

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

There is no new law suit from Sheiff Joe, WND’s reporting is one-sided and biased at best

Posted on | February 24, 2015 | 9 Comments

I received an e-mail stating ~ Sheriff Joe’s New Law Suite

3:35 PM (13 hours ago)

From The Desk Of The Internet Paul Revere

This e-mail referenced an article by WND “Sheriff  Joe takes on Obama on New Front”.

I wanted to clarify to the public. Sheriff Arpaio did not file a new law suit against Obama. The law suit, that he filed in DC, was dismissed a couple of months ago. In a case filed by 27 states (previously 26 states + NV, which joined recently) Arpaio simply asked the court to allow him to submit Amicus Curiae, a letter to the court, a brief , as a friend of the court. There were multiple such briefs filed by a number of parties, including myself, however Arpaio is not a plaintiff in this case, he is not a party.

Further, WND’s Jerome Corsi presented as his big discovery, the fact that Obama never signed an executive order for amnesty. However, before Corsi wrote his article, I already filed with Judge Hanen a supplemental motion due to new relevant facts, where on November 24, 2014 I disclosed to Judge Hanen and to the public that Obama   never signed any executive orders, that his executive amnesty was simply a memo by Jeh Johnson.

Taitz v Johnson supplemental motion due to new relevant facts

It is interesting, that WND did not report a word on my case against amnesty Taitz v Jeh johnson, Barack Obama, Sylvia Burwell 14-cv-0119 before Judge Hanen , which is going on and was not dismissed, and where we already had 2 hearings before Judge Hanen, yet WND writes prolifically about Arpaio’s case , which was dismissed.

An answer may be due to the following. Back in 2009 Joseph Farrah, editor of WND offered to promote me and advertise my cases, to send press releases and appeal for donations in exchange for me agreeing to split in half and share with WND half of all the donations received from the advertising by WND. I did not agree and WND did not report on important cases filed by me, which are still active, cases dealing with eligibility and immigration.

On the other hand, I believe that Joe Arpaio and his attorneys agreed to a deal and this might explain exaggeration in reporting on his one dismissed civil  case on immigration and no reporting on multiple cases filed by me both on eligibility and immigration.

What is also important, is that WND never questioned Arpaio, as to why he disregarded subpoenas and never testified in cases I brought against Obama. Furthermore, retired deportation agent John Sampson stated on the radio, on Peter Boyles show, that Arpaio, Zullo and he, Sampson, made an agreement to disregard court issued subpoenas and not show up in my case against Obama in Indiana, one of very few cases where any attorney had a hearing and was allowed to present evidence. WND, which purports to be a reputable conservative publication, never asked Arpaio, why did he do it. More importantly, WND never asked Arpaio, why after 4 years of investigations, didn’t he file an official complaint against Obama with the District Attorney  of Maricopa county and AG of AZ. Arpaio spent four years fundraising, talking about the issue, but did not do, what he, as a sheriff, was supposed to do, he did not submit for filing with the District Attorney an official criminal complaint against Obama for fraud committed by Obama in running for president based on fraud and using fabricated IDs. Maybe, the public should point out to WND that they should provide honest, unbiased reporting for the benefit of the public, they should report on active cases of national importance and pursue the truth. Lopsided reporting does not benefit the public.


James O’Keefe takes down MSNBC reporter and activist Al Sharpton. Families of victims are saying that it was all about money for him.

“It’s All About the Money” – James O’Keefe Takes Down Obama Insider & Shakedown Artist Al Sharpton



9 Responses to “There is no new law suit from Sheiff Joe, WND’s reporting is one-sided and biased at best”

  1. Arlie
    February 24th, 2015 @ 7:23 am

    Well, wow, all this is troubling.

    The 26 states and you are still fighting this battle on unconstitutional amnesty. Soetoro and Johnson are proceeding as if no court judgment was made against Johnson’s memo.

    The RINo’s in the Senate, corrupted by the Chamber of Commerce Corporations are already caving; Marco Rubio & Lindsey Graham want to fully fund the corrupt DHS.

    The Chamber of Commerce wants more customers for their products and the Progressive/Commies want votes to keep them all in power.

    The backdoor migration into US via the UN relocating muslims here is out-numbering the illegals crossing the southern boarder.

    In just 6 years Soetoro and his corrupt, elite cohorts have destroyed America from within on every level imaginable!

    It’s appalling, criminal and down right evil.

  2. Harry9
    February 24th, 2015 @ 7:26 am

    it appears that something behind the scenes between the Obama camp & Arpaio took place- It may be some type of blackmail-but Arpaio has let America down-by not pursuing the Obama FRAUD on America-

  3. Kevin J Lankford
    February 24th, 2015 @ 7:34 am

    From the very beginning arpaio has shown himself to be all mouth and no action.

  4. Leigh King Fossett
    February 24th, 2015 @ 8:06 am

    WND is not a news organization. It is purely a moneymaking operation. They don’t report your work because they don’t make money off of it. If you want them to report about what you were doing you need to go to them with a book that they can sell and then you will see articles about your work on their website.

  5. Veritas
    February 24th, 2015 @ 9:11 am

    Stacey Dash on “OUTNUMBERED” on Fox:

    “Obama is absurd, the biggest narcissist and a COWARD.” (talk

  6. Veritas
    February 24th, 2015 @ 9:13 am

    ing about ISIS, his lack of leadership and refusal to see the danger for Christians and other religious minorities in ISIS’ path.)

  7. A Senior....
    February 24th, 2015 @ 2:48 pm

    Well, I just came across an email today from Columnist, Krauthammer…and he says:…

    That Rubio is going to be the front-runner to taking the (R) nomination, in 2016…!

    Holy Crap! Is these guys for real (both Rubio and Krauthammer)?

    First of all, Charles should know that Rubio is ineligible to run for the Oval Office.

    And 2ndly, it seems that Rubio may try this and guess who may go along with another fiasco?

    The (R) leadership/nwo-??

  8. A Senior....
    February 24th, 2015 @ 2:51 pm

    Boy…the sentence should’ve been:

    Are these guys for real…?

  9. A Senior....
    February 24th, 2015 @ 2:56 pm

    And another email with various columns within, discussed how Sharpton was being sued senseless from a certain entity in Cal.(I believe it said-?), and so this should keep him busy for awhile!!!

    Good…I hope he gets his due!

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