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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

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Gov. Scott Walker: ‘I don’t know’ whether Obama is a Christian

Posted on | February 21, 2015 | 25 Comments

Scott Walker Says He Doesn’t Know If Obama Is A Christian

Huffington Post  – ‎23 minutes ago‎
Not only does Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) not know whether President Barack Obama loves America, he also appears to be unaware that the president is a Christian.


25 Responses to “Gov. Scott Walker: ‘I don’t know’ whether Obama is a Christian”

  1. Veritas
    February 21st, 2015 @ 6:09 pm

    Matthew 7:16

    Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

    من ثمارهم تعرفونهم. هل يجتنون من الشوك عنبا او من الحسك تينا.

  2. LJ
    February 21st, 2015 @ 7:11 pm

    He’s just trying to appear in the middle and not pick sides. Most Americans are Independents who switch back and forth between Democrat and Republican. They want a candidate who can be more in the middle and not too far right or left.

  3. Kevin J Lankford
    February 22nd, 2015 @ 6:42 am

    walker, just all the rest no the truth. They know obama is no Christian, nor are they true Christians since they involve themselves in such deception.

    They think, as so many of our so called conservative radio host, like limbaugh, to garner accolades with meager criticisms from fools believing in their feigned sincerity merely to avoid confronting the single issue that would have kept obama from office from the beginning.

    walker’s very position demands that ignorance can be no excuse. It should be accepted from no one in any government office or any so called journalist.

  4. Rich
    February 22nd, 2015 @ 7:42 am

    It was a loaded question. No matter what Scott would have said it would be used against him. The liberals never “eat their own” but unfortunately they are expert at finding ways to make some conservatives do just that. Look at Reagan for an example of how to run a campaign in a manner that forces liberals to eat themselves.

  5. Virginia W.
    February 22nd, 2015 @ 8:37 am

    Great comments. America needs a Constitutionalist not a middle-of-the-road candidate like John Ellis..no thanks.

    Agree with Orly, Governor Greg Abbott 2016! He’s the only governor trying to stop obama’s tyranny and not afraid to speak. See what passivity has gotten us? Not very pretty.

    God bless Orly, her family, Judge Hanen, Judge Moore, my fellow Patriots and God bless America.

  6. morgan ward
    February 22nd, 2015 @ 8:46 am

    The reason that Morally Bankrupt Walker doesn’t know that Obama is a Christian or not, is because Walker, just like Obama, is not a Christian, as a Christian can tell, as Veritas accurately pointed out, by the Spiritual Fruit that one displays, or fail to, whether or not they are a Christian.

    As a Born Again, Bible Believing, non compromising with evil and ‘the world’ Christian, I can state firmly Based on The Absolute Word of God, The Bible , that Obama is not a Christian in any way, shape or form, as just like most Americans of today, He bears absolutely no Spiritual Fruit in ever having accepted Jesus Christ as His Lord and Savior.

    Embracing homosexuals, same sex marriage, abortion, redistribution of wealth, rewarding the non productive in Life , and being a serial lifetime LIAR are all proof that Obama is not a Child of God and in fact, with all of the Blood He has on His Hands through His love and avid support for abortion, has assured that He will have HELL as His Eternal Resting place for all of eternity.

    While we who live are saddened because it appears that Obama gets away with all of his evil, as well as his being abetted by all of the equally godless and morally Bankrupt Republicans, as a Christian we can be assured that Obama and all of the godless politicians in Congress, EVERY ONE OF THEM, will face the ULTIMATE Judgment before Christ , as the Truth is not in any of them!

  7. js/js
    February 22nd, 2015 @ 9:05 am

    He is not technically a Christian. Both

    fathers were Muslim.

    Real name: Barack Ben Obama ibn Hussein.

    Not a Christian name. Arabic Muslim only.

    Sorry, Scott. Gotta catch up to the truth.

    Teach him, Danno!!!

  8. Leigh King Fossett
    February 22nd, 2015 @ 9:55 am

    I wish somebody had brought this up in 2007.

  9. Judy
    February 22nd, 2015 @ 1:32 pm

    leigh corsett
    try humming a few bars of this

  10. DSP2
    February 22nd, 2015 @ 1:47 pm

    Scott Walker could say to the inquiring media, “are you trying to ask a gotcha question? and I will just reply”, “at this point in time what difference does it make?” Who wants to play word games?

  11. Scottie
    February 22nd, 2015 @ 2:05 pm

    It matters not whether the President is a Christian, a Jew, Muslim, Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Hindu, atheist, etc. Article VI, Paragraph three of the Constitution clearly states, “no religious test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

  12. SticksNstones
    February 22nd, 2015 @ 3:15 pm

    On the radio Friday I heard on the lars Larson show a man called in made reference to Arpaio being a flake and Fuddy’s accident..then claimed to have obamas original BC..that was the extent of the conversation
    and is suppose to correspond with Lars via email.
    if of any interest..

  13. Veritas
    February 22nd, 2015 @ 3:51 pm

    Except, MORGAN (#6), that Walker DOES produce spiritual fruit in that he upholds Life, while Obama would not even support Life for babies surviving attempts at artificial termination.

    While Scottie is correct (#10) that one’s faith or lack thereof is NOT any kind of Constitutional qualification for “president,” a TAQIYYA representation of being a “Christian” as an Islamic technique of deceit WOULD BE a DISQUALIFIER because it is a stealth attempt to fool the people for Evil purposes.

    Shoebat on “Muruna:”

    The hypothesis that he is using Taqiyya, Muruna, Tawriya, etc will be the job of history to prove or disprove, but CAVEAT EMPTOR.

  14. Starlight
    February 22nd, 2015 @ 6:04 pm

    Apparently, Governor Walker has a reading problem and needs to take a class in reading comprehension. Barack has declared that he is a Muslim,

    and the video that showed him using the index finger as a sign of his loyalty to the Muslim belief, should have been the last straw to remove him physically and w/o a trial to no man’s land until he meets his Judgment in eternity.

    Anyone who is not blind, or if blind can find the information by Braille, that the impostor is not a child of God.

    As Veritas quoted, and these scriptures:

    Hosea 10:13 “You have eaten the fruit of lies.” (Barack is a sociopathic liar.)

    Micah 7:13 “Notwithstanding, the land shall be desolate, because of them that dwell therein, for the fruit of their doings.”

    (His ‘doings’ are devastating to this country and his lack of ‘doings’ are devastating to the innocents in other nations.)

  15. js/js
    February 22nd, 2015 @ 9:54 pm

    Sorry, Scottie, beam me up.

    The religious test proviso only applies to

    NBC American citizens. NOT OBAMA.

    Such a jerk, Danno!!!

  16. Harry9
    February 23rd, 2015 @ 4:55 am

    Obama is the biggest FRAUD in history and has deceived America to the point of decimating our constitution- America was proud to have the first African American as president only to learn that Barack Obama is more corrupt than all previous presidents combined-every part of his life is a lie to America-starting with his hidden past-that cost millions to hide-

  17. morgan ward
    February 23rd, 2015 @ 6:32 am


    You wrote,”Except, MORGAN (#6), that Walker DOES produce spiritual fruit in that he upholds Life, while Obama would not even support Life for babies surviving attempts at artificial termination.”

    I will disagree with your assertion to a point,if your point is that Walker is a Christian based upon the fact alone that He supports the sanctity of life, but with pointing out that upholding life, while being a Spiritual Fruit, it alone is not the determining factor in determining if one has truly walked, “The Damscus Road.”

    Another of the Spiritual Fruits of Salvation is in having Spiritual Discernment, that being able to recognize the Righteous Demands of Christ, rather than the unrighteous acts of satan. By Walker failing to realize or by His inability to see that Obama bears absolutely NO Spiritual fruit, and thus OBAMA can NEVER be a Christian , only goes to prove that Walker, just like many who foolishly consider themselves to be a Christian, are in fact not.

    How could Walker ever lead a Spiritually lost Soul to Christ when he can’t even identify a Lost person much less speak out against their sin and lack of God in their Life?

    Even ‘Songbird’ John Sidney McCain supports the sanctity of life , even though He is a very PROUD Self Professed AGNOSTIC.There are some Atheists and other AGNOSTIC’s who support Life , but are Non Christian’s.

    Based on The Bible’s Teachings, I stand upon The Word of God to say that Walker may call himself whatever he desires, and I will admit that He, just like many non Christians , is in all probability a decent man with guiding Principles and morals , but in His not being able to see, or in His not speaking out against all of Obama’s wickedness and evil,while Obama himself failing to display any Spiritual Fruits, Walker in no way can actually be a Born Again Christian except to those who don’t fully understand the tenets of Christianity….

  18. morgan ward
    February 23rd, 2015 @ 6:51 am

    Something worth noting about Walker! His words and action sure weren’t those of a Christian…..

    The New York Times has a bone to pick with Scott Walker’s consistency on abortion:

    DES MOINES — It was a memorable political ad: Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin spoke directly into the camera in a 30-second spot last fall and called abortion an “agonizing” decision. He described himself as pro-life but, borrowing the language of the abortion rights movement, pointed to legislation he signed that leaves “the final decision to a woman and her doctor.”

    Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/02/scott_walker_terrifying_christian_apparently.html#ixzz3Sa0u7aHO
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

  19. Veritas
    February 23rd, 2015 @ 10:12 am

    YORK: Why are Americans confused about Obama’s religion?

  20. The Constitution...
    February 23rd, 2015 @ 2:00 pm

    I can’t believe that Walker would ask such a question…!~

    So let me mention some candidates for President that are not Rinos (at least not to my knowledge) and can’t be bought:

    Dr Allen Keyes
    Jesse Ventura
    Pat Buchanan
    And…(fill in the blank)!

    Don’t have time to think of others….

  21. Lewis Thomason
    February 23rd, 2015 @ 5:37 pm

    Seems like the people here who are always talking about unconstitutional this and unconstitutional that need to pay attention to this: Article VI of the Constitution of the United States declares that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”
    It makes no difference what religion he practices or doesn’t practice. He said he is a Christian and no one can prove that he isn’t.Not coming up to your standards means absolutely nothing,in fact from some of the comments on this site at times it is questionable if there are many Christians here.

  22. morgan ward
    February 24th, 2015 @ 6:28 am


    It isn’t like you say that “he comes up to our standard” , as that is the reasoning of fools who obviously are not Christians.

    As a Born Again Christian, Our Standard is Jesus Christ and The Bible , not carnal or fallen Man’s wisdom, as The Bible says that Man’s wisdom is foolishness to God..

    The Bible clearly tells us as Believers in how we can tell if a person is a Child of God or not, and that is the standard we use in our citing whether or not a person is indeed A Christian.

    While one being a Christian or not as being a Qualification or not, electing a non christian, as is the case with Obama, a muslim, is the action of an absolute fool, as The Bible says that the Truth is not in a non believer.As a Christian, I sure don;t desire to ever trust my Nation in the Hands of a non Christian, as there is ONLY ONE way to The Cross, and that is through Jesus Christ!

    You may want to do a little research in our Nations History , and beliefs of our Forefathers, as John Adams, our Second president wrote, ” Our Constitution is written for a Religious and Moral People and is unsuitable for any other.”

    Those words Ring even truer today as it is obvious how ungodly men have led our Nation to its’ ultimate and impending demise.

    Additionally, The Bible says that it is impossible for a non believer to understand Spiritual matters, so it is very easy for a Born Again Christian to recognize a non christian in how they foolishly follow and cite man’s destructive thinking instead of obeying the Absolute Righteous Demands of Christ….

  23. Starlight
    February 24th, 2015 @ 10:09 am

    “It makes no difference what religion he practices or doesn’t practice.”


    This is a naive statement, in- so- much as America was never meant to be led by a Muslim, a Buddhist, or an Atheist.

    Christianity is the foundation of our country, and a major reason why up until the Trojan Horse deceptively infiltrated the government of this nation, we were doing all right; granted there was, we are now finding out, because of Obama’s criminal actions,

    that underneath the facade of life, liberty, and freedom for all, there has been, lo, these last few years, even prior to Obama, the fomenting of corruption, now coming to the surface, full scale.

    We are encountering a judicial system, rotten to the core, a Supreme Court that can be either blackmailed or threatened, or which is just plain ignorant/indifferent to the law of the land.

    There has not been one judge,

    (and even Judge Hanen is a bit out- of it to have taken months to come to a basic/simple conclusion;)

    not one judge has had any legal wisdom or perception about the Obama impostor, nor did they care to know.

    Again, I say, Malihi was probably the foggiest of all. One has to wonder why all were never disbarred for lack of judicial integrity.

    So, back to the question of: is it better to have a leader who has Christian values and morals, and wisdom from seeking the Lord in prayer,

    or is it better to have a person whose moral compass is like the wind, and changes with the pressure of the heathen populace?

    If Obama has done one good thing in his reign of terror, it is to point out what can happen when a liar, hypocrite, treasonous underling, with no morals, defiantly rebellious, psychopathic, and an enemy of our allies, an enemy of TRUTH and COMPETENCE, is at the helm of what used to be the most coveted nation on planet Earth.

    Therein lies the rub.

    And Morgan Ward, thank you for being so articulate in the attempt to enlighten those who don’t grasp what Christianity is and what it isn’t.

    Without the guidance of its basic tenets, we would all be living in a savage nation, no different than those which Obama idolizes and which he endeavors on a daily basis to make America become.

  24. morgan ward
    February 24th, 2015 @ 11:00 am


    Thank you for your very timely and truthful comments.You are absolutely correct in your assertions!

    I have listed a few Bible Verses below that I keep dear to my heart, as they are what God demands that I and other believers convey to others in trying to correct them in the error of their way. Correction is never an Option!In fact,The Bible says that the ones who remain silent without rebuking sin or false Doctrine only do so because they agree with the sin, as their silence is Agreement.

    I always strive to try and correct those who make non Biblical statements, who may take The Bible out of Context, those who try to use Worldly and Secular Humanistic ‘Spins’ of The Bible in order to try and fool those not of, or weak in the Faith.

    [It is] better to hear the rebuke of the wise than for a man to hear the song of fools Ecc 7:5

    Preach the word ; be instant in season , out of season ; reprove, rebuke , exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine 2Ti 4:3

    For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 2Ti 4:3

    And they shall turn away [their] ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2Ti 4:4

  25. Starlight
    February 24th, 2015 @ 12:30 pm

    Amen and Amen.

    Our Bible is a fountain of wisdom,
    and without it, we would be a sorry lot.

    We await I Thessalonians 4:15-18.
    It’s closer than we may know.

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