

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

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becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

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fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Discovery schedule in one of cases by Orly Taitz before Judge Hanen

Posted on | March 16, 2015 | No Comments





DR ORLY TAITZ ESQ                                 §

Plaintiff,                                               §

  1. § CIVIL ACTION NO.  1:14cv264



Defendant.                                           §





  1. State where and when the meeting of the parties required by Rule 26 was held and identify counsel who attended for each party.


Answer:          The parties exchanged proposed joint discovery/case management plans via email and confirmed changes over the phone on March 11, 2015.


  1. List the cases related to this one that are pending in any state or federal court with the case number and court.


Answer:          Taitz v. Johnson, et al 1:14cv119


  1. Specify the allegation of federal jurisdiction.


Answer:          (a)        This is a review of the FOIA, 5 USC 552, response provided by the

Centers For Disease Control and whether the agency properly

complied with Plaintiff’s request.


(b)       Defendant Sylvia Burwell takes the position that venue may be improper in the Southern District of Texas and instead lie where the Plaintiff resides, has her principal place of business, where the records are located or in the District of Columbia per 5 USC 552(a)(4)(B).


                        (b)       Defendant Sylvia Burwell, Secretary of the Department of Homeland

                                    Security respectfully submits that this case should be adjudicated

                                    based on the administrative record.


  1. Name the parties who disagree and the reasons.


Answer:          Plaintiff believes venue is proper in the Southern District of Texas because

                        that is where the records are located.


  1. List anticipated additional parties that should be included, when they can be added and by whom they are wanted.


Answer:          Defendant Sylvia Burwell is not a proper party to the suit.  The agency,

                        Centers for Disease Control, is the proper party and Plaintiff should be

                        allowed to amend her pleading to reflect the same.

Plaintiff disagrees, chairs of departments are often listed as FOIA defendants. CDC is a part of HHS, as such Burwell is a proper party

  1. List anticipated interventions.


Answer:          None


  1. Describe class-action issues.


Answer:          None


  1. State whether each party represents that it has made the initial disclosures required by Rule 26(a). If not, describe the arrangements that have been made to complete the disclosures.


Answer:          Plaintiff is requesting that initial disclosures be completed by September 30, 2015.


Defendant’s position is that the documents are limited to the existing records which have been exchanged and filed.


  1. Describe the proposed agreed discovery plan, including:


  1. Responses to all the matters raised in Rule 26(f).


            Answer:          R.26(f) (3)


  1. Responses to all the matters raised in Rule 26(f).
  2. When and to whom the plaintiff anticipates it may send interrogatories.
  3. When and to whom the defendant anticipates it may send interrogatories.
  4. Of whom and by when the plaintiff anticipates taking oral depositions.
  5. Of whom and by when the defendant anticipates taking oral depositions.
  6. When the plaintiff (or the party with the burden of proof on an issue) will be able to

designate experts and provide the reports required by Rule 26(a)(2)(B) and when the

opposing party will be able to designate responsive experts and provide their reports.

  1. List expert depositions the plaintiff (or the party with the burden of proof on an issue)

anticipates taking and their anticipated completion date. See Rule 26(a)(2)(B) (expert



  1. Plaintiff is requesting the Court to set a date for responses raised in Rule



Defendant’s position is this is not applicable.


  1. Plaintiff is requesting 60 days from the date of this plan to send Plaintiff’s interrogatories.


Defendant’s position is this is not applicable.


  1. Defendant’s position is this is not applicable.


  1. Plaintiff anticipates taking oral depositions of all fact and expert witnesses

            identified by Defendant by the date provided by the Court.


Defendant’s position is this is not applicable.


  1. Defendant’s position is this is not applicable.


  1. Plaintiff requests to designate Plaintiff’s and Defendant’s experts by September 30, 2015.


Defendant’s position is this is not applicable.


  1. Plaintiff requests that Plaintiff’s experts be deposed by September 30, 2015.


                        Defendant’s position is this is not applicable.


  1. Plaintiff requests that Defendant’s experts be deposed by September 30,



                        Defendant’s position is this is not applicable.


  1. If the parties are not agreed on a part of the discovery plan, describe the separate views and proposals of each party.


Answer:          See above.


  1. Specify the discovery beyond initial disclosures that has been undertaken to date.


Answer:          N/A


  1. State the date the planned discovery can reasonably be completed.


Answer:          N/A


  1. Describe the possibilities for a prompt settlement or resolution of the case that were discussed in your Rule 26(f) conference.


Answer:          The possibilities for prompt resolution are viewed by the parties as fair.


  1. Describe what each party has done or agreed to do to bring about a prompt resolution.


Answer:          Defendant has filed a motion to dismiss the complaint as moot or in the alternative as a request for summary judgment.

Plaintiff is seeking production of additional documents and examination of the log of documents

  1. From the attorneys’ discussion with the client, state the alternative dispute resolution techniques that are reasonably suitable and state when such a technique may be effectively used in this case.


Answer:          The parties are amenable to mediation of this claim and would consider a Magistrate Judge at a settlement conference.


  1. Magistrate judges may hear jury and non-jury trials. Indicate the parties’ joint position on a trial before a magistrate judge.


Answer:          The parties do not agree on having a Magistrate Judge hear this case.


  1. State whether a jury demand has been made and if it was made on time.


Answer:          This is a bench trial.


  1. Specify the number of hours it will take to present the evidence in this case.


Answer:          16-24 hours


  1. List pending motions that could be ruled on at the initial pretrial and scheduling conference.


Answer:          Defendant’s motion to dismiss the complaint as moot or in the alternative motion for summary judgment. 


  1. List other pending motions.


Answer:          None


  1. Indicate other matters peculiar to this case, including discovery, which deserve the special attention of the Court at the conference.


Answer:          None


  1. List the names, bar numbers, addresses and telephone numbers of all counsel.




Kenneth Magidson

United States Attorney

Lance Duke

Assistant United States Attorney

Texas Bar No. 00798157

Federal Bar No. 21949

800 North Shoreline, Suite 500

Corpus Christi, Texas 78401

(361) 888-3111

(361) 888-3200 (Facsimile)

lance.duke@usdoj.gov (Email)


Attorneys for Defendant, Sylvia Burwell,

Secretary of Health And Human Services


Dr. Orly Taitz

California State Bar No. 223433

29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

(949) 683-5411

(949) 766-7603 (Facsimile)

orly.taitz@hushmail.com (Email)


Attorney for the Plaintiff



By our signatures below, Counsel represent that each understands that the Court will rely on these representations in entering its scheduling Order.


s/ Dr. Orly Taitz  (by permission)                                   3/17/2015

Dr. Orly Taitz                                                              Date



s/ Lance Duke                                                          3/17/2015

Lance Duke                                                                 Date

Assistant United States Attorney

Counsel for Defendant,

Sylvia Burwell, Secretary of Health

And Human Services











DR ORLY TAITZ ESQ                                 §

Plaintiff,                                               §

  1. § CIVIL ACTION NO.  1:14cv264



Defendant.                                           §





  1. Trial: Estimated time to try:  2– 3 days                                            _XX___Bench


  1. New parties must be joined by: _________________


  1. The plaintiff’s experts will be named with a report furnished by: _________________


  1. The defendant’s experts must be named with a reported furnished within 30 days of the deposition of the plaintiff’s expert. _________________


  1. Discovery must be completed by: _________________

Counsel may agree to continue discovery beyond the deadline, but there will be no intervention by the court.

No continuance will be granted because of information acquired in post-deadline discovery.


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