I got a hearing not surprisingly being Denied of The Trial Audio Recordings Required To Prove The Ex-Party Proceedings Crime, (after Years of Motions, FOIA Request, Law Suits For Discovery I still am denied the Audio Recordings.
    Really this is the Very Short list of misconduct, (in the H. C. relief actions after removing the appointed attorney the attorney refused to turn over case records, [the Audio Recordings], I filed a law suit against him that was assigned and dismissed by the Newest US Judge On The Alaska Federal Court, this Judge was the Chief US Prosecutor in the Underlying Case, Was Named In The Suit as a Co-Actor, (the 9th. Circuit could see no problem with this Conflict)..
    I wish the Crimes against me were as bad as it gets in the US Courts but are not. (Trapper).

  4. gary tate
    October 15th, 2019 @ 11:27 am

    They are really good at tampering with court documents in East Baton rouge Sheriff’s Dept. In addition to Tangipahoa Parish Court’s and Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Dept.

    Trying to get justice now!


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